In the evening of the next day, the sky displayed a splendid array of fiery clouds, with vibrant colors stretching across the soft, billowing clouds. The intense red gradually faded into a gentle pink.

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With a high ponytail, Jian Huan rushed into the Elder’s Courtyard, and even before entering the main hall, her cheerful voice resounded, “Elder Yu, did you call for me?”

Sitting cross-legged at the simple sandalwood table, Elder Yu motioned for her to sit down.

As she took her seat, Elder Yu pushed a large package towards her and said, “There are one thousand spirit stones inside.”


What the hell is going on? Why do they want to give her money right after she arrived?

Jian Huan was astonished, “Elder Yu, what does this mean?!”

Offering excessive flattery without any reason, it’s either a sign of dishonesty or thievery.

Seeing her reaction, Elder Yu smiled and explained, “I’m not the one giving this to you. Your mantra from yesterday was quite helpful. This morning, I discussed it with the Sect Master, and from now on, your mantra can be used during the Qi Refinement stage. This one thousand spirit stones are the sect’s reward for you, and I’m delivering it on their behalf.”

Oh… it’s a copyright fee.

Jian Huan felt relieved, and the burden in her heart lifted. She quickly reached for the package of spirit stones, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, “Thank you, Elder Yu, and please thank the Sect Master! However, I didn’t create this mantra myself. I heard it from a certain yoga master back home.”

Elder Yu raised an eyebrow, “A yoga master?” What’s that?

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Jian Huan explained concisely, “Just a folk master from my hometown.”

Elder Yu nodded.

On his side was a thick stack of papers, the disciples’ letters of intent. Jian Huan’s was on top.

Elder Yu picked it up and asked, “You want to practice Talisman Crafting?”

Jian Huan hugged the package of spirit stones, feeling elated, “Yes.”

Elder Yu looked at her with a gentle smile, “In that case, you can start preparing now.”

Jian Huan was puzzled, “Prepare? For what?”

Elder Yu’s expression was kind, “Talisman pens, talisman papers, and later, you’ll need to attend talisman crafting classes.”

Jian Huan nodded, looking up and down at Elder Yu curiously, and asked, “Elder Yu, do you also teach Talisman Crafting?”

Elder Yu gently stroked the green bamboo strip beside him, “I am a Talisman Crafter myself. Is there a problem?”

“Talisman Crafter?!” Jian Huan looked at the bamboo strip in his hand, “I thought you were a Sword Cultivator…”

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Elder Yu shook his head and showed her the green bamboo strip.

Jian Huan leaned over and saw faint golden runes flashing on the emerald green bamboo strip.

Elder Yu slowly spoke, “In this world, all paths lead to the same destination.”

“Alright, you may leave. Call Gong Feihong over.”

Hearing this, Jian Huan got up, bowed to Elder Yu with excitement, and happily ran off.

After calling Gong Feihong, Jian Huan turned and headed to the Yuqing Sect’s Multiple Treasures Pavilion.

A thousand spirit stones were quite heavy, but she didn’t feel the weight. It was just a bit space-consuming.

Jian Huan wished she had a space bag.

At this moment, the Multiple Treasures Pavilion was empty during the evening meal.

A man was lying in a corner, dozing off.

As Jian Huan’s footsteps sounded, the man’s ears twitched, and he instantly woke up, standing up with a warm smile, “Hello, Junior Sister. How can I assist you?”

In the Yuqing Sect, whether it was the Multiple Treasures Pavilion or the Dining Hall, the staff members were all senior brothers and sisters from the inner sect.

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Jian Huan said politely, “Hello, Senior Brother. I’d like to see the space bags.”

The staff member guided her to the shelf where the mustard seed bags were sold and introduced, “The space bags in our Multiple Treasures Pavilion are all made by the brothers and sisters from the Refining Hall. They are top-notch in all aspects, unlike the goods from outside. Junior Sister, how big of a bag do you want? This morning, the Refining Hall just delivered a batch that can hold a city of a hundred thousand people. Take a look.”

“I don’t need such a big one,” Jian Huan quickly interrupted, “I just want the smallest one.”

The staff member gave her a quick glance and took out a small pink pouch, “This is the smallest one.”

Jian Huan held it in her hand, lovingly playing with it, “Senior Brother, how many spirit stones does this cost?”

When the staff member smiled, his sharp fangs were revealed, “One thousand spirit stones.”

Jian Huan’s fingers paused slightly, and she calmly put down the pink space bag, “I see. Let me think about it…”

Afterwards, Jian Huan meticulously explored the entire Multiple Treasures Pavilion. Whenever she found something she wanted, like a Xuantian Mirror similar to a smartphone, she carefully asked about the price.

The cheapest and most basic Mysterious Sky Mirror was 1800 spirit stones.

The quality of talisman pens varied. The best ones had no upper limit in price, with rumors of the most expensive talisman pen reaching millions of spirit stones in price, while the cheapest ones were 380 spirit stones.

The same applied to talisman paper. The most expensive ones had no upper limit, while the cheapest ones cost one spirit stone per sheet.

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Yes. The talisman paper is sold by sheet!

Before coming here, she thought that buying talisman pens and paper would be easy, but now she realized that Talisman Crafting wasn’t as simple as she had read in the xianxia novels in her previous life.

Talisman Crafters at a certain level of cultivation could create powerful talismans with regular ink on yellow paper. But for beginners in Talisman Crafting, who didn’t possess such a massive amount of spiritual energy, they needed to use talisman pens imbued with spiritual energy and talisman paper made from spiritual wood.

Just like with Sword Cultivators. A formidable expert could defeat demons and beasts with a bamboo stick, but ordinary cultivators couldn’t do the same with an inferior sword.

The only thing that brought comfort was the impeccable service attitude of the staff member, who accompanied her with a smile throughout and patiently answered her questions.

Finally, Jian Huan asked him, “Senior Brother, if I draw talismans in the future, would your shop buy them? If so, at what price?”

The sympathetic staff member looked at her and said, “No, we won’t buy them.”

Jian Huan. “?”

He reminded her, “The Multiple Treasures Pavilion only sells spirit tools and spirit talismans from the Refining Hall. You can try selling them elsewhere.”

“I see…” Jian Huan replied.

In the end, Jian Huan didn’t buy anything and left the shop empty-handed.

She suddenly remembered that she had someone from the Refining Hall, so why did she come here?

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