Transcending Limits

Chapter 108

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"A tear of a goddess?!!!" Leng Yue Yan gasped, covering her mouth with her hand in shock.

"Fair enough. I have a grudge with this goddess." He sneered, thinking back to how Xiao Lian had to suffer because of that Ice chicken.

His words evoked raised eyebrows and he shrugged it off.

"I am taking this." He smiled clutching the tear.

"Fair enough." She nodded.

The next second, an unexpected event occurred.

Sheng Tian's dantian shone with a white light and the translucent tear emitted an intense light.


The primal seed in his dantian shook and stirred, assimilating the deep energies in the tear drop. Along with the Energy, vitality and laws, there was also sadness, grief, reluctance and longing.

"Huuuh" with a deep sigh, Sheng Tian deeply looked at his own dantian.

He understood. He now knew why someone so lofty and proud insisted on killing a junior. He understood why the cold goddess shed tears.

The bitter taste of the tender feelings.

Unknown to him, the primal seed shook with an intense white light and opened a vortex to suck in the profound energy.

This time, the entire beast empire spanning hundreds of kilometres could feel the turmoil of the profound energy in the air.

"I can't control! I can only breakthrough now!" Sheng Tian's eyes were wide open and he swiftly sat down cross legged and began to circulate Heavenly Sword Arts.

He had no choice lest he exploded from the overflow of profound energy!

His cultivation level boomed and he instantly reached the initial stage of ninth realm Nascent Soul Realm.

However, it was only beginning.

Middle stage Nascent Soul ninth level.

Peak stage Nascent Soul night level!

However, breaking into the Earth realm proved to be arduous than he anticipated.

It didn't take a genius to figure out the reasons—insane energy requirements, prerequisite of a stable foundation and thorough understanding of the cultivation base.

The single differentiating characteristic of Sheng Tian's cultivation from the rest is the energy he needs for each breakthrough.

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This increases yet again for a major realm breakthrough.

Say 10 pills could help a Nascent Soul Realm breakthrough into the next sub-realm, then Sheng Tian would easily need more than a 1000 pills.

If the breakthrough is into the next major realm, say Nascent Soul to Earth, then the disparity would be expanded further.

The stable foundation was never a big problem for Sheng Tian due to the presence of primal seed in his dantian—the heart of the energy network.

However, it couldn't be helped that a cultivator still needed to be conscious of his own prowess for his cultivation base to be fully realised and stabilise.

Sheng Tian only started contemplating about his own cultivation once he couldn't advance. This is because he was always breaking through at a breakneck speed!

When he was first presented the problem of delving deeper into his own cultivation, he was not happy. However, the implications of not doing so propelled him into doing it anyway.

That was how Sheng Tian began realising and understanding cultivation and began to view it in a new light.

Cultivation, he realised, is not just a tool, but a way of life.

It's going against the laws of nature, to stand against the tests of time and stand at the pinnacle of creation, impervious yet able to interfere with the machinations of the Heavenly Law.

Eternal, Immortal, Transcendent.

It is this notion of the illusory peak he envisioned.

Thus after realising his cultivation base and understanding the realm of Nascent Soul, Sheng Tian felt, given enough energy, he could breakthrough into the Realm of Earth anytime.

Now, with the Tear of Goddess, copious profound energy entered into his dantian and flowed into his profound veins.

It circulated at an insane speed, following the pathways he guided based on the Heavenly Sword Arts Cultivation Technique.

Slowly, this profound energy started to gain the attribute of a sword.

Sharp, Merciless, Unstoppable, ...

One by one, the profound energy in his body started gaining the attributes of his Sword Heart.

That is, the profound energy in his body is the direct manifestation of the Sword he cultivated in his heart.

This is the essence of the Heavenly Sword Arts!

A cultivator's mindset is ultimately reflected into his cultivation.

A sharp person would have sharp sword profound energy.

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A person with a persistent heart would have a strong profound energy and so on.

The profound energy in his dantian flowed to the profound veins of his body. His profound veins reached the pinnacle of existence.

Adding the attribute of Mythical Dragon veins, they now also possessed the characteristics of a True Mythical Dragon!

That meant, Sheng Tian's profound energy would also have the attributes of a his Sword Heart, Dragon and the undeniable primal seed.

Leng Yue Yan saw Sheng Tian breaking through at the moment and stood nearby to guard him.

However, right at this moment, a group of tigers, apes and snow eagles approached them from the sky.

"Halt!" The leader of the small army, a Heavenly Tiger—the group of tigers that have a white fur and a pair of long wings, shouted.

"Surrender or die." It spat at the two humans.

These profound beasts are still in their original form and couldn't transform yet.

After all, only OverLords beasts could!

Leng Yue Yan looked at Sheng Tian and realised he would take a while to breakthrough.

Gritting her teeth, she realised that there are more than 20 profound beasts in the air.

All of them were young and had a cultivation base in Sky Realm!

The weakest was in the first level of Sky Realm while the strongest was at fourth level!

This is not a force she can take down single handedly.

Biting her lip, she brandished her sword and her aura soared.

An extremely bone chilling blue flame floated on her palm.

Her voice was like from the deepest abyss as she spoke in an emotionless tone "Take a step and you die."

The Heavenly Tiger, with a cultivation base of fourth level Sky Realm, squinted its eyes and muttered "The Lake of Frozen Tears is indeed no longer the same. To think that this pathetic humans…"

"Break her limbs and capture him." The Heavenly Tiger ordered.

"Whish" piercing the air, five apes approached her stretching their filthy paws.

"Die." She waved her hands and instantly a blue flame engulfed an ape at the second level of Sky Realm.

Without even having the time to yell, the ape turned into a popsicle and crashed on the ground, breaking into countless pieces.

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"What the!" The eyes of the Heavenly Tiger almost popped out realising the terror of her flame.

"I want that flame." His eyes showed greed. His gaze drifted to Sheng Tian sitting crosslegged and his eyes shone with a sinister expression realising Sheng Tian's cultivation to be lower than Sky Realm!

"Everyone, use your full strength and attack the boy. Don't hold back!"

Leng Yue Yan's body shook hearing those words. She instantly appeared in front of Sheng Tian and waved her sleeve.

A dome formed around him, made of the purest Ice profound energy shielding him from the outside world.

"You're fighting me." Her body glowed with an intense blue light and she thrust her sword into the neck of an ape at second level Earth Realm, instantly ending its life.

"It's not up to you." The Heavenly Tiger chuckled and dashed in front of Sheng Tian.

With a crazed smile, its paws glowed with a white light and struck the dome protecting Sheng Tian.

"Crack." Several cracks appeared on the dome, indicating that it won't last long.

"Oh, interesting, let me see how long this can hold. This boy must be important to you, right?" With an arrogant laughter, its paw glowed with an even more intense light and was about to stuck the dome.

If this attack really hit the dome, it would definitely break and Sheng Tian would not survive!

"No" with a hysteric scream, Leng Yue Yan tried to reach Sheng Tian.

But the tens of profound beasts stood in between and used various attacks on her.

"Bam" Leng Yue Yan's eyes shone with a decisive light, and she bit the tip of her tongue, sacrificing a drop of blood essence.

Her figure blurred and she appeared right in front of the Heavenly Tiger's attack.

There were multiple wounds on her body that were caused when she ignored everything and arrived to save Sheng Tian.

Thrusting her palm, she attacked the heavenly tiger.

"Booom" she was pushed back and hit the dome. A sweet feeling swelled in her throat, as a line of blood escape her lips.

Just now, in that short moment, she couldn't muster enough profound energy to attack, thus the result.

"Attack the dome and cripple her." The Heavenly Tiger was pushed back several steps. Licking the blood on the corner of its lips, it dashed at the dome.

Leng Yue Yan closed her eyes and raised her hand.

She just acquired the Heaven's End Ice Flame. Naturally, she was not very familiar with its usage.

But still, she had to try.

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Because she couldn't escape with Sheng Tian.

During a breakthrough, if she disturbed him and he suffered from Energy deviation, the best result is minor internal injuries. The worst result is Exploding of the profound veins, dantian and the heart!

There was no way she could take such a risk!

"Descent of Cold Moon." Leng Yue Yan suppressed her injuries and spoke.

Instantly, a cold gale blew and a luminous moon made of pure profound energy formed on her sword.

The entire lake of Frozen Tears was illuminated under the brilliance of the moon.

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"Annihilate." She spoke and waved her sword.

Instantly, the cold moon arrived in front of 6 Tigers in the third realm of Sky Realm and detonated.


With a reverberating blast, the six tigers were blasted into chunks of meat and bones.

"Kill!" The eyes of the Heavenly Tiger turned red and it changed the attack to Leng Yue Yan.

At the same time, the remaining dozen profound beasts unleashed their attacks on her.

The Snow Eagles attacked with wind blades.

The Apes punched at their full strength.

The only remaining, yet the strongest of all—the Heavenly Tiger pounced at her as its aura exploded to the peak.

Facing these deadly attacks, Leng Yue Yan neither panicked nor did she grow angry.

Instead, she smiled.

She smiled imagining how Sheng Tian would owe her big when she saved him.

She smiled imagining how he would be forced to thank her and stop acting as the big boy.

She smiled imagining him joking with her once again, after this crisis passes.

She smiled imagining him getting beaten up when he tried to tease her.

Her smile was so beautiful.

With unprecedented determination, all the profound energy in her body soared out. The Heaven's End Ice Flame appeared outsider her body.

With unwavering belief, she swung her sword. A terrifying cry of a Phoenix sounded and the Ice Flame enveloped everyone!

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