Transcending Limits

Chapter 109

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In the Realm of Frozen Hell, on the banks of lake of Frozen Tears:

"Screeech" the cry of an ancient beast resounded, following the explosion of a massive blue light that spread into the distance.

At that moment, Leng Yue Yan's body shone with a frightening intense blue colour as she swung the Heaven's End Ice Flame at the 20 opponents.

However, the profound beasts were not peace lovers. They were using their full strength to attack her at that moment.

Then, their attacks collided.


Bright flashes of flickering violent, green and red light flashed, before they were devoured by a gigantic blue light.

A horrifying explosion shook the lands and skies.

Like a kite with a broken string, Leng Yue Yan was blasted by the force.

When she about to fall down, a pair of warm hands caught her.

Raising her pale face, she shuddered at the sight of Sheng Tian's terrifyingly calm eyes.

She knew deep under his carefree persona, he was a calm person and beneath that calmness lied something she didn't want to think about—his other side; the dark side.

The part of him which knew no mercy, the him who could slaughter countless pitiful profound beasts to achieve a goal of his with no remorse.

Leng Yue Yan believed if she accidentally unleashed the demon, then not just the Mystic Ice Sect, even the whole continent would be slaughtered!

She couldn't be more accurate. One day not far in the future, the entire Mythical World would face against Sheng Tian and shudder in terror!

As her thoughts swirled, Sheng Tian's sky blue eyes locked onto her and they softened. "I will bathe you in their blood."

His silhouette blurred and the next moment Sheng Tian appeared in front of a bunch of Snow Eagles.

Though they were injured by Leng Yue Yan's ice flame, they were after all, 20 versus a single person!

Added the fact that she couldn't control the Ice Flame well yet, the damage distributed did not do major damage to them.

However all of them were injured, and almost 20% of their strengths dropped.

That means Sheng Tian only needed to fight the group at 4/5ths of their strength.

Given that Leng Yue Yan ended the life of seven profound beasts in the original twenty, he still had to face thirteen of them.

Showing no hesitation, a blood thirsty sword appeared in his hands.

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"Dark Sword Arts—Heaven's Wrath." His emotionless voice rang in the silence, darker than the deepest of abyss.

The Six Snow Eagles flapped their wings and burned their blood essence immediately.

The terror of the black aura gathering on his red sword made them feel hopeless about escaping!

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, the six Snow Eagles, each which were at the size of a tiger, expanded crazily until their bodies turned comparable to a mammoth!

Nerves bulged and swollen blood vessels protruded forming a grotesque figure.

"Forbidden profound art—Call of the Ultimate Snow Eagle." They yelled.

A red phantom made of blood essence, profound energy and vitality was instantly formed as it hovered above the Snow Eagles.

When the Snow Eagles finished, so did he.

With a slash, he blasted the profound energy at them to annihilate!

At the same time, Sheng Tian suddenly turned around and dodged the sneak attacks of the Heavenly Tiger and the six apes.

These beasts never intended to have a fair fight! But so what? This was never a fair fight in the first place.

Sheng Tian's lips curled into an evil smile as his figure blurred, a pair of dark wings appeared on his back.

His speed approached the peak of Sky Realm and he appeared behind the Heavenly Tiger.

"Wha—" before it could even complain, a hand caught its tail and swung it at the Red Eagle Phantom.

"Sto…" with great determination, it tried to control the profound energy and change the direction.

Alas, Sheng Tian would never let it go.

The moment he touched the Heavenly Tiger, his profound energy entered its body and started to wreck havoc.

"Aaargh—….stop the a-attack!" It yelled at the Snow Eagles.

However, they couldn't do anything about it.

Once the Phantom is formed, it could not be withdrawn. What baffled them the most was his timing! A second earlier would be off the mark and a second later, the phantom would have already attacked!

It was in this second that he threw the Heavenly Tiger at the phantom.

Poor them, they would never understand the terror of Sheng Tian that lied more in his thoughts than his actions!

With a screech, the Eagle Phantom rushed to Sheng Tian and thus, collided with the Heavenly Tiger who was exactly in between them.

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With a burst of profound energy, the phantom was obliterated. The Heavenly Tiger's wings were cut off. Its limbs were crippled and there was a huge wound on its stomach.

"Blergh" not able to hold back, it spit a few mouthfuls of blood.

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"World's Annihilation." Sheng Tian's body emitted an evil black light and his fists shone with an intense glow.

The next second, he appeared in front of the exhausted Snow Eagles and swung his fist.


A chilling profound energy escaped his body and landed on the six creatures.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Without exception, their bodies exploded upon contact leaving behind a pile of bone and flesh.

In front of the terrifying divine profound arts Xiao Lian passed on, they had no choice but to repay with their lives!

The Heavenly Tiger was half-dead. Its eyes were swollen and its body trembled in rage and fear looking at Sheng Tian. Finally, it looked at the six apes who halted from sneak attacking Sheng Tian and yelled with its remaining strength "Attack that bitch you fools!".

What it didn't notice was Sheng Tian's hand was always glowing with a peerless white light all this time.

The white light is the vital energy from the primal seed! It seeped out of his hand and went all the way to Leng Yue Yan who was floating in the air due to his profound energy.

Think different.

Sheng Tian was controlling her body to float, healing her and at the same time destroying the enemies!

If he could have a very powerful spirit sense, why not do all the three together?

Looking at the crazy apes who plunged at Leng Yue Yan, he sneered and snapped his fingers.

Her body glowed with a white light and instantly, a profound energy barrier was created around her.

His spirit sense was already connected and he made a profound energy thread connecting them! This allows him to use his profound energy in that position as if he was standing there!

Such a terrifying property of his profound energy, he only realised by accident. But that accident would be the doom of these profound beasts.

"Bang." They crashed against the barrier and were thrown back.

"Ugh." With a muffled groan, the six apes slowly stood up. After all, no substantial damage was done just now.

"And you, roll out here for me!" Sheng Tian's lips curled into an extremely arrogant smile and a sword made of pure Ice profound energy was condensed above the Heavenly Tiger who took out a talisman from its space ring.

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The sword was over 4 meters long and half meter wide.

"Frost of Zephyr." He muttered and the next second, the sword broke through the profound energy barrier of the Heavenly Tiger and impaled its throat and heart!

Dying the ground with thick blood, it collapsed powerlessly and used all its strength to spat "T-They….a-are …co-o-ming! Die!" Its lips had a sadistic smile even upon death.

Sheng Tian's lips twitched and instantly, his aura exploded to the maximum and he caught Leng Yue Yan in his arms.

He sensed her internal condition and sighed in relief. After all the healing from primal seed, she has almost recovered.

The only reason why she was injured in the first place was because of him.

If she only fought to kill, she would have no problem slaying everyone here, albeit it would take time.

"Hmm?"he raised an eyebrow sensing a strange familiar aura.

"Ice Flame?" He realised that he seemed to be able to feel the legendary flame in her dantian.

"If that works, how about…."with a thought, a chilling ice glow appeared in front of them, causing Sheng Tian's eyes to almost pop out.

Wasn't only the master of the flame able to use the flame and no one else could, regardless of their condition?

What is this?

However, those thoughts were pushed to the back of his mind as his hands shone with intense profound energy and injected it into the Ice Flame.

"Origin Ice Extermination." He used a cliche name and snapped his fingers.

"Whoosh." The soft blue flame, filled with his profound energy shot at the six apes who were dazed by its appearance in the first place.

Now, looking at the incoming attack, they didn't hesitate and burnt their blood essence to form together a red sword.

This sword was of extreme Yang attribute, rising the temperature and melting the trees in the surroundings!

Extreme Yin gives birth to Yang and Extreme Yang to Yin—the fundamental basis of all Polar Opposites!

Sacrificing the Ice profound arts they cultivated, a tremendous amount of Yin Energy was sacrificed in exchange for the Yang sword!

After all, they have long since realised that Ice attributed attacks were basically useless against the Ice Flame which seemed to be the master of every Ice element!

"Suu" the Yang sword plunged onto the flame at a breakneck speed, propelled by the blood essence and profound energy.

"RIP!!!!" the sound of ripping through air accompanied the weakened ice blue flame.

Looking at the dried up flame, the apes chuckled in pride. 'Now that you're used up, let's see how you will attack a hair on our body!"

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Unfortunately, they underestimated Sheng Tian's methods.

When they were laughing, he soundlessly appeared behind them and his red sword glowed with an intense killing intent.

"RIP!!!" Before they could respond to his move, six heads flew out in the air, ending their laughter.

Sheng Tian flapped Heaven's Wings and instantly rose hundreds of meters into the sky.

Looking at the bloodied Leng Yue Yan, his expression finally returned to one that of relief and guilt.

Tapping her cute nose playfully, he bent down and whispered in her ear "Good girls wake up fast. If you are late, you will be a Bad girl. And you know what? Bad girls get punished!" His other hand which was holding her waist slowly moved down.

Before he could touch something worth relishing, her aura exploded with a thick killing intent and Sheng Tian was pushed back several tens of meters.

"Hey!" In indignation, he pleaded mercy.

Leng Yue Yan's cold eyes swept at him and she snorted before her body disappeared into the distance.

However, no one could deny the rosy blush on her cheeks under the sun set.

"Damn you Tsundere!" Sheng Tian exclaimed but didn't chase after her, because he knew what she wanted to do.

"Tsundere?" All of a sudden, Len Yue Yan appeared in front of him. Her bloodied and tattered dress was already changed with a fresh and new snow blue dress. Her snow blue robes didn't help covering the amazing curves and her fluttering snow blue skirt was but enchanting.

Gulping saliva, Sheng Tian whistled and gazed into the distance "The sunset is beautiful, haha."

No way! Even if you hack him to death, he would never say it!

His eyes suddenly widened as he applauded "The Beast Empire!"

Leng Yue Yan looked at him in suspicion before she turned around.

She saw it, not through her spirit sense, but directly with her vision.

Countless buildings were constructed with brick and jade as they formed a circular formation around a gigantic hill.

There was a castle made of pure black iron on the hill!

The empire spanned hundreds of empires and exuded far more grandiose than the Qin Capital!

In fact, if not for the fact that the residents were profound beasts, its construction and aesthetics would have long since surpassed the legendary Royal Capital of the continent!

Leng Yue Yan turned to peer into his eyes, her expression inexplicable.

Sheng Tian sighed and shrugged "Don't give me that look. I still don't know why the flame came out."

So, she woke up the moment the Ice Flame was summoned by him! However, due to the deep shock it caused, she didn't wake up until now.

Good grief.

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