Transcending Limits

Chapter 122: 122

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'Do you realise what you're doing?" The Old Man, Futian, glared at the Senior Elders at the door and hissed.


The one leading the pack was an Old Woman with a wrinkled face, and a skinny build, master of the devil disciple Qi Yue—Qi Si!

Sheng Tian, for the first time, had to face the power of an OverLord. It was not just one, but five mid stage OverLords.

"Sheng, what's the plan?" Xiao's voice sounded in his mind.

"I'm not gonna fight with this Oldies. I still have two teleportation tokens for the worst case. The last stand would be me stirring up the Primal seed beyond control along with my Dragon bloodline. However, before all that…" he paused the telepathy with Xiao Lian, raised his head and yelled at the still Old Man.

"Old Man, just fucking drink it alrea—Ugh!" Before he could finish, a huge pressure smashed onto him, crushing him to ground and breaking his bones. He spat out a large mouthful of blood in pain.

"Shut up! You're still useful." Qi Si scorned and withdrew her palm. Yet, the pressure still hovered above.

It was not just him, even Leng Yue Yan was in the same situation, perhaps, even worse given her inferior physical defense.

Before his body threatened to pass out, a cold aura swept over him, alleviating his pain and pressure.

Bing Ying stood before them as she brandished a black blade.

"Betrayal deserves only one sentence. Death." Her aura rose and reached the initial stage of Fifth level OverLord Realm.

"Sheng, I undid my seal. If it gets risky, I will take you out. It is only gonna consume a few days of my lifespan." Xiao Lian patted her chest.

"We wait." He declared.

The air was solidified—Frozen.

The aura of Five Senior Elders was unleashed. It shot up from the first level all the way to the fourth, and that should've been it.

But it didn't stop. Their aura touched the fifth level and seamlessly broke through the layer.

Five Fifth Level OverLord auras crashed against Bing Ying's single aura.


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The air broke. The stillness was dispelled.


Sheng Tian, who was about to get up was once against thrown to the ground. Her protection was broken and he was on the verge of fainting.

Thin, warm stream of blood flowed from his lips.

All of a sudden, tremendous vitality burst in the room, a green light followed.

Sheng Tian's lips curled up. Finally, the Old Man relented.

His body was still pressed against the cold floor, but his heart was beating with a desire of conquest.

He didn't like being at the mercy of others. Never.

"She has a vial too. Kill her and take it." Qi Si shrilled.

Magnificent Profound arts emerged from the OverLords as they unleashed blade, storm and swords.

The roof of the abode was blasted away. Frigid air that once made the room feel cold now appeared warm in the face of the extreme Ice Profound Arts of the Experts.

Bing Ying sighed.

She didn't want to destroy the people who were the foundation of this sect.

Yet, she can't allow the sect to be fallen in the clutches of these very individuals.

It's gonna hurt. The pain is unavoidable.

"Mystic Killing Ray." Her sword drew an arc.

Space was torn open and a dazzling blue ray shot at the incoming attacks.

It was only then that Sheng Tian remember that OverLords were known for something crazy.

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They can tear the space apart to move and attack.

His eyes shone with a frenzy desire. A thirst.

The blue bolt was like a flood. No matter the obstacles, it pushed them through and blasted the Five Senior Elders.


The Five Senior Elders were down in one short, half-kneeling on the ground.

Bing Ying held her sword and squinted her eyes.

It didn't take a moment, the result was obvious.

She was the Sect Leader for a reason.

"Hehe. Who would've thought that you mastered the Mystic Killing Array?! So young, yet so talented." Qi Si, dishevelled, spat out the broken teeth and chuckled.

That tone wasn't that of defeat. Her eyes blazed with insanity.

Sheng Tian croaked his neck to find the Old Man still covered by the green light.

'It's taking normal than longer. Perhaps, the injury is too serious.' Sighing, he studied the eyes of the five elders.

These people, three of them were the masters of Qi Yue, Xu Tian and Shi Yan. Two others, he didn't know.

He knew that Senior Elders were apparently in the fourth level of OverLord Realm.

Yet, these were clearly emitted the same level of aura as Bing Ying.

It was as if …..they were planning this coup since a long time.

"Hiss" a terrible guess formed in his mind and he yelled "be careful, they migh—"

"BOOM!!!" A jet-black dark aura shot up, darkness hovered the Sect Master Residence.

"Si-xth level OverLord!" Bing Ying felt her nerves tighten.

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The more pressing issue was, "Devils?!" She hissed.

"Our Sect had quite informative records, didn't it?" Wrapped in an evil black aura, Qi Si's smile appeared even more sinister, yet somehow fitting.

'You can't be fucking serious!' Sheng Tian cursed.

Why is everyone turning into devils? Not just that madwoman Qi Yue, even her maser too?

What happened to these people?

They couldn't be forced by someone with their deep cultivation, right?

Sheng Tian could feel a terrifying enemy hiding the corner, moving his pawns one by one.

First, disrupt the society with disappearance of a million people. Then, Forbidden Lands become the inescapable death sources. A core disciple in the Sect turned out to be a devil. Then, even the foundation of the Sect—Senior Elders; had devils.

Just how deep did they infiltrate human powers?

What is the Royal Family doing? What is the power behind Meng Xin doing?

No. He can't wait for them to take action. He has to do it. Himself.

"Die." The Five Senior Elders—now devils, spat.

Their weapons cloaked by evil slaughter and darkness as they prepared the profound arts to end her.

Bing Ying bit her lip. She glanced back at Sheng Tian and Leng Yue Yan lying on the ground.

Then, one last time at the figure shrouded absorbing the green light. She choose to believe. In him and thus, herself.

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"Divine Phoenix Rampart." She directed all the profound energy in her body and chose to defend.

She couldn't defeat them. But she might as well buy some time. However, saving these two promising youngsters…..

She flickered her wrist.

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The space before Sheng Tian and Leng Yue Yan was cracked open.

"Be Safe." Her voice reached their ears.

"Wai-"being pulled into the space, a soft blue light covered his body protecting him from the fatal space travel.

"He's too dangerous to be left alive!" Qi Si's voice sounded, and all of a sudden, five unique profound energies shot at him.

"Crack." The protection covering him was broken and Bing Ying coughed up blood.

'You shameless oldies, ganging upon me.' He commented in his mind.

It wasn't because of calmness. It was because he couldn't move even a finger under the huge pressure.

The Space Channel was once again broken at multiple places and a bright light flashed before his eyes.

A terrifying profound energy assaulted him.

That's it. He was thrown into the Space Crack and shot ahead like a bullet.

The next second, he could feel his flesh being torn apart, tormented. It was not profound energy though.

It was Space itself. It twisted and twirled, displacing matter.

He realised, he was caught up in the middle of a Space Channel.

The pain was inhumane.

Sheng Tian screamed, until his throat turned dry.

Before the space storms devoured him, a familiar soft profound energy covered him.

The Space Crack closed.

Before it did, from the final opening of the Space Crack, he saw the blurry figure of a Young Man wrapped in faint green light dashing towards the Five Old Men.

He blacked out.

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