Transcending Limits

Chapter 123


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I forgot to put this notice. I have exams from 25th till 28th. So, I should show some diligence.

A Good news would be the few holidays after the next week where I can put some effort into the story. *I should work like a beast, probably*

The immediate question—How do you want this volume to end?

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1. End it now and let's get the edited version soon.

2. Have one chapter on the current Sheng (giving him a proper closure), one chapter on the future Sheng. Edited version can wait.

3. Only Current Sheng

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4. Only Future Sheng

This decision is totally upto you.

*Though I will not be sure if those chapters would stay the same in the edited version. Chances are, they won't.*

Next thing—If you want me to change me something in the edit-no matter how big or small it may be, what would it be?

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Examples include but not limited to—a start with more fights, avoid over physical descriptions, make the story more tense, add more depth to the characters, have more characters, change the system of cultivation in so and so, give this super power to MC, add this kind of treasure, .....etc.


Now don't stop praising me *cough*, this edit will take a few days(~2 weeks/could be less), but I'm planning to make a fundamental change by giving Sheng something from the beginning. (No promises though, but I think the story will be way better that way.)

I read each and every comment. So make sure to state your point.

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I thank you for the patience you've shown. This edit is kinda abrupt, even a bit unwanted, but indubitably necessary.
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