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Fallen Devil's Land, Lost Paradise:

Blood was dripping from his wounds, slowly drenching his clothes as he floated in the air.

Wiping away the blood from the corner of his lips, Sheng Tian gazed at the Old Experts in front of him.

They all had several wounds on their chest, stomach, back, arms, shoulders, legs.

With their tattered clothes, these OverLords who could move mountains and break rocks looked no better than street beggars.

"Young Man, are you sure you want to do this? If you succeed, you will only ending up destroying this World! Stop this madness!" an Old Woman said with a righteous face.

"Tch. Petty tricks." Sheng Tian sneered and shot a condensed beam of lightning profound energy attack.

The short old man next to the righteous old woman was secretly preparing a profound art to take down Sheng Tian and the righteous acting Old woman is stalling time.

Sheng Tian saw through their facade and attacked the short old man.


A bolt of lightning condensed from the lightning profound energy impaled the old man's throat.

It all happened in a flash. No one could react in time as the Old Man's dying body dropped from the sky.

Ironically, The death of their comrade was forgotten and they went all out in attacking Sheng Tian.

Beams of rainbow colours shot at him and Sheng Tian was instantly surrounded by myriads of weapons- swords, spears, halberds, sabres, daggers.

The space itself was torn apart as the sheer power became too much for this World to handle.

Looking at the incoming attacks, Sheng Tian snorted and coldly said "Asura Domain"

Instantly all the Old Men present a terrifying killing intent penetrating deep into their hearts and souls.

The weapons froze abruptly as if the air itself solidified.

The experts fighting Sheng Tian were no ordinary people. They were OverLords! Anywhere in the world, they are just one step from achieving the Ninth and Peak realm of Mortal Cultivation!

Now, such OverLords were stupefied by the sheer amount of strength displayed by a Young Man many times younger than them.

Sheng Tian's eyes still remained sky blue but he emitted a blood red light. He just looked like a demon from hell!

Petrified by the shocking sight, one of them cried out "Devil!" which was soon followed by the rest.

"Yes, he is indeed a devil. Much crueler than the others.." the others joined as they looked at the bone chilling scene in front!

Looking at the petrified bunch of experts, he wasted no time and slashed out his sword.

Soon, the ground was dyed in blood.

Right after killing the last person, his expression turned serious as he gazed ahead and felt being watched. His instincts screamed at him to run away.

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Instantly, he used the Space Heart and vanished. Ever since obtaining Absolute Origin, his senses and level of existence increased.

The next second, a middle-aged man appeared right where he was standing.

He appeared without a sound or trace of an aura. Yet, that was not comparable to Sheng Tian's teleportation.

Looking at the corpses below, he muttered said coldly "He is definitely a devil. Otherwise, how can be so powerful at such a young age! Just one realm away from reaching the Peak of this World's cultivation.

How can it be? He is definitely here to unseal the Ancient one. He should be killed lest the world will be destroyed." he took out a talisman and spoke a few words before vanishing.

... ... ...

At a far away location:

"Huff" Sheng Tian appeared inside a desolate cave and collapsed on the ground panting heavily.

Using the Space Heart was not easy. It never was. Fortunately, he is now strong enough to use it voluntarily without fainting.

Slowly gathering himself, he sat in the lotus position.

In his dantian, the Primal Tree slightly shook and like a black hole, it started absorbing the profound energy from the surroundings.

His injury started healing at an insane speed and soon, there was not a single cut on his body.

He started cultivating right away.

The tree in his dantian sucked the profound energy from all over the surrounding kilometers as it started entering his dantian, which then slowly circulated in his profound veins in a specified path.

Four hours passed.

He opened his eyes slowly, there was a light of five colours which disappeared quickly. He took out an ancient parchment from his storage ring.

It said "The Ancient One is sealed in the Lost Paradise in between Life-Death, like the Twilight flower that blooms in-between Polar Opposites."

Sheng Tian closed his eyes as the countenance of a celestial main appeared in his mind.

He clenched his fists so hard that the nails dug into his palms. After a long time, he relaxed his hands and sighed deeply.

Did he really become an enemy of the world? What if the World really gets destroyed?

So what? It's better than sitting and doing nothing. This is the only way. The World has its heroes anyways. Let them save it, I will only do what I want to. There is no other choice.

He got up and walked outside and looked in the direction of the fallen land.

This is a Land of dreams-the lost paradise, yet it is hiding such a dark secret.

Yet, his first time on the island is in such dire circumstances.

He sighed thinking back to the first time he entered this world.

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It was right after he fused with Origin and didn't know of Absolute Origin yet.

As his mind wandered to the past, a fuzzy picture slowly began to clear in his mind.

*** *** ***

(The day when Sheng Tian transmigrated to Mythical World)

"Take this brat." a voice sounded loud and clear right when he 'woke up' in this world.

*Thud* Before he could even see what's going on, a strong force hit him on the chest knocking him to the ground.

Sheng Tian felt sore all over his body as he groggily opened his eyes and looked around.

His blurry vision became clear as he saw a tall, brawny young man looking at him with despise.

Seeing Sheng Tian open his eyes and look around like he was waking up from sleep, the brawny young man got pissed. He lifted him by the collar and punched him in the gut.

'Fuck.' Sheng Tian cursed in his mind. The moment the hit landed, as if his brain was struck by lightning, a flood of memories came crashing.

He landed on the rough ground heavily clutching his stomach.

Sheng Tian had no time to review them before dealing with this guy.

Meanwhile, his idle ears caught the noise around.

"Beat that trash!"

"Yeah, crush him."

"It was a waste to use such medicines on him."

Sheng Tian looked around subconsciously to find a group of young men and women around the age of 16 and older, looking at him with blatant loathing and smiling with schadenfreude.

Sheng Tian only accessed two things in his new-found memories. His own strength and all the information he had on the brawny guy.

Listening to the comments from the crowd, the brawny man felt incredibly pleased and satisfied.

He always wanted to have a great image!

"Hmph! I shall teach you your place." the brawny young man said as he approached Sheng Tian to step by step.

'This might work.' Sheng Tian thought.

He didn't stand up but his brain started thinking the best way to implement his plan.

The brawny guy appeared right in front of Sheng Tian, he raised his leg and kicked at Sheng Tian's chest.

Using the best timing and direction, Sheng Tian swiftly punched the guy's crotch.

"Aaaah…" a gut-wrenching scream resounded as the guy clutched his precious treasure.

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Sheng Tian didn't stop there as he swiftly tore the guy's pants and ran off hastily.

Before he ran off, he didn't forget to say " Fellow Cultivator, How can you be so shameless and show your underdeveloped body to our sect sisters? At least wear some underwear!"

The brawny guy almost spat out blood upon hearing that!

How is he shameless? He was the victim here! Damn that fellow.

And my underwear, how did you tear it off so perfectly? Bro, are you a pro in these things?

Now, the brawny guy is showing off his 'thing' to everyone. Instantly, the women in the crowd spat out in disgust. Meanwhile, the men laughed mockingly.

"Che, what do you even have to hide?"

"Yeah, my boyfriend is five times bigger. You better become a eunuch. haha."

"Do you even feel the pain?"

The crowd only wanted some free entertainment. When the brawny guy was beating up Sheng Tian like always, they watched it in amusement. Now that the brawny guy is standing without anything covering his family treasure, they started to gain entertainment from mocking him. After all, it's free and needs no effort to satisfy their vanity. So, why not?

Hearing the ridicules, the brawny guy's face turned beet red. He tore his shirt and growled as he covered his 'thing' with the cloth and fled hastily.

The crowd quickly dispersed but before they did, Sheng Tian's strange bravery today was obviously brought up. This made them feel strange but they didn't think much about it, after all, they had their own lives to think about.

Sheng Tian was sweating heavily as he staggered into his humble abode.

It was a small house with two rooms. A bedroom and a living room.

He dragged his body to the cot and collapsed before he knew.

Thankfully, he planned for the only way out. From what he knew, the strength difference between them is not unimaginable. At least, his attacks will still harm the brawny guy if he is defenseless.

So, the best spot to attack? Of course the most vulnerable and unexpected one!

And by shaming him by exposing him to the public, he directed the emotionally unstable brawny guy into escaping from the crowd for a few days, which would buy him time.

He slowly started losing consciousness. But before he did, he sensed the familiar feeling of 'Origin' washing his soul and body.

All of his body started transforming. His profound veins, muscles, blood, tendons, everything there is, has started undergoing some strange change under the white light of Origin.

His soul and body were being sublimated under the Origin.

When Sheng Tian almost lost consciousness, a sharp pain came from all over his body which jolted him awake.

"Aaah." "Aaaaah"screams of agony filled the air.

Sheng Tian, being an ordinary human from earth, never experienced such pain, his mind nearly went crazy under the torturous pain, but the tantalising promise of freedom held him back from madness.

As the pain increases, Sheng Tian began to feel numb. His screams stopped. He patiently waited for the metamorphosis to end.

The next thing Sheng Tian knew, he was in a pool of black, smelly mud.

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He got up wearily as he felt something completely different.

Earlier, even though he could control his body properly, it was very rigid. But now, he finally felt that he is having full control over it. There is no 'foreign' feeling anymore.

That's not the biggest change though. The change is in the body itself.

Even with his tiredness, he can feel that his body has become very light, flexible. It has even grown stronger and sturdier to a certain extent.

Sheng Tian cleaned the bed. He slowly moved out of the room and took a bath.

He sat cross-legged and started reviewing the memories that appeared.

After a few minutes, he laughed out loud. There is a bit of madness to that laughter, a bit of relief, a bit of hope and a bit of unconcealable Joy.

This is a cultivation world! This is a world you can do as they place as long as you are strong enough.

But the greatest part was you can gain that power through your own hands!

You can break the limitations of nature-lifespan, health, strength, weakness-everything can be changed!

To someone like Sheng Tian who always longed for ultimate freedom from the shackles of the world, it is a blessing that couldn't be any better.

And the predecessor of this body was Ling Tian. His birth parents died when he was young and was accepted into the sect by a kind Elder.

But the Old Woman passed away two years after she brought him here. Back then, Sheng Tian was only Nine.

After the only support of his life gone, he lost all interest in life and lived every day just because he feared death.

His talent in cultivation was mediocre, but not non-existent. However, the depressed Ling Tian spent all his time wallowing in self-pity and blaming the world for its unfairness.

He had a laughable achievement in Cultivation, having reached only the first sub-realm of Elementary Realm.

The sixteen years of his life were put to waste and ended only when the brawny guy accidentally hit a sensitive nerve on his neck, accidentally killing the guy and ending up with Sheng Tian transmigrating into his body.

Sheng Tian lightly sighed. He knew how unfair the world can be. He experienced how it is like to feel life is hopeless.

But there is one crucial thing Ling Tian missed in his life, that Sheng Tian realized during his death.

When you give up on trying, you are fated to lose.

Then he proceeded to check the changes in his body with the basic knowledge acquired from Ling Tian.

His profound veins which are the crux of the Energy Cultivation were completely rebuilt. They were shining like crystals, they all had a feeling of origin.

His body, muscles, bones, every single part of his body went beyond what can be considered "perfect."

The Dantian which is the heart of the profound veins network is better than ever. There is also a glowing white ball there.

Sheng Tian also felt his soul becoming different. It was a strange and intimate feeling. He concluded that his soul has mixed with Origin in someway.

Unable to withhold his curiosity, he tried to sense the glowing white sphere.

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