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Sheng Tian instantly felt a huge suction force from the small white sphere.

All the little energy in his body was absorbed into it.

Now his body didn't have even an iota of Profound Energy.

This essentially meant that his minuscule cultivation was gone!

Sheng Tian was unable to stay calm and shouted "Damn you. Now, this is really great!"

However, the next moment a stream of Energy much purer flowed into his profound veins from his dantain.

His cultivation didn't increase to the first stage of Elementary Realm but Sheng Tian was sure he is stronger than even a third stage Elementary Realm Cultivator.

The unmatched pureness and density of the profound energy flowing in his veins is the testament to his belief.

When he thought it was over, a Suction force stronger than the one before appeared all of a sudden and attracted the Profound Energy from a radius of 100 meters.

Sheng Tian furrowed his brows and tried to stop the white sphere. But he was not able to control it.

He sighed and relaxed knowing that there is nothing he could do.

Soon, his body felt a flood of Profound Energy like never before.

Sheng Tian had no choice but to close his eyes and direct the profound energy in his profound veins to dantian and circulate in special patterns before making it his own cultivation.


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A small crack sounded as the torrent of Profound Energy stopped finally.

Sheng Tian opened his eyes as his lips curled upwards.

His Cultivation base increased and he broke through to the first stage of Elementary Realm.

Sheng Tian clenched his fist as he felt stronger than ever. He was pretty sure that this is not the strength a first stage Elementary Realm Cultivator should possess.

Thankfully due to some reason, no one noticed the abnormality here. Or was it also caused by the white sphere?

He chuckled and let out his signature carefree smile.

Sheng Tian was always a carefree person. He liked the freedom because it lets him have what he wants. He is a person who follows his own heart.

He analyzed: 'The nine Realms of this world-Elementary Realm, Foundation Realm, Profound Realm, Nascent Soul Realm, Earth Realm, Sky Realm, Emperor Realm, OverLord Realm, Heaven Realm.

What does the highest level of power grant me? Immortality? Nah, it doesn't seem so. This world feels so much more like a lower world from the stories I've read. There must be stronger worlds with higher cultivations.

But being in this sect means I would have to start from the bottom and face the major underdog challenges. I might even have to fight against stupid people's masters. It is totally undeserved and stupid.

Better find a powerful master and grow strong enough to protect myself in this dog eat dog world. Who knows, if what I read in those stories is actually true, then I can gain my goal of living the way I want without being bound by the rules and limitations.

I better move before the shitty revenge plot begins. That brawny guy must be a dog of someone and that owner would be coming after me now. It is most likely the case.'

Sheng Tian swiftly decided on his next move and started looking for things he had.

There was only some money enough to spent on normal food and travel expenses. There are no Energy stones which can help him boost his cultivation. Hell, he didn't even have one of the lowest grades!

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When he went to pick the money and a set of clothes, Sheng Tian was stunned as an extremely handsome face appeared in front of him.

Silver Hair, sky blue pupils, and a perfect frame, the countenance were irresistible.

"Me?" Sheng Tian pointed at his reflection in the mirror, with mouth wide open.

Seeing that the image also followed his own actions, Sheng Tian came out of his stupor.

"This is the same as my face on earth, but even more handsome. But didn't Ling Tian have black hair and pupils? What should I do?" rubbing his chin, Sheng Tian showed no intentions of stopping praising his own handsomeness and thought.

In the end, he only sighed and said "Ah well, it's not like I know anyone here. Let's just get over with it. People always tend to assume something whenever they see the unknown."

"My face is too handsome, I don't know if some chicks fill have some naughty ideas. Aii, being so handsome also has its own problems when you are not strong enough." He shamelessly but logically thought of a terrifying yet amusing possibility.

"I have to get strong or I might die under a woman."Sheng Tian got a bit scared of such death and immediately exited his humble abode.

What greeted him was a wide path with small houses on either side. Every house looked similar.

The sides of the path were filled with green bushes, fragrant flowers. The air was bustling with Profound Energy.

Even though Ling Tian was only an Outer disciple, the status remained a dream for many across the continent.

Sheng Tian's handsome features made countless disciples look at him in shock, envy, and adoration.

No one recognized him as Ling Tian except a few. But their words were ignored as no one believed such a handsome man was Ling Tian.

Sheng Tian, unfettered by the gazes, arrived at an ancient style building with two floors. Entering in, he was greeted by countless gasps.

A number of female cultivators turned to look at him with their mouths wide open.

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Some of the weak hearted ones blushed and tried to seduce him with their flirtatious looks.

One particular daring young woman walked next to Sheng Tian and acted as if she tripped over something, just so that he would hug her.

Alas, the poor chick didn't expect Sheng Tian to be intelligent and wise enough to not fall for such tricks.

He swiftly moved to the side, resulting in the young woman really falling down face first.

Since she was wearing a skirt, some perverts took full advantage to peek the best they could.

Of course, Sheng Tian couldn't stand this horrible sight. He quickly lifted the young woman touching her butt and a hand over her arms so that her skirt covered her undergarments.

Feeling the springy butt in his right hand, he gave it a quick squeeze as he shouted at the male disciples with a righteous face "Aren't you ashamed of what you are doing? If a sect sister falls down, all you want to do is peek and ruin her innocence. My Pure heart can't watch this anymore."

The fellow male disciples almost spat out the blood at Sheng Tian's lecture.

Peek? Of course, we did. Who wouldn't when given a chance? But you, you are holding her at wrong places and doing wrong things, yet you are claiming yourself to be a Pure person?

If you are pure, then the prostitutes will become virgins.

Sheng Tian gave her butt another squeeze as his left hand was almost touching her chest, but he stopped himself.

The young woman in his embrace was quite sensitive, and with a tight yet perfect squeeze from such a handsome young man, she couldn't help but let out a small moan.


"There there, junior sister. Don't worry. This big brother will take you to safety from these perverts."

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"Senior Bro…" before she could even reject, Sheng Tian carried her to the Mission Hall and dropped her gently.

Patting her back, he said "Young Lady, not everyone is as kind as me. After all, who can walk without taking advantage of such beauty in his embrace except some saints like this Humble Self? Take care."

Saying so, Sheng Tian turned around and took the mission, gave it to the person in charge and dashed out of the mission hall.

All the while, the young lady stood as she gazed stupidly in the direction of Sheng Tian.

She….never expected such a handsome man to be a shameless pervert.

Are the heavens truly blind? To give such a perverted man such a handsome face, isn't this a bit too much?

Didn't they say handsome warriors are like knights on white horses, but why is this guy such a.....

She stomped her foot and ran away.

Not everyone can be so shameless.

Meanwhile, Sheng Tian reached the entrance of the sect. He was smiling merrily. After all, he did something kind and helped a poor young woman.

As for her trying to get his hug through her little act, of course he had to forgive her. He is a very kind person after all.

But the lady's butt is honestly good, he thought as his face revealed a longing expression, like a soldier who missed his battlefield.

When he just exited, he felt a pair of eyes on him, which quickly vanished.

Sheng Tian thought of one possibility and proceeded forward.

However, when he just exited the sect, two figures quickly caught his attention.

Sheng Tian thought 'Ok. Don't tell me, this is an engagement annulment."

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