Transcending Limits

Chapter 38

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Sheng Tian's silhouette blurred as he headed to the centre of the forest.

He has activated the Celestial Body Tome and can cultivate it now.

From his current position, he can see the Wall dividing the Forest into two halves. The middle of the wall was the entrance to the centre of the forest, also his destination.

Sheng Tian slowed down and focused his spirit sense to the limit.

A pink gas was released along with a green gas as numerous spikes shot at him. All of this happened in an instant.

The Pink gas was the love gas which would drive people horny, the green gas would render a cultivator unable to use Profound Energy, and the spikes, would cut iron like butter.

Till now, Sheng Tian faced each of them alone, but when facing the three of them a the same time, the difficulty increased more than 3 times.

He sensed the direction from which the attack came and saw a huge figure.

With tentacle-like branches on the downside, sharp spike-like branches on the upside with the main body in pink and green colour, creepy was an understatement.

Sheng Tian held his breath and dodged the spikes.

In a split second, a desolate aura started coming out from his body. It signified destruction.

His hand gathered a large amount of profound energy and used the 'Destruction Play' as his punch blasted the Plant monster.


The mixed plant monster was dead as it was blasted to pieces. Sheng Tian's journey continued.

A few hours passed marking the end of the first day in the forest of bones.

By now, the contestants spent three days in the Ancestral Grounds.

Everyone got their fair shares of rewards.

The crystals in the blood lake improved the physical strength and bloodline of the contestants while the spirit fruits improved their cultivation.

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However, only Sheng Tian's body rejected the crystals for some strange reason and his cultivation was increasingly very slowly compared to people at the same strength.

That is, if a typical genius needs 10 spirit fruits to breakthrough from 1st level of Earth Realm to 2nd Realm, Sheng Tian being in the 1st level of Nascent Soul Realm alone needs more than a 10,000 fruits!

The bigger problems was, the more his cultivation increased, the larger the disparity. It is increasing exponentially!

Even with Primal Seed that could gather vast amounts of profound energy, Sheng Tian found that his cultivation speed has reduced to a great extent.

The issue was present right from the beginning but it was evident only after he broke through to the Nascent Soul Realm or precisely, the Mid-Mortal Realm which includes: Nascent Soul, Earth and Sky Realms.

He even doubted if he could ever reach Emperor Realm.

So, he took the obvious path. He decided to search for natural resources to breakthrough.

Sheng Tian arrived at the Huge wall in the centre of the forest.

It was made of a special wood, wines and dangerous spikes. It is said that the forest of bones is divided into two semicircles by the wall and one needs to cross the core of the forest to reach there. And how do you get to the core? through the central wall of course!

Then why would anyone want to get to the other side of the forest when there is no jade seals there?

The goal was not the other side of the forest, but the core area of the forest itself!

It has 3 Jade Seals at a single place!

The catch is, no one was able to stay alive after reaching the core of the forest.

All that remained were their bones.

That's how the forest got its name.

He swiftly created a glowing shield around him and entered the opening of the Central Wall.

Ahead of him was a mass of white spread out in a vast circular outline.

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It had a radius of almost 50 meters and is spread out in a perfect shape.

He knew what it was, no, who it was. They were the previous contestants who tried to take the three Jade Seals and ended up as the pile of bones. The bones turned into powder and only a few remained intact.

Sheng Tian took a deep breath and ate a recovery fruit, restoring himself to his peak.

With complete focus he spread his spirit sense and stepped into the huge circle.

A white figure shrouded in an icy blue light was silently watching the whole time.

When Sheng Tian entered the circle, the figure turned around and vanished.


The moment his foot landed on the ground, the powder of bones rose into the air.

Sheng Tian didn't find anything weird even after he placed his second foot.

Shrugging it off, he walked towards the centre amidst the sounds of bones cracking under his feet.

When he entered the 30 meter zone, his Soul fluctuated and his senses were alerted.

Sheng Tian closed his eyes and clenched his fist. With a determined gaze, he entered the inner circle.

Fortunately or not, he didn't feel anything weird and started walking towards the glimmering green light in the pile of bones present at the centre.

But as soon as he was 10 steps away from the centre—at the entrance of the core circle, a strong suction force came from the centre as his blood grew chaotic.

Sheng Tian's Mythical Dragon bloodline intervened and stopped the invading force.

Since the situation got under control, Sheng Tian walked towards the centre. But the closer he got, the stronger was the suction force.

A bloodline from a living Mythical God should never be taken lightly as a single drop of blood itself can kill Heaven realm Experts!

However, when Sheng Tian got the bloodline, the Mythical Dragon God reduced it to the least quantity in energy possible and bestowed it.

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It is because, the stronger the bloodline, the harder it gets to control it. If Sheng Tian directly got a bloodline with the power of Mythical God, he would have long since exploded!

Thankfully, he completely integrated with the bloodline and they were synced .Still retaining its qualities, the bloodline would go stronger with him.

Since Sheng Tian himself is weak currently, his bloodline strength is not high.

After taking the 5th step, the Suction force overpowered the Dragon bloodline!

His bloodline's resistance got weaker and weaker.

All his life-force was being pulled. Only the weak resistance was stopping it from gushing out.

At the third step, the resistance was on the verge of collapse.

Sheng Tian didn't stop walking into the centre.

Somehow it held on the last thread.

Sheng Tiana picked up the three Jade Seals.

He turned around to walk back, but the moment he did, the suction force multiplied countless times and broke his defense.

Sheng Tian was about to use his Primal seed as a back up when something astounding happened.

A very light churn occurred in his blood as a force emerged deep from within and totally crushed the force.


A bright light flashed blinding Sheng Tian as sounds of a glass cracking sounded.

After a while, Sheng Tian opened his eyes to see a broken array.

All the bones remaining instantly turned to dust.

Sheng Tian was dumbfounded.

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When he took the risk, his back up was Primal Seed. But the trump card was always the Mythical Dragon Bloodline and Physique! It was the same thing that helped him in the blood lake.

He never thought that a bloodline from a Mythical God would collapse. He never expected that his bloodline would collapse. Even more than that, he never expected the strange force in his blood. What was it?

Compared to how the Dragon Bloodline struggled, this force—possibly a bloodline, literally crushed the suction force. There was not even a struggle of resistance from the other side.

This force should be many times stronger than Mythical Dragon bloodline.

But who could have a bloodline which is so much stronger than a Mythical God?

Isn't a Mythical God the pinnacle of Existence?

Sheng Tian knew that he was being kept in dark of his own powers.

He could only conclude that this could have got something to do with 'Origin' or the family bloodline of this body.

Nevertheless, Sheng Tian was ecstatic to have something so powerful.

He believed that one day, he could control its powers and use them properly. However, he was also a little frustrated for knowing nothing about it.

One thing he was afraid was a family bloodline. He was not ready to face the family of Ling Tian if they still exist.

In the novels he read, it happens all the time that the Main Character was a heir of some strong family from a higher realm and is left in the lower realms for some reason. And that's how he gets the bloodline.

Sheng Tian shook his head and prayed that it shouldn't be the case. If it was, he swore to teach the Author a nice lesson using Monkey steal peaches.

Now, it all depends on the Author's courage and determination to face this 'deadly' attack whether Sheng Tian got a family bloodline or not.

Another discovery was the existence of a formation which is made to suck away the life force of the Participants. It increases exponentially when one tries to leave and they are thus left to rot away after being sucked dry.

Sheng Tian felt increasingly confident in his judgment that this might not be a 'Trial' anymore.

Sensing the future trouble in sight, Sheng Tian's lips curled up.

More problems? Even more Treasures!

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