Transcending Limits

Chapter 39

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Following the destruction of the formation, the whole forest shook as all the trees withered in a few breaths.

Sheng Tian thought 'The forest of bone became the forest of death in a moment.'

And a ridiculous thought came to his mind 'Could it be?.....the life energy from the participants is used to grow the plants?'

'Damn it. I knew this was an evil place.'

The legend of the Forest was broken. The core area of the forest was an utter mess. All that's left was a pile of dust.

Sheng Tian left after finding no treasures in the centre.

All the spirit fruits shrivelled up.

All the contestants reached the central area of the forest and were stunned.

No one knew the perpetrator. But even if they did, they would never provoke such a person.

It's to be noted that even a group of 20 Cultivators working together did nothing to help escape the core area, much less destroy it!

And all the 20 people were at the absolute peak of Earth Realm!

No more incidents took place.

This time everyone from the Blood Lake and Forest of Bones was teleported.

..... ..... ..... .....

Ling Chen and Liu feifei found each other in blood lake.

Liu Feifei leaped into his bosom "Big Brother, Let's find sister Qin Qing."

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Ling Chen nodded and patted her.

When Qin Qing saw Ling Chen, her mind recalled the incident where he saved her from those people and his broad shoulders which looked like they could even hold up the sky.

Her heartbeat increased as she saw his eyes which were like black holes sucking her soul in.

She had a feeling as if Ling Chen is a prince riding a White Unicorn was coming to to rescue her from the prison tower.

When she was about to reach out her hand to hold his hand, and a hand came to hold hers.

Qin Qing became emotional and her eyes turned red. Finally, she found someone she loved.

The tears threatened to fall, the hand she was holding tightened the grip.

As she felt the worry in the hand, she patted it and gently shook her hand and forcefully held her tears back.

Just when she was about to kiss the person, She heard a voice filled with a little bewilderment and panic "Um, Sister Qin Qing, could you leave my hand?"

Stunned, Qin Qing raised her head which was down the moment she saw him. And she saw

Liu Feifei's hand in hers.

Qin Qing understood what happened and felt her cheeks burning up.

'Thankfully, I didn't kiss her yet, otherwise, he might think that I'm into girls.' Qin Qing sighed in relief. But now she had to cover up.

She smiled lightly and said releasing Liu feifei's hand "I'm sorry, Sister feifei. I was just happy to see you guys helping me."

Ling Chen on the other hand thought 'Yuuuri~ Ah, you were almost there.'

He nodded but felt that she was closer to him than usual.

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Liu feifei sensed something else when she saw Qin Qing's gaze.

Because that was the same gaze she had when at Ling Chen the whole time in her previous life.

Thinking till there, she felt her heart flood with gratitude that she was able to be reborn with Ling Chen and he finally accepted her feelings of a lifetime and loved her back.

Unlike other girls, she is different as she lived a life which others couldn't imagine.

The reign of evil prevailed and humanity was on its last stand.

Only their struggle pushed human race from extinction to prosperity. In the process, however, they sacrificed themselves.

Even before death, their life was not a bliss.

Blood, Gore, Massacre, plundering, the threat of world destruction and the end of humanity—with these living conditions, everyone was united.

Just after 5,000 years, humans are living without a care for fellow beings.

At first, she envied such a world, but later felt luckier to be able to live in such world with Ling Chen. They had no worries, and could enjoy the peace they deserved.

Her life as Qi Niu'r ended the day Ling Chen found her and she awakened her memories. From then on, they were inseparable despite Ling Chen's interest in men.

She knew that even if there was someone stronger than Ling Chen, in her eyes, he would always be her most beloved person. Nothing can change that.

This is the blossoming from the seed of Unrequited Love which was planted 5,000 years ago.

From Qin Qing's gaze, she knew that she fell for Ling Chen.

If it was any other woman, they would never agree.

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But she? She was someone who waited an entire lifetime to be loved and knew the bitterness of waiting forever.

For the sake of her beloved, she decided to let Qin Qing be Ling Chen's wife as well.

As for her, as long as she is with her 'Big Brother Ling Chen', everything is fine.

(Author's comment: This is when I knew this is gonna happen!)

... ... ... ... ...

Sheng Tian's vision caught a huge Hall with a high ceiling in the shape of a dome.

The Square Hall itself is not considered overly large yet there was an aura emitted that put everyone in place.

The walls seemed to be made of some sort of ore mixed with stone, and have not lost their luster to this day.

The inscriptions on the walls are enigmatic adding an extra feel of grandiose and reverence.

The Whole Chamber illuminated with hazy green light.

Sheng Tian found a total of 28 people apart from him. It seemed that one person was dead from the initial 30 members. It was not shocking in anyway though.

Then, his sight fell on a Elliptical formation with 30 square seats on the stage.

Each seat had a connecting line on the ground running towards the large pillar the centre.

On the pillar were carvings of Swords, Sabres, Spears, Trees, Profound Beasts, Cultivators and some other beings he couldn't recognise properly but were similar to humans.

'Non-humans?' he thought.

He recalled the details of this final trial—The Hall of Inheritance.

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It is the most sought after trial in the Qin Ancestral Grounds. One can argue that it is the heart of the trials.

Because the rewards of this trial are the most precious and greatest, sometimes going beyond the wildest of dreams.

Rare Pills, Ancient Treasures, Mysterious Cultivation Techniques, Unparalleled Profound Arts and the most precious—Legacies, everything can be found here!

If you are worthy, you will be rewarded.

As Sheng Tian thought of the possible rewards, he was excited.

Right then, an ancient voice reverberated across the entire hall startling the youngsters.

"Welcome, Young Ones. All the rewards and risks till now were just a prelude. Now, go ahead for the trial of Inheritances. I hope to see you grow into experts bringing the inheritances the glory they deserve and respect to your ancestors."

Everyone was excited and couldn't wait to start the trial.

But the voice continued: "This time, all the 24 Jade Seals were collected."

"Hence, you will get the opportunity to enter my tomb and have a chance to receive my own legacy and treasures. I hope to find a worthy youngster inherits this Old Man's mantle."

"Till the trials of Inheritance are over, there should be no fights. You may begin."

They had high hopes when they heard they had a chance to inherit the Qin Clan's foremost forefather's treasures and inheritance.

It is more so for the Qin siblings as they would have an innate advantage due to their bloodline and a higher probability of receiving the legacy.

Everyone knew that even if someone else than the core members of the Qin Clan received the legacy, they would definitely be robbed of it by Qin Clan itself claiming the said person is not worthy.

So, they were only hoping for treasures, pills, and herbs inside the tomb. Even if Qin Clan takes a part of them, they would still be gaining a tremendous fortune!

Sheng Tian sighed at the irony of walking into a tiger's mouth.

Even more ironically, he had no choice but to join them.

Hoping to make the best out of the worst, he made his move.

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