Transcending Limits

Chapter 50

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Sheng Tian was the first to wake up. He found himself on the array.

Looking around, he realised that everyone else is unconscious. Blood Wolf was not present.

The bodies of devils were missing due to the clash of Ice Phoenix earlier.

Without any further ado, he used his profound energy to keep them fainted.

Then, he looked at the place Blood Wolf previously stood and sighed. His thoughts were chaotic.

A bright light flashed at him as he closed his eyes.

Slowly peeping out, he saw a glimmering light from crack of the wall ahead.

He quickly walked up and saw a blue box.

An array was protecting it. But it seemed to be damaged by the fight between the Ice Phoenix phantom and the darkness ball.

At the entrance of the formation was a token in "Q" symbol.

Clearly, it was Qin Clan commanding token. He silently slipped into Ling Chen's robes.

He didn't have to use much strength before the formation was destroyed. The box only had four objects.

The first item was a token resembling the sun with spikes all over its circumference. It looked ancient but still had a vibrant feel like a glowing sun with its bright yellow color.

The next item was a token in square shape.

It had "T" engraved on it.

As he examined it, Sheng Tian breathing became rapid.

It is the teleportation token!

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It was mentioned in the books present in the Library of Sacred Sword Sect. Upon inspection, he found that the it would teleport to a random place in a radius of 100 km.

This is a life-saving treasure!

Then he looked at the next treasure, it was a pill.

The description was:

Yang Transformation Pill: When consumed, even a trash mortal would become a peerless talent and would be able to cultivate any yang related techniques. Changes one's talent!

Sheng Tian's mouth twitched. He cursed his luck.

He had Mythical Dragon Physique, blood including marrow which continuously increased dragon's bloodline concentration in his blood.

It is a manifestation of Extreme Yang!

To others, this pill might be absolutely law-defying and fate changing, but to Sheng Tian, it was just your average pill.

Sheng Tian cursed himself for being too awesome.

Afterward, he sat in the circle. And before he did, he flicked his fingers waking up the four people.

Ling Chen, Liu feifei, Qin Qing and Leng Yue Yan slowly opened their eyes and looked at him.

He looked at them and smiled "We would be like everyone else. We sat in the circular formation and started providing energy in anticipation until the arrogant voice was heard.

Then we tried to remove ourselves from the formation but just like everyone else, we too had our bodies controlled and lost our consciousness.

The next thing we knew after we woke up is what everyone sees now. Just make sure to heal your wounds to the same extent as others so that things would go smoothly. Got it?"

Everyone nodded their heads. Sheng Tian smiled.

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Then he turned to Qin Qing.

Poor Qin Qing still had that beautiful five finger red imprint on her gorgeous face.

She looked quite pitiful. When Sheng Tian looked at her, she involuntarily shivered.

Even though quite some time already passed, the pain on her left cheek was still as fresh as ever.

She had never been slapped before and she especially didn't expect to be slapped to oblivion!

What a cruel man he was!

She involuntarily moved next to Ling Chen and held his arm in fear that Sheng Tian would once again slap her.

Ling Chen too held her hand as a sign of approving their relationship as well as protecting his new lover from this demon's slaps.

He looked at Sheng Tian vigilantly. Even Liu Feifei looked at him like some thief.

Leng Yue Yan recalled what happened and looked at him strangely.

What indifference, to slap a beautiful girl so hard and he didn't even apologize.

He is rude and ....different? Interesting~

Sheng Tian rolled his eyes and had a saintly expression "Why are you looking at me like that?

You want me to thank your life for saving you? No, no, no. I'm a generous person and does only kind things without expecting anything in return. I myself feel being so soft and kind would lead to problems but alas, I can't even bear to hit a mosquito. I am truly kind!"

The four people didn't buy his words at all.

Kind your ass! Why don't you say you are a saint?

Sheng Tian ignored their reaction and "Miss Qin, My armor...."

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As soon as the words left his mouth, Qin Qing didn't waste a second as she hurriedly removed the armor and returned it.

Seeing this young miss act like a scared kitten, Sheng Tian didn't know to laugh or cry.

Aii, I saved her life but all they see is that insignificant slap. It seems like slaps became more important than life.

Then, he smiled once again "Miss Qin"

Qin Qing hid deeper in Ling Chen's embrace as Ling Chen glared at him "Ling Tian, don't scare her!"

Directly ignoring him, Sheng Tian's smile widened "You should cover the finger marks on you cheek. Else, people will wonder how you got slapped."

Without waiting for them, he closed his eyes and the next moment.

After some time, one by one all the remaining people fifteen people woke and the four woke up at random in between.

The reactions of these four people were exactly like others: fear, shock, imagination.

Out of the thirty people, only twenty-six survived until they arrived here.

Now, only fifteen are remaining.

This is indeed a bit scary.

From each group, the members from noble families or Qin Clan are missing.

Even Daun Han was missing as he was one of the devils.

Heck, even Qin Cheng himself is missing. But no one is in a mood to care for others as Blood Wolf's words ringed in their minds bringing shivers.

The room was in a mess. The ceiling was blasted off and the Hall of inheritance could be seen above. The walls of the room were destroyed. The passage was clearly visible from it.

Some of them had the courage to check out the place for treasures and inheritances.

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As the saying goes, birds die in the pursuit of food and humans die in the pursuit of wealth.

No one found anything. Then they started to suspect what happened here. There were really signs of battle or auras as they were removed in the last second by Xiao Lian.

Qin Cheng's group members were panicking.

Their team leader was gone! Most likely, he was dead. How're they going to explain themselves?

But so what? How is the Qin Clan going to explain themselves about this 'Blood Wolf'?

More importantly, Qin Clan is going to face the questioning of all the Organisations they were from! They aren't responsible for his disappearance. It has got nothing to do with them.

Qin Lie was drenched in sweat. He even forgot his enmity with Sheng Tian.

They would be teleported out soon, what can he do?

Yes, Jade Seals and Commander token!

They searched the place frantically along with Qin Qing's group who were doing the same. When it is not found, a fight broke out for Jade Seals.

Qin Cheng's group gave all their Jade seals for the teams to fight as they lost their leader to use them.

Leng Yue Yan didn't bother to participate along with Sheng Tian. Ling Chen and Qin Qing defeated the Qin Lie's group members.

Now, they won all the 36 Jade seals.

Qin Qing's team got 24 jade seals while Qin Lie's managed 12.

Sheng Tian had a headache thinking of the upcoming interrogation.

They would be suspected of the disappearance of the missing ones. And it is common that the winner's team would be suspected more or so he thought.

With 24 Jade Seals in hand, Qin Qing was grinning from ear to ear as a white light shone on each of them and teleported them back.

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