Transcending Limits

Chapter 51

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A familiar sight entered his eyes as Sheng Tian and co. appeared back in the Qin Jade Palace.

Six Elderly People—Four old men and women were standing in front of the teleportation formation.

They all exuded a deep aura and had a profound expression.

They were the people at the apex of the Great Qin Clan—Grand Elders. They are the OverLords!

Behind them was a group of Senior cultivators standing obediently. They were the Senior Elders of the Qin Clan! With a cultivation of Emperor Realm, it is not funny to piss them off.

The terrifying part? There were at least a hundred of them!

Soon, the Clan Leader Qin Feng arrived with the old foggy; Alchemist Yu Yang.

All the Senior Elders bowed to Qin Feng while the Grand Elders nodded at them.

Soon, a blinding light flashed as a group of youngsters appeared on the array in the vast room.

The curious expressions of the Grand Elders turned into shock realising that only half of the contestants returned!

Gnashing their teeth, one of the Old Woman in the grand elders released her cultivation base to pressure the contestants and said "Where is Qin Cheng? Don't think of escaping alive before revealing the truth."

In an instant, all the contestants felt unbearable pressure on every inch of their body. Their bones were just one step away from breaking.

But hearing her words under such intense pressure, the young people remembered how they almost lost their lives due to Qin Clan's trap.

They endured the pain and glared at the Grand Elder as one of the brothers from Sacred Sword Sect shouted "Stop acting already! We nearly lost our lives due to your stupid lies. You wanted to unseal a monster with our lives. That Qin Cheng, he would better be dead."

Silence took over the entire secret room.

Unsealing a monster? What are they talking about?

Everyone was confused.

The Old Woman felt her heart shake with fear, she increased the pressure on the young man from the Sacred Sword Sect and yelled "Bastard, how dare you! Tell me the truth! What happened to him?"


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With sounds of bone cracking, the Young Man's feet sunk into the ground as blood flowed out of his legs.

Gritting his teeth, he laughed coldly "Kill me if you dare. But expect the visit of the Vice Sect Master to your Clan. I wonder if you dare?!"

Thinking of the death of his beloved son, Qin Feng's eyes became moist as he clenched his fist.

The Supreme Grand Elder, Qin Mu also had his eyes slightly red but was quick to regain composure.

Seeing that things are getting serious, he decided to take a tactful approach: "Youngster, do not take it to heart. It is only on impulse. Let us all talk in the meeting hall." even though he said like he was negotiating, there was an unquestionable authority behind his tone.

He eyed the Old Woman and she grudgingly removed the pressure, snorted and closed her eyes.

Soon, everyone was in the meeting hall.

They didn't even bother about telling the participants to clean their wounds.

It made the participants from the sects feel indignant and insulted, but seeing that the one who spoke was Qin Mu, they kept their silence.

Sheng Tian was just like everyone else was in the crowd. He remembered clearly that the alchemist Yu Yang gave him a different, dangerous feeling, unlike other enemies. Only now did he arrive at a certain answer. He must also be a devil!

When the disciple of the Sacred Sword Sect shouted about releasing the monster, Yu Yang's eyes became brighter and involuntarily a small smile was formed on his lips.

Sheng Tian conformed his assumption with this response from him.

Now his mind was thinking of all the possibilities.

What is their end goal?

According to Ling Chen and Liu feifei, it should be ending humanity.

'Qin Cheng' told that the entire 'Mythical World' would be conquered by them.

Hm...So, world-conquering war which would lead to a genocide of humanity in the process as well as crippling the martial arts civilization of this world.

But this is all possible only if they have sufficient power and enough people.

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Based on how they tried to do things in the dark, there is a high chance they are not confident of beating the combined forces of the continent and only wanted to do things from the dark.

But considering they came out to gather their expert: Blood wolf, who is at least an apex OverLord, they must be very strong at their peak.

After they got to the meeting hall, Qin Feng and Qin Mu sat in the centre of the high platform while the the Remaining Grand Elders sat on the highest positions on the side. The participants sat on the sets below.

The Alchemist Yu Yang sat on the highest available seat in the hall excluding the ones on the stage.

Qin Feng regained his composure already and looked at the crowd. In a loud, yet calm tone he said "Now, each of the contestants, describe what happened clearly."

As a result, each and everyone told their own experience. No one else other than the five knew about the devils.

The only interesting part was the 'Ancestral Tomb' which is itself a huge trap from the very beginning.

The fight between Qin Cheng and Sheng Tian cursing him "F*ck your mom" received a few raised eyebrows. It was too brazen. When Qin Feng heard this, he became furious.

The problem was everyone told they lost consciousness after getting assaulted in the array.

Ling Chen, Liu feifei, Qin Qing, Sheng Tian, and Leng Yue Yan too did the same.

At first, Sheng Tian thought that someone pure and cold like Leng Yue Yan would be unable to lie and be caught. But much to his surprise, she had the same ice-cold indifferent expression when replying to the questions and there were no changes at all!

It seems like he underestimated this Big Sis's coldness use.

Ling Chen, Liu feifei didn't even flinch while lying given their vast experience. Qin Qing also managed to not make any mistakes. It seems like companionship with the couple is making her a professional liar too.

When they heard about the red box which needed everyone's profound energy to be unsealed, Qin Feng and Qin Mu furrowed their brows. They obviously sensed something hidden in the arrangement of the test.

Why would someone so great as Qin Ancestor have trouble opening a box which these juniors could open? But the contestants were blinded by greed and didn't shed tears until they saw the coffin. It is obvious that for them that it is definitely due to this 'Bloody Wolf.'

The most disturbing fact was the aura released by the bloody wolf they described when the voice declared its plan.

According to them, it was a mix of pitch black and blood red. It showed extreme bloodlust, evil and desolateness.

When they woke up, the red box was scattered and the monster likely escaped.

Indeed, this is sending them to their own graves. They are lucky to survive. And then was the signs of a fierce battle which broke the walls, cracked the floor and blasted the roof.

It showed that there was indeed a fight when these people were unconscious, but who could do such great damage?

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And when everyone regained their consciousness, they didn't find any treasures but only found a broken formation. It is likely to be taken away by the unsealed monster.

Then did the ones who disappeared were also taken by the Monster! That could be the only explanation.

Qin Feng arrived at the conclusion and whispered it to Qin Mu.

Qin Mu, being the Old Fox he is, looked at the crowd and said "Now, according to the rules, open your spatial rings and show us your rewards. Don't try to hide anything as you would be found easily. Then, not just your treasures will be taken."

Qin Feng understood his father's intention. He wanted to find clues from their treasures. In the end though, they found nothing.

Ling Chen was found with the highest blood crystals. Considering the strength he displayed, it was not astonishing.

As for the rewards from the Hall of Inheritance, they are imparted directly as memory. Only the highest level of talents can get the Written Manuals. Hence, no one felt suspicious about the lack of Inheritance treasures.

Sheng Tian's eyes were calm but inside, he smirked. All his treasures are in the Snow Glazed Lotus Realm.

Disappointed, Qin Mu said "We'll leave this matter for now. We would question you if we need anything. Arriving at the point of the trials, the winner is decided."

He looked at Qin Qing, his old but clear eyes showing appreciation as well as expectation. Then he asked her softly "My granddaughter, how many Jade Seals did you acquire?"

It would be extremely bizarre for a grandfather to talk to his granddaughter like that just after one of his grandsons's died. But people in cultivation world are used to seeing deaths and are more accepting of it.

In fact, there is even a saying " You might not see tomorrow's sun. So, drink full for tonight and sleep under the moonlight."

Sheng Tian was the only one who felt a little out of place seeing how things changed from a murder investigation to clan head selection.

'Aii, different strokes for different folks. They don't feel weird, I guess.' He thought.

Qin Qing replied "24" as she took out the seals.

All the Grand Elders revealed a look of surprise, but the next second, Qin Qing took out a Jade token in the shape of "Q".

The eyes of the grand elders shrunk and their breathing turned rapid as their faces turned red.

Immediately, Sheng Tian looked around in the hall.

Where is the naked beauty who made this Old fellas have so much arousal?

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Alas, there was no naked beauty. So, why did these guys became more excited than their day of virginity loss?

He soon found the answer as Qin Mu shouted "Wonderful. Marvelous. Stunning..."

Sheng Tian really wanted to retort " F*ck, Stop calling me and get to the point."

Qin Mu laughed out like he just found a new wife along with the remaining Grand Elders "Haha, You are my, Qin Mu's granddaughter. This is the legendary Command Token of the Qin Clan! It means our Qin Clan's fortune would undoubtedly soar to an unprecedented level."

Qin Feng interrupted with a larger smile as he said "What are you talking about father? She is my, Qin Feng's daughter first, then your grand daughter. Good daughter, you are your father's pride. Good, Good, Good, Good, Good,.....Good,..."

'Good your sister! How many times do you have to say? Stop it already!' Sheng Tian shouted frantically in his mind.

For a second he even doubted if they went crazy from excitement.

Fortunately, Qin Qing used what is left of her minuscule brain and asked "Grandpa, what is the Legend of the Command Token?"

Immediately, Qin Mu's expression turned serious as he took a deep breath. He slowly started speaking "A few thousand years prior, the Qin Clan was founded by our Ancestor. He was called Heavenly Wolf—a legend of the Heaven Realm.

He was said to be a peerless expert in poison and Wind Elemental Energy. Even though, we Qin Clan were not able to inherit the poison arts from him, we are known for our Wind Elemental Energy.

The Command Token is something which never left the Ancestor's hands. In our records, his words were recorded stating that whoever holds the token shall take the clan's glory to unprecedented heights."

Xiao Lian listening in the Snow Glazed Realm furrowed her eyebrows. At the same time, Sheng Tian's voice sounded in her mind "You think the same as well?"

She nodded her head adding "There's a big chance that he is related to this even if he is not the Blood Wolf."

Sheng Tian agreed, the strange engravings with a man turning taller, skinnier on the wall of the final hall flashed in his mind.

'A man shedding his own skin to leave humanity?'

At that moment, Qin Mu said waving his hands generously "All of you enjoy our hospitality and rest properly. I will send the delicacies. You may make any requests you like.

Due to the appearance of the token, we won't ask you for a portion of your treasures.

There will be a banquet tomorrow, celebrating the arrival of new Clan Head."

The grand elders and the Clan Leader left with Yu Yang leaving behind a dumfounded crowd.

Sheng Tian eyes trailed Yu Yang as he left with the biggest smile.

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