Transcending Limits

Chapter 68

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Rising Valley Sect, Blazing Fire Sect, Lin Clan and Xiao Clan had the final victory as all the future leaders of the respective powers met and headed to a Special restaurant.

Their bodyguards were in shadows as they secretly followed them. Each of them was at Emperor Realm!

Normally, they would have allowed their protectors with them, but now that they were all happy, the young people asked them to go out and enjoy. Of course, they had the methods to contact their security in case something goes wrong and they were confident that no sane person would try to make a move on them.

Rising Valley Sect's scholarly young man-Tang San was leading his people elegantly. They all reached the restaurant.

Looking at everyone present, he laughed charmingly like a vixen which sent goosebumps to both men and women.

Only five people went to the top floor. They are the potential leaders of the powers they represent. After ordering a grand meal, they all sat down and spoke perfunctorily. All of them couldn't erase that stupid grin on their faces.

Tang San sat down comfortably following which the genius of the Blazing Fire Sect- Lu Yang did the same. The Arrogant missy of the Lin Clan and the two young men from Xiao Clan were the next.

After looking at them, Tang San spoke: "Well, Now that we obtained this manual together, I hope we can continue our alliance."

Everyone was ecstatic as they nodded their heads. The Rising Valley Sect and the Xiao Clan covered the East of the continent while the Blazing Fire Sect and Lin Clan covered the north. Such a force was naturally colossal.

The seemingly head figure of the alliance-Tang San spoke merrily with everyone jovially. Lu Yang didn't speak much but his eyes were on the young miss of the Lin Clan, Lin Xue. But she gave him no face and just maintained that content smile on her face for winning against Qin Qing.

The Xiao Clan's future head position had two competitors. They were-Xiao Yan and Xiao Feng, two equally talented young men of the Xiao Clan. They had great talent and charm, if it was any other generation, they would have directly been promoted to be the candidate for the future head of their Clan.

However, the fated rivals had to fight for what should have been rightfully theirs. It is a battle by destiny per se.

The two young men tried to get the support of the other future leaders present using their charisma and power but it didn't head any results. Sadly, it was because the ones present couldn't determine the right person to place their bet on.

Soon, the luxurious goods were served. Everyone ate their fill. They couldn't hold their curiosity anymore.

Finally, Lu Yang looked at Tang San "Brother Tang, Why don't we have a look at the Cultivation Manual?"

All the members nodded. Tang San chuckled and took out the Ancient Manual. Slowly and carefully, he placed it on the table. He said looking at them "Be careful. If anything happens, the responsibility would be hard to bear."

They nodded and Lin Xue took the manual and sat on the sofa and placed it on the glass table in front.

Everyone made themselves comfortable to have a good look. She opened the manual. *Ssss*

Everyone felt as if they were punched left and right. They were shocked. But when they thought of the name of the manual, they knew why. It was the One Punch Ancient Manual!

They started reading the Ancient characters:

'I, Saitama, never found anyone who can take the second punch of mine. I roamed rivers, I roamed skies, I roamed forests, I roamed under the skirts *ahem* under the ground. In this vast world, I didn't find a match. I was lonely at the top~

*Sigh* I was frustrated one day. Hence, I punched the land hard. Alas, the Mythical World which used to have only one large continent had two more from that day. Thankfully, I didn't kick or else the continent might have been kicked out of the atmosphere directly to space.

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I fought with god once. Nah, he is just so so.

Thinking that he was the strongest being, I used my full power. The Result? He disappeared to god knows where! The Laws of Physics started breaking as the Principle of Conservation of Energy was reversed by me.

I alone had more energy than the rest of the universe combined. But how could I get it when I am a part of the universe? That day, I understood, I was not a human, I am a bug in the game!

My final wish is to let a successor inherit 0.0000000001% of my power and become the Emperor of the heavens and hail above all living and celestial beings.

The method is. *********** (protected due to copyrights)

That was the end.


As the fate willed, there we met,

As the Destiny intends, now we part,

As the seasons' pass, our meetings fade,

As the life moves on, so do we,

As the river of time washes the memories of our lives, we forget the other,

As the dusk of life dawns, I look back and smile,

As the forgotten feelings hit me hard, I realize I always loved you.

P.S: This is my tribute to my wife who I left to roam the world. She was a great woman, except she was a CEO. So what do you expect? Become a good husband who only loves her like in romance novels? Nah, nothing can stop me from sharing my warmth with beauties. I'm the Main Character!

Contact: If you are a chick and are hot. Then contact me at Beauty Hunting Center. Make sure you wear as less as possible. But also bring some black stockings and a maid outfit just in case. Oh and make sure you are young. MILFs are given special care.


"Xiao Lian, how much time?" Sheng Tian asked laying on the bed and watching the sky.

"three, two, one!"


Lin Xue had tears like gentle rainfall on her face after reading the verse. She felt the emotions which the writer wanted to convey.

But the next sentences left her speechless. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. What is the exalted expert thinking?

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But soon her face showed incomparably shocked expression as the letters on the book began to move at a ridiculous speed.

They began merging with one another as all the characters in the page were dragged into the bigger, new letters.

Finally, they formed a sentence


Special Thanks to our Con Artist: Elder Con Man."

*Blurgh* *Spits out blood*

The five people instantly spat out a mouthful of blood due to the sheer level of extreme emotional imbalance they experienced.

Then, they checked the book, nothing was found except those few words. They suspected that the cultivation technique earlier was also a fake.


The Ancient Chicken shouted in the restraints of the Blazing Fire Sect and used its bum to break free. It jumped out of the window with a *cuckoo*

But no one paid any attention to it. All the heirs were looking at the "YOU HAVE BEEN CONNED" incredulously.

The Ancient chicken flew out of the top floor, the fifth floor. As it exited the window, the warm sunlight rained on it. It looked at the sun and let out a contented smile. Looking at the vast and free world it flapped its chicken wings in the joy of freedom.


*Cuckoo* *Cuckoo* *Cukkk....Cuuuuck..Cukkkoo* *Cuckoooooo*

The heart-wrenching screams of a chicken filled the air as the chicken instantly regretted forgetting one thing-it couldn't fly.


It crashed onto the ground. It felt its chicken organs shake. Having used up all its energy to break free, it didn't even have the strength to kill a chicken.

*Meow* *Meow*

In the deserted alley, a black cat saw the bum of the fat chicken and licked its lips. It pounced at the Ancient Chicken.

*Cuckoo...Fuck* The ancient chicken accidentally let out a vulgarity as it ran for its dear life swaying the chicken thighs.

*Meow* *Meow* The black cat saw the meat and fat on the chicken. *Evilly chuckles*

Listening to the evil chuckle from behind, Mr. Ancient Chicken go so angry that it almost spit out blood.

'Fuck my luck. This daddy chicken just got its freedom and barely survived the crash. And you want to have this daddy for a meal? If not for me wanting to have a run and you following me, hmph! Wait till I find my human pet, then I will eat your roasted meat!'

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The chicken ran left. The chicken ran right. But the cat didn't leave its trail.

*Shakes ass cutely* The chicken made a hot dance with its bum and mocked the cat. The cat got angry but it didn't let its emotions get the better of it.

It knew that once it tries to attack, this busty chicken would evade and escape from its sight. Then it would have no chance of finding the chicken at all!

What a crafty chicken it was!

*Meow* As they entered a crowded area, the cat had trouble keeping the chicken in its sight. But nonetheless, it grits its cat teeth and clenched its cat paws and followed the path. Never give up!

The chicken, on the other hand, was using the human legs to shake off the cat's trial. Seeing the cat still chasing it, it couldn't help but curse in mind 'F*ck you p*ssy, every guy speaks about eating you, yet you have the gals to come out in public.

You have no shame at all! When you were wearing diapers, this daddy was roaming the worlds. No one came in my way.

If Buddha obstructed me, I killed Buddhas, If demon obstructs me, I kill demons, If God obstructs me, I kill gods!

What are you, a mere pussy who didn't even grow some hair? Just wait for a year for me to recover and kill you!'

The chase of the chick and cat continued. Finally, after traveling a long long distance, the chicken was exhausted, even the cat was gasping for breaths.

The two of them were no longer running, they were simply walking. One at the front, one at the back. They moved their legs with great difficulty.

The chicken bumped into someone. It raised its chicken head to look at the person.


The person saved it from the cat and smiled at it kindly. For some reason, the chicken felt that it might be better to be with the Old Cat bro than this person.

Alas, it couldn't be more right!


An aromatic smell which could spellbind minds and suck the souls filled the air. On the table were four meat dishes and two chairs opposite each other on either side of the table.

Sheng Tian adjusted his dress. He was wearing a shirt with an imperial blue color and royal gold edges, his pant matching his shirt. He wasn't wearing a mask now and he looked extremely handsome.

Sheng Tian said in his mind 'Ok, you can come out now.'


An extremely young beautiful woman in beautiful dark clothes and pink designs appeared. She was an otherworldly beauty who could captivate souls and melt hearts. The black dress only reached till her knees and she had an air of elegance and sexiness.

Sheng Tian and Xiao Lian both were in a daze as they looked at each other. Only after a while did they snap out of it. An OtherWorldly Handsome Young Man dining with a Goddess Beauty Young Woman is something which increased the beauty of nature itself!

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Sheng Tian smiled gently at her and pulled the chair like a gentleman making a gesture of 'please'.

Xiao Lian smiled gratefully at him and sat down.

Sheng Tian went to his seat and sat down. The dishes had already been served and Sheng Tian motioned for Xiao Lian to eat.

Xiao Lian smelled the aroma of the dishes wondering how he managed to get this ambrosia. She was meditating earlier and was not observing the outsides.

But if someone had a killing intent towards Sheng Tian, she would sense it and wake up from her meditation. Since there were no problems, she was mostly meditating causing her to be unaware of the situation outside.

Xiao Lian took a bite of the meat dish and the next second, she felt like she was floating in the clouds as the meat melted in her mouth. She let out a light moan in delight.

Sheng Tian chuckled seeing her reaction. It was a bit less intense than he expected. Then he too took a bite. He felt as he was soaked in a warm water bath and his body completely massaged with warm hands. He let out a light grunt in comfort.

Xiao Lian felt her soul force becoming a little stronger and the spreading poison pushed back a little. She took another bite, this time, the same taste, the same reaction but the suppression of the poison was less.

She estimated that if she ate her share, she could freely live for at least 1 additional year meaning she would have 4 years in total. She smiled in delight and started digging in. In her happiness, she even forgot to ask where he got the meat from.

Sheng Tian was happy seeing her like the food he cooked. He too started eating his share. To his surprise, Sheng Tian felt his cultivation slowly increasing and his life span increasing along with the range of his spirit sense and the sharpness of his five senses. He also forgot everything else and focused only on eating.

After half an hour:

Xiao Lian and Sheng Tian washed their hands. Xiao Lian personally wiped his mouth and kissed him on the lips.

This was the first time Xiao Lian had voluntarily kissed him.

Sheng Tian didn't let go of the chance and held her waist as they shared a good, passionate kiss along with a battle between tongues.

After he released her, Xiao Lian hugged him "Thank you. My time is extended to four years with the miraculous treasure. Tell me, what did you add in the meat?"

Sheng Tian was stunned. He checked himself and found that he silently broke through to the 8th level of the Nascent Soul Realm, his life span increased by more than 100 years along with a considerable improvement in his spirit sense and five senses.

But he didn't add anything.

He honestly stated "It's the normal chicken recipe you taught me. Nothing new."

Xiao Lian was taken back as she said in surprise "Only normal chicke...wait, chicken?!"

It was like she suddenly found the solution to a mystery but still wanted to confirm it. She asked him "Sheng Tian, did you cook a chicken?"

"Of course." he nodded.

Xiao Lian sat on the bed and sighed, unsure of whether she had to laugh or cry. She looked at him with a strange expression "That was the ancient chicken. The one in the auction. Only it can have these effects."

It was his turn to be surprised as he gawked and shouted in surprise "What?!"

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