Transcending Limits

Chapter 69: 69

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Sheng Tian chuckled awkwardly realising that the chicken he casually caught turned out be an ancient chicken.

Could it be that his luck is so high that it willingly came into his hands knowing that he wanted to buy something to have dinner with Xiao Lian? Isn't he a bit too charming that even heavens are using such cheap tricks to gain his favor?

'Aii, It seems like I should try to sell my overloaded awesomeness or else the heavens might send me an ancient dragon for a meal next time.' he thought.

Xiao Lian didn't know what to say seeing his awkward laughter. Finally, thinking back to the event, she felt that it was funny and started laughing. Sheng Tian too started feeling the same thing and they both had a hearty laugh.

Sheng Tian slowly laid on the bed along as he gazed at the vast sky. Xiao Lian used his arm as her pillow and laid there comfortably.

After having a nice moment of peace, she recalled the plan they did. She used Sheng Tian's profound energy and directed it to apply a profound art. This resulted in the scam. It was pretty hard to achieve the result with Sheng Tian's profound energy but she managed to do it in the end.

Then they decided the information written in the book. Of course, the Beauty Hunting Service was the pervert's idea.

Xiao Lian looked at him and asked "Why did you write Saitama? I thought Thanos would be pretty cool."

Sheng Tian shook his head "How can it be? I don't even know how Thanos Story ends in the End game. Shit, there was only 3 months till its release. I missed it."

Xiao Lian also nodded her head and said with a sour face "Yeah, I was also looking forward to that movie."

Sheng Tian laughed "It seems like we have the same taste in movies, eh."

But his laughter soon stopped as he carefully stared at Xiao Lian. Then he slapped his forehead with his free hand and asked "Xiao Lian, when did you reincarnate? Tell me on Earth's timeline."

Xiao Lian recalled and answered "January of 2019."

"Oh My God!"Sheng Tian gasped in shock "Me too in January of 2019."

"I died on the night of 26th January."

"What?! It was the same time!" Xiao Lian gasped.

A memory hit her as she trembled fiercely "The street of Fate, a silver haired youth." she muttered.

"What?!" Sheng Tian's pupils constricted.

It was the same street he died! How did she know this and his characters of Earth? Unless.....

The vague image of a young woman dyed red in her white dress with silver hair flashed in his mind.

"White dress. Silver hair?" he asked.

Xiao Lian slumped on the bed. Her face had a look of disbelief.

"We died together?" he said, his eyes full of shock.

"It seems so." her voice was barely audible.

"Then you spent 16 years on Divine Realm?" Sheng Tian was confused at the time logic.

Xiao Lian took a deep breath. "No. The truth is, I transmigrated into this world from the beginning. You can say that my soul had to fight the original owner to live. But something happened then and I could only wake up when I turned 14. Till then, I was in a deep sleep and my body worked mechanically."

He sighed deeply.

They looked at each other, unsure of what to say.

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They both died together on Earth, they went to different worlds, yet they met somehow.

It seemed....fated?!

... ... .... .....

In the Qin Palace:

Qin Mu breathed a sigh of relief seeing the Seniors of the various powers being satisfied by his explanation. They also shared their own views but no one was really honest with each other. They just wanted him to slip some secrets if possible so that they could take advantage of him.

Usually, this wouldn't happen, but since Qin Mu is under great pressure now there is a considerable chance for success.

However, things didn't turn their way. Qin Mu only spoke what he wanted to.

After the discussion, they all decided to go to their respective places. Being the exalted experts they were, it would be unsightly if they stayed here. Various rumors might start. Farewells were said as they reached the residence they were given in Qin's territory.

The representative of the Mystic Ice Sect this time, Wushang, made her way to the guest room. Like everyone in the sect, she too practiced in the way of Ice profound arts. She had a gorgeous face, an ice-cold bearing and seemed to be just above 30 years.

Her expertise in Mystic Ice Arts reached an extremely high level. One would normally avoid looking into her eyes to avoid the coldness.

As she reached her guest room, she saw an extremely young beautiful woman with a veil. She had snow blue robes and a matching snow-white skirt. She seemed like an Ice Goddess descending upon the mortal realm.

Looking at the Young Woman, a barely noticeable yet affectionate smile formed on Wushang's face. Upon seeing Wushang approaching, the Young Woman's eyes showed visible emotion of respect and more than anything, joy.

After Wushang entered the room, the young woman kneeled and spoke in her still ice cold voice which now seemed to contain a trace of respect and affection "Disciple pays respect to Master."

Wishing gently helped her from the ground. Her cold face melted slightly as she looked into the Young Woman's eyes and spoke "Yan'er, you don't have to kneel to me every time you see me. It makes us feel distant."

Leng Yue Yan shook her head gently and said: "I think it is only proper if I pay respects to Master."

Wushang sighed lightly seeing her stubborn disciple and sat on the sofa. Seeing that Leng Yue Yan didn't sit, she motioned her to sit beside her.

Leng Yue Yan obediently sat beside her. Wushang held her hands and spoke " Tell master how your trip to the Qin Capital was? Did you enjoy your time here?"

Leng Yue Yan felt the affection from her master and slowly said "It was alright master. But I met an interesting person in Qin Qing's team."

"Ling Tian?" Wushang probed.

Leng Yue Yan nodded. Wushang spoke with her ice-cold voice " He didn't cause any trouble for you, did he?"

"No Master. He even saved me once in a fight. His talk also helped me."

"Then I should thank him, I suppose. Pity that he is not here. For you to give him such an evaluation, he must be a fine young man.

Yan'er, Tell me do you know about anything that happened in the secret trial?"

Leng Yue Yan struggled to answer but finally, she spoke "An extremely evil entity was sealed there and was trying to break the seals. It was also the one controlling the whole trial system. I noticed its actions peculiar and warned my teammates to be careful. Hence, we were not controlled. But suddenly, few contestants appeared and fought us. They had the same auras as the one who fought Grand Elder of the Qin Clan yesterday, merely much weaker.

It took a lot of effort to end them.

I entered the Circular formation later and I didn't hear anything afterward.

We almost died but somehow it vanished. I don't know what happened in the end. I remembered that it broke the seal and its pressure made me faint. After I regained consciousness, I didn't find any of its traces. It called itself 'Bloody Wolf'."

"As expected." Wushang stared into the distance as she muttered.


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"Nothing, Yan'er. That was what everyone was thinking about. The woman who came to the capital must be related to the incident of the Secret Trial. After all, the timing is too much of a coincidence. So, only you and your teammates fought?"

"Yes master but not all of them. Me, Ling Tian, Qin Qing, Ling Chen, and Liu Feifei."

"It was miraculous that you were able to defeat such dangerous devils all by the 5 of you. The Old Man from the Sacred Sword Sect is boasting about Ling Chen's talent."

"Ling Tian and I fought together like Ling Chen and Liu feifei. Contrary to what everyone knew, Ling Tian's strength was even higher than Ling Chen's. It is just that he didn't show it till the last moment."

"Yan'er, I see that you have a different trace of expression when you talk about this young man. Tell master, I will see my disciple to become a good wife." she gently stroked Leng Yue Yan's snow blue lustre hair and spoke.

Leng Yue Yan shook her head and bitterly spoke "No, Master. I don't have any affection towards him. If any, I am only curious and interested in knowing him. And even if I develop feelings for someone in the future, it would only bring calamity for them and the sect. I don't want to hurt you, master."

Wushang's hand was visibly shaken as she gently hugged her dear disciple and spoke affectionately "Yan'er, They say Master a day, Father for life. I'm not just your Master, but your Mother as well. Even though this world is cruel, there will still be people you can rely on. Don't be too hard on yourself.

It was all master's fault. If master was strong enough, it would have not happened." she blamed herself as she hugged the Ice Goddess tighter.

Leng Yue Yan slowly wrapped her arms around her Master and held her tightly. "No, Master. Please don't blame yourself. It is only because of you that I'm able to live for at least the remaining few years. And I always regarded you as my mother."

Wushang's body trembled. Even with her icy cold disposition, she had a soft spot towards her. This was the first time Leng Yue Yan addressed her as 'Mother'.

"For my fate, I will fight with my own hands. Even if the chances of me winning against fate is extremely low, I would never give up. I would rather die trying than drown in self-pity."

Wushang was at a loss of words and could only hold her tighter.

Leng Yue Yan's eyes shone with determination she didn't have before she entered the Qin Ancestral Grounds. Unknown to herself, Sheng Tian's words had a huge impact on her as she was determined to fight it out.

Afterward, she told about the warning she received earlier from 'Ling Tian' before the auction. Wushang lightly sighed as she said "Yan'er, you should not trust people so easily even if you know them for years much less few days. That ancient manual was said to break the balance of the powers itself. Now that it went to them,..." she didn't continue but Leng Yue Yan knew what she would have said.

Even the Ice goddess herself was having conflicted thoughts about her decision. Was there really a need to trust him? Even if he was related to Meng Xin, he might not be her ally. These thoughts swirled in her head as she was having trouble sorting her own opinion on the issue.

Wushang spoke after seeing her disciple's state "Forget it. There is no use crying over spilled milk. Just treat it as a lesson so that you don't suffer in the future, alright?"

Even before Leng Yue Yan could respond, a message was sent to Wushang through Sound Transmission token. After she heard the content, a smile filled with shock and relief formed on her Icy face.

"What is it, master?"

"It was Qin Clan who sent the news. Those sects and clans who brought the manual have been CONNED"

....... ...... ...... .......

No one knew who leaked the news, but the whole capital knew that the Sects and the Clans were conned. The cultivation technique they brought with a huge sum was fake!

There was even a rumor that Elder Con Man was said to be the confidant of the Mastermind. What balls! Who can have so much courage to cheat the four behemoths in such an open manner? Wasn't this akin to slapping their face?

And his name itself is thought provoking and evil sounding. How can such a man be a pure man? He is even proud to have his name as Con Man. Where is the justice? All the people of the city who had nothing to do gathered and started the useless discussions.

One said that the Con Man himself was the mastermind, while the other said that this was a trap made by the remaining Sects and Clans. Some fellow even went as far as to say that this was all an act by the Sects and Clans who brought the manual and couldn't bear to part with the fortune they spent.

All sorts of rumours started spreading in the city faster than the plague. Naturally, the ones in question also heard these rumors.


Elder Con Man was sitting in his house, still grinning from ear to ear whenever he thought of the deal he just finished. He was naturally going to be the greatest Con Man ever!

His parents named him Con Man for some unknown reason and told him that it would make his name famous and be remembered as a legend in history.

Poor guy didn't know that it was infamous and legend of 'Conning.'

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As he was happily thinking of the upcoming promotion and the speech he had to give about honesty, the fatty manager barged open the door and rushed in with a red face.

"Elder Con Man, things have gone bad!"

"What happened little fatty? Sit down and slowly explain." Elder Con Man gestured.

"Sit your ass! That Manual turned out to be fake! Everyone is blaming you." Fatty Manager looked like he just ran faster than a car as the fat on his belly danced wave after waves. Even the sea might pale compared to the tides on his body.


Elder Con Man who was sitting in the chair suddenly felt his world turn blank as he spat out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

Fatty Manger took out a kerchief which was already soaked with blood and cleaned himself.

The next thing Elder Con Man saw after he woke up made him nearly piss his pants. He was sitting in a low positioned chair. On the sofa opposite were the five people who brought the manual. Their faces were ashen, the way they looked at him was like he murdered their parents.

Elder Con Man gulped his saliva when he saw the peaks of Lin Xue move up and down due to her anger. He strangely found himself enjoying the view and becoming excited.


He slapped himself out of his burning gaze and looked down.

'How can I be a pervert? I'm already this old and the chick is so young. But, But, ....if she has such interests..then, alright then, I will brace myself for the sake of a young and hot chick! As they say Old is Gold, I will show her what exactly it means.' he thought.

*Slam* The tea table was slammed as the disciple of the Blazing Fire Sect, Lu Yang's palm made a two inch deep burned palm print.

"Old Bastard, I never thought you would be in a mood to gaze at a lady's boobs now."

Lin Xue's face flushed with anger as if she was ready to eat Both of them alive.'

Tang San calmly asked "Elder Con Man, I would like you to know that you can't get away with what you did unless you tell us who is in this. Tell us everything."

Elder Con Man spoke incoherently "Young Ma..ster, I only inspected the item that person brought. I don't know how it all turned into this. If there was any problem with the should have also noticed it when you checked it after you brought it. But you didn't find it. I too didn't know about the truth of this matter."

"Tell me where is the person? What is he called?" Xiao Yan and Xiao Feng asked at the same time.

Fatty Manager standing on the sidelines intervened "I'm sorry esteemed guests, we can't reveal that. Customer's privacy is a promise we make when we do business. We can't tell you the information."

"What? You still have the cheek to say about your goddamn policies? Tell us now or don't even think of going back!" Lu Yang's entire body emitted hot air as the temperature of the room started rising.

Fatty Manager was in a tight spot "Sorry. But this is the order from the higher-ups."

"What higher ups? Are they blind?" Lin Xue yelled.

"I'm not blind, Young Miss Lin. But you better watch that tongue of yours, if not for my good mood today your tongue would have caused you to visit hell right now." a clear, pleasant voice sounded carrying with it unquestionable dominance and authority as the room's rising temperature instantly dropped.

A young woman who seemed to be around 20 years old entered the room. Her black hair flowed down her shoulders like a waterfall. She was wearing a veil but her eyes shown with brilliance and calmness.

She was wearing a golden soft dress which was mixed with the white fabric. Her body was mesmerising and she exuded an air of elegance, royalty, proudness, and dominance.

Everyone in the room was instantly silenced. Her eyes didn't even last for a second on the people in the room before a servant rushed and arranged a beautiful green chain for her filled with a soft cloth. She sat down gracefully.

All this while, everyone was tongue-tied.

Even Lin Xue, the woman with outrageous arrogance felt like she couldn't speak. The calm and collected Tang San was also at a loss while the hot-tempered Lu Yang was having his mouth wide open. The rivals Xiao Yan and Xiao Feng were dumbly standing there.

The elegance and nobility along with dominance and charm she exuded froze the people present.

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She clapped her hands lightly which made everyone come back to their senses. Immediately, the Manager Fatty and Elder Con Man knelt on the ground and greeted "Greetings, Your Royal Highness."

This shocked the five youngsters but they soon recovered and bowed with a fist on their heart. It was the salute for the high-level members of the clans and sects.

This is the Royal Princess! Someone who stands top of the Clans and Sects and looks over the entire continent! She is as the rumors say, her elegance and dominance are unmatched in the whole generation!

The Princess spoke calmly"I will clarify a few things here. First, Myriad Treasure Star House is not afraid of any threats. Second, as stated in the rules of the Treasure House, the Seller's identity would not be revealed. Third, no one from the treasure house was involved.

Fourth, the culprit also tricked the people of the treasure house. But you too didn't find anything off when you got the manual into your hands. If you had identified that it was a mere trick, the Treasure House would have compensated you immediately with double the amount you spent according to the rules.

Now, even if it is trick, you paid for it already, you didn't recognise that the manual was fake. Only after the manual's contents changed, you came back to vent your anger here.

The Treasure House is only responsible as an agent who sells the items with the evaluation given by the experts present in it. By no means was it ever stated that it would be accurate judgment.

So, if any mishaps happen due to the quality of the item being compromised or not reaching the standards it ought to and you still buy it, then the Treasure House won't be held responsible because we allow you to buy only after you check the item thoroughly and are satisfied.

The Treasure House was also in the dark regarding this issue. The seller is not found by you but you can find the Treasure House, however, if that makes you think this is a place you can act as you wish, then you will be regretful.

If you want to blame someone, blame yourselves for your incompetence.

Manager, Send them out."

Her voice was not loud but it was clear to everyone.

The Arrogance, Dominance and her reasoning made the five youngsters feel like they were slapped. But under her mighty presence, they didn't dare speak.

Her tone contained no room for questioning but the youngsters knew that it was because everything she said was right. It was their lack of skill being the sole reason that they were unable to tell the original from fake and fell into the tricks of that seller.

Defeatedly, they left the Treasure House.


Soon, two interesting pieces of news spread in the Qin Capital.

All the thieves, scammers, Con Artists started worshipping Elder Con Man as their Idol. The children's night stories now had a new tale. Parents taught their kids to be good people but if they ever go on the wrong path, they should be like Elder Con Man. Unafraid of the Sects and Clans, he alone dared to Conn them in broad daylight.

Surprisingly, conning, scamming and theft became respectable professions as the society realized just how great the heights one can reach when they have the actual 'skill' and the courage to move on.

Elder Con Man was called as the God Father of Modern Conning, Dao Originator of Universal Conning. He was also called as the Pioneer of the Conning Industry, Founder of Mass Scams....and many others which would have put him behind the bars on Earth countless times.

His name became a legend which would be engraved in the annals of history, unerased by the river of time as his legends live after him as everyone tries to live up to him. Eras may pass, Rulers may change, but legends never fade~

There were even books published with conning as the base. For example, A brief history of Conning, The secrets which the Great Con Man doesn't want you to know!, Rich Con Man and Poor Con Man, 108 ways to be called a successful Con Man, The power of conning, the upcoming golden era of conns, The Real truth of Conning: A selfless act towards humanity!.....

There were even some conning schools which taught the citizens how to conn. Contrary to what one might expect, this led to the increase of public awareness regarding conns, scams, and thefts as they decreased drastically in number. But some hot-blooded youngsters burned with passion as they saw unlimited future prospects in this profession.

The other news was that Myriad Treasure Star House was NOT responsible for what happened and a clear explanation was given to the sects and the clans regarding the issue. The public was in awe that the Sects and Clans didn't' make any comment and silently admitted it.

A week passed.

All the sect and clan members who came to the Qin Capital already left. Leng Yue Yan wanted to thank 'Ling Tian' but having found no clue of him, she too left with her master.

Ling Chen and Liu Feifei left to the Sacred Sword Sect. The night before, Qin Qing didn't want to see him leave but knew that she couldn't stop him. So, they spent a lovely night as Liu feifei next door heard the grunts and moans. It was a pity that the author didn't want to write the *ahem* skipped the part.

Everything was back to normal in the capital.

In the familiar Inn, Sheng Tian woke up from Cultivation.

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