Ch33 - Heartwarming

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Mu Chen held Ye Shi’s hand as they walked out of the auction house.

”Mu Chen.” A familiar call rang out in Mu Chen’s ears. 

Seeing Zhuang Yu, Mu Chen frowned. There he goes again. How could he be so persistent?

When Ye Shi saw Zhuang Yu, he tried to free his hand from Mu Chen’s hold, but Mu Chen held on to his hand tightly and didn’t let go. Ye Shi blushed and stopped struggling.



Zhuang Yu’s face changed slightly at the sight of the two men holding hands, but quickly regained his composure.

“Mu Chen, who is this?” Zhuang Yu asked. 

“My fiancé.” Mu Chen said graciously.


Ye Shi turned his head and looked at Mu Chen, a hazy feeling arising in his heart.

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Zhuang Yu looked at the dagger in Ye Shi’s hand and recognized it as the one Mu Chen had just bought.

“Nice dagger ah!” Zhuang Yu said to Ye Shi with a smile.


Facing Zhuang Yu, Ye Shi always felt ashamed of himself. Now that he was staring at him, Ye Shi just smiled and retracted his hand.

“Is there anything else, Young Zhuang? If not, we’ll leave first.” Mu Chen said embracing Ye Shi’s waist.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ye Sh’s waist was held by Mu Chen and he suddenly felt a little nervous. He squirmed uncomfortably under his hand, but, in the end, he did not leave Mu Chen’s arms.


Zhuang Yu smiled reluctantly, “Sure.” 

Mu Chen smiled at Zhuang Yu and left with Ye Shi.

Chen Moran looked in the direction they left and said, “How in the world did Mu Chen’s eyes grow, he can even look at someone like that.”

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“By the looks of it, he is taking it seriously.” Sun Yu said.

“I think he’s just putting on a show.” Chen Moran said with his arms crossed. 

“Pretending? What for?” Sun Yu said in disbelief.

“The marriage between Mu Chen and Ye Shi was arranged by his grandfather, Mu Ke. The old man and Ye Shi’s grandfather were sworn brothers, Ye Shi is Ye He’s grandson. Mu Ke loves the house and its crow, and should have much regard for Ye Shi. I think it’s possible that Mu Chen is doing this to please that old man of the Mu family.” Chen Moran complacently stated his suspicions. 

Sun Yu raised his eyebrows, “No way, when did Mu Chen’s brain become so complicated? Besides, it’s too big a sacrifice for him to do this.”

Chen Moran said indifferently, “To get something, you have to give something, don’t you?”


“Why does Mu Chen…have to be so calculating? In order to please the old master of the Mu family, he has to please such a shuang’er, it’s too distressing!” Zhuang Yu sighed emotionally.

Chen Moran didn’t care at all, “A’Yu, this is Mu Chen’s own choice.” 


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“Are you really not coming home with me?” Mu Chen asked with a frown.

Ye Shi shook his head, “No.”

“Alright, then.” Mu Chen sighed softly. 

When Ye Shi looked at Mu Chen’s downcast expression, his heart softened and he wanted to say yes, but in the end, he held back.

Mu Chen looked at Ye Shi and said regretfully, “Next, I may go into seclusion for a while to refine pills, so I won’t be able to visit you.”

Ye Shi snorted coldly, “Who wants to see you?”

Mu Chen looked at him, “Take care of yourself and eat more.” 

Ye Shi grabbed the dagger and said, “I always eat a lot, I don’t need you to be nosy.”

Mu Chen smiled, “I’m leaving.”

“Go on, go.” Ye Shi said impatiently, as Mu Chen left looking back three times at every step. Seeing Mu Chen’s figure gradually disappear, Ye Shi’s eyes showed some unwillingness to part. 

“Shi Tou, you are back?” Chen Da came out.

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Ye Shi nodded his head, his face tinged with a slight blush.

“Young master Mu Chen has already left?” Chen Da asked.

Ye Shi nodded, “Yes!” 

“Young master Mu Chen, he’s not bad, is he?” Chen Da asked.

Ye Shi blinked, “A little better than I thought, but not that much better.”


As Chen Da listened to Ye Shi’s slightly angry words, he knew that the latter half of Ye Shi’s words were obviously untrue.

Seeing the smile from the corner of Ye Shi’s mouth, Chen Da felt relieved. He had not expected Mu Chen to like Ye Shi, he had only hoped that Mu Chen would look at the friendship between Mu Ke and Ye He and honour the marriage contract, giving Ye Shi a home. Now it seems that the situation is much better than expected. 

“Mu Chen didn’t ask you to go to the Mu family?” Chen Da suddenly thought of something.

Ye Shi nodded, “He mentioned it, but I’m not happy to go.”

Chen Da frowned and looked at Ye Shi helplessly, saying, “You child, how can you be so stubborn!”

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