Ch34 - Two Pork Knuckles

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Ye Shi absent-mindedly sliced the meat, his eyes ceaselessly falling on the dagger at his waist.

“Shi Tou, what’s wrong? You are distracted. Are you thinking of young master Mu Chen?” Chen Da asked with amusement. 

Ye Shi bristled at once, “I’m not thinking about him, what’s there to think about him, besides…he said he was going to refine pills in seclusion and wouldn’t have any free time these days.“

Chen Da looked at Ye Shi’s face and laughed, “Yes, yes, who’s thinking of young master Mu Chen eh.”



Ye Shi frowned and glared at him unhappily.

Ye Shi lowered his head. Although he knew Mu Chen was busy these days, he still had some expectations in his heart. What he was looking forward to, he didn’t know himself. 

“Shi Tou, this is for you.” A’Mu came over and handed him two pork knuckles.

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Ye Shi blinked, a little puzzled, “For me? Is the restaurant giving out incentives?”

“Incentive? It’s for you alone. Young master Mu Chen ordered a month’s worth of pork knuckles so that you can eat two pork knuckles a day for a month.” A’Mu said with envy.

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Ye Shi’s eyes widened, “Ah! How can this be?”


A’Mu shrugged, “Who knows? Go ask young master Mu Chen! Shi Tou, why is young master Mu Chen treating you so well?”

Ye Shi lowered his head, blushed, and said grumbly, “He’s not that good! Two pork knuckles for one spirit stone, if he was really nice to me, he would have given me the spirit stones.”

A’Mu shook his head, “Young master Mu Chen has already placed an order, the restaurant will not give a refund.”

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“If you can’t get it, so be it.” Ye Shi said, unconcerned. Anyway, the pork knuckles made by the restaurant were delicious and he wouldn’t get tired of eating them. He had always wanted to eat them, but he was reluctant to spend the spirit stones. 

“Shi Tou, young master Mu Chen is quite considerate!” Chen Da said.

Martial arts cultivators need spirit stones or meat containing spirit energy to supplement their cultivation. If you don’t replenish your energy for a long time, your strength may regress. Chen Da has always wanted to find a backer for Ye Shi because he was afraid that he would lack resources causing his cultivation to stagnate or even regress.

Ye Shi said in disbelief: “As if! He is very bad.”

“Why is he bad?” Chen Da asked, puzzled. 

“He only gave me two pork knuckles, not even a roast chicken.” Ye Shi muttered discontentedly.

Chen Da looked at him with disapproval and said helplessly, “Shi Tou, when did you learn to be so greedy?”

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Ye Shi lowered his head, aggrieved, “Just that he…” is no good ah!

A’Mu looked at Ye Shi, “Shi Tou, young master Mu Chen asked me to tell you something, that the Mu family has more delicious food.” 

Ye Shi bit his lip and said indignantly, “He is so mean.”

Chen Da looked at him, “What now?”


Ye Shi said insistently, “He is an asshole.”

This guy, Mu Chen, is clearly trying to lure him. However, the cake that he brought last time, it was really delicious! Mu Chen actually said that he made it but he didn’t believe that he, this second generation, would also enter the kitchen. 

Mu family.

Mu Chen, who was cultivating in a bathtub full of demon beasts’ blood, suddenly sneezed. “Young master, are you all right?” Ren San asked.

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“Nothing, Shi Tou must be missing me.” Mu Chen’s face was distorted by the animal blood, but now there was a faint smile on his lips.

Knowing that Mu Chen has made up his mind to cultivate << A Hundred Refinements: Body Tempering Technique>>, Mu Yuanfeng no longer let him personally collect the beasts’ blood. 

The kitchen will collect all kinds of beasts’ blood every day, and then ask his subordinates to buy the missing kinds.

With the tempering of the  << A Hundred Refinements: Body Tempering Technique>>, Mu Chen’s body is becoming more and more sturdy and he has now completely consolidated his cultivation as a one-star martial warrior.

Seeing Mu Chen finish his training session, Ren San had to ask, “Young master, do you really like Ye Shi?”

Mu Chen nodded, “Of course.” 

“Young master, forgive me for meddling, although young master Ye Shi looks strong on the surface, he has not been appreciated for a long time and he has a sensitive mind. If, young master, you are not sincere, he will collapse.” Ren San said.

Mu Chen smiled, “I know.” It’s because he knows, that he doesn’t dare to be too hasty ah!

Ren San looked at Mu Chen, feeling a little strange. Since he came back, the young master seemed to have changed entirely. Fortunately, this change is developing in a good direction.

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