Ch37 - Stimulation

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Zhuang Yu walked into the restaurant and graciously said to Ye Shi, “Have a seat.”

Ye Shi was a little uncomfortable by Zhuang Yu’s self-effacing manner, “What do you want, just say it, I have work to do.” He was an employee of the restaurant, how strange it was to sit with a customer during working hours! 

“Don’t worry about work, there’s no rush. I want to talk about something that’s more important than your work.” Zhuang Yu said unconcernedly.

Zhuang Yu secretly thought: Ye Shi now has Mu Chen to cover for him, the owner of this restaurant simply doesn’t dare offend him.



Ye Shi’s eyes flickered and he looked at him suspiciously.

Zhuang Yu looked at the food box in Ye Shi’s hand and asked curiously, “Is there food inside?” 

Ye Shi shook his head, “I don’t know, there should be.”


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“Don’t you want to open it and take a look?” Zhuang Yu asked.

Ye Shi nodded and opened the box. Inside there was a cake similar to the one Mu Chen had given him at the auction. This time, a lot of spiritual fruits were added and it looked better than the last one.

Ye Shi’s eyes shone brightly, he couldn’t forget the taste of this cake after eating it once.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Can I have a taste?” Zhuang Yu looked at the cake in Ye Shi’s box and realized it was something he had never seen before.

Ye Shi looked at him, and although he was reluctant, he nodded and took the knife in the box to cut a small piece.

After cutting a small piece for Zhuang Yu, Ye Shi then took the knife and cut a large piece of cake for himself.


Zhuang Yu looked at his “small” slice and then at the “large” slice in front of Ye Shi, and frowned. Zhuang Yu, who was always cradled in the hands of others, had never been disliked like this. 

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Ye Shi had always been very protective of his food and it was not easy for him to give Zhuang Yu a “small” piece of cake.

As Zhuang Yu took a bite of the cake, an unprecedented sensation spread in his mouth, and he couldn’t help squinting his eyes.

It’s really delicious. Zhuang Yu’s heart felt a little uncomfortable. When Mu Chen was chasing him, he didn’t invite him to eat this kind of cake!

Ye Shi gobbled up the cake, and in a short while, almost all of it was eaten up. Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shi’s eating manners, and a bit of contempt swept through his eyes. 

“Don’t you want to eat? If not, I’ll eat it for you!” Ye Shi said staring at the small piece of cake in Zhuang Yu’s hand.

Zhuang Yu smiled, “Can’t you see I’m eating it? It tastes very good.”

Ye Shi bit his spoon, and curled his mouth, “I don’t believe Mu Chen when he says he made it himself, it must have been made by his chef.”

Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shi’s angry face that couldn’t conceal the sweetness he was feeling, and the strange feeling in his heart became even stronger. 

“What I’m going to say may hurt you, but I think I have to say it anyway.” Zhuang Yu looked at him seriously.

Ye Shi looked at him, puzzled, “What exactly do you want to say?”

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Zhuang Yu looked at him with some pity, “Mu Chen’s grandfather, Mu Ke, and your grandfather were sworn brothers, so Mu Ke likes you and loves you very much. The competition among the youngest generation of the Mu family is very fierce, and in order to please Mu Ke, it’s inevitable for Mu Chen to think of some special methods.”

Ye Shi’s eyes narrowed, “What do you mean by that?” 

“What do I mean, do you really not understand?” Zhuang Yu looked at him and said in disbelief.

Ye Shi clutched his palm so hard that he almost made it bleed.

“What’s your purpose in doing this?” Ye Shi asked, gritting his teeth.

Zhuang Yu looked at him, “I don’t want Mu Chen to sink deeper into this kind of intrigue and trickery. This kind of scheming is not right at all, and I don’t want you to fall for it either.” 

Ye Shi clenched his fist and said through clenched teeth, “Thank you for your kindness.”

Zhuang Yu looked at his expression and sighed softly, “I know you’re having a hard time right now, but it’s better to just get it over with, rather than prolong the agony, so you should face it earlier, and in the future, also…”

Ye Shi looked at Zhuang Yu, his eyes a little sharp, “How can you be sure, that Mu Chen doesn’t like me.”

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Zhuang Yu looked at Ye Shi, his heart depressed. He had good intentions, but Ye Shi was being so ungrateful. 

“You know that yourself, don’t you? If there wasn’t some special reason, why would Mu Chen be so nice to you?” Zhuang Yu said indifferently.

Ye Shi’s heart trembled, and he felt a little suffocated.

Ye Shi frowned, “How do you know this? Did Mu Chen himself tell you?”

Zhuang Yu froze for a moment, “No, he didn’t.” 

“You didn’t hear it from Mu Chen, then why did you say it so confidently?” Ye Shi gnashed his teeth and looked at Zhuang Yu with dissatisfaction.

Zhuang Yu looked at him with some annoyance, “It’s obvious! After all, who in their right mind would…“ like you!

“I don’t want to hear it from you, whether Mu Chen likes me or not, why he is being nice to me, I will only believe it if he says it himself.” Ye Shi stood up and said angrily.

Seeing that Ye Shi didn’t appreciate his good intentions, Zhuang Yu sighed, “Then do as you please.” 


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