Ch38 - Struggle

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“A’Yu, are you done?” Lan Ruofeng asked as he walked in.

Zhuang Yu nodded and glanced at Ye Shi, “We’re done talking.” 

Ye Shi looked at the two of them as they walked away together and gnashed his teeth.

As soon as Zhuang Yu left, Ye Shi’s previous feigned toughness collapsed and his face turned ashen.



“A’Yu, what did you say to that man?” Lan Ruofeng asked.

Zhuang Yu sighed lightly, “I advised him to return to where he came from and not to fall into an illusion that doesn’t belong to him, but clearly, he didn’t appreciate my good intentions.” 

Lan Ruofeng shrugged, “A’Yu, you are too kind. There are many people in the world who don’t know any better. You are good to them but they think you are trying to harm them.”

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“I don’t care what he thinks, I just want to have a clear conscience.” Zhuang Yu said indifferently.

Back in the kitchen, Chen Da looked at the dejected back of Ye Shi, and couldn’t help asking, “Shi Tou, what’s wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ye Shi’s face was so ugly that Chen Da felt quite worried. The boy had always been strong, and to look like this, something really unpleasant must have happened.


“Did the servant of young master Mu Chen say something to you?” Chen Da asked with a frown.

Ye Shi shook his head and answered with a downcast look on his face, “No, he didn’t say anything.”

If not him, then who?

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“What is that?” Chen Da asked, looking at the food box in his hand. 

“It’s a cake sent by Mu Chen.” Ye Shi said.

Chen Da froze for a moment, “Young master Mu Chen is quite thoughtful.”

Ye Shi bit his lip, “He is, but why?”

Chen Da looked at him, puzzled, “Shi Tou, what are you thinking about? Is it bad that young master Mu Chen is good to you?” 

Ye Shi took a deep breath, “No, it’s just that he’s too good.”


“Did you give it?” Mu Chen asked as he came out of his meditative state.

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Ren San nodded, “I did.” 

“Did he say anything?” Mu Chen asked, raising his eyebrows.

Ren San nodded, clasped his hands behind his back, and said, “Young master Ye Shi said: ‘don’t be too hasty, take your time, don’t work too hard, anyway…anyway…you are so stupid, even if you forget to eat and sleep, you may not be able to refine pills.’”


Mu Chen: “……” his family’s Shi Tou is so twisted. Obviously, he’s worried about him, but he doesn’t say it.


At night, Ye Shi hugged the quilt and bit the corner of it, his eyes glowing with a ghostly light.

Chen Da, who had woken up in the middle of the night, was startled by Ye Shi’s appearance. He thought, “Ye Shi’s state is really not right. Usually, he is very protective of his food and rarely shares it. Yet, tonight he said he didn’t want to eat and shared the rest of the cake with the others.

The cake that young master Mu Chen sent over was so delicious that even the chef who specializes in making pastries in the restaurant couldn’t stop praising it.

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Chen Da remembered that Ye Shi had once said that the cake made by Mu Chen was delicious, but it was a bit small and it was gone in a few bites. 

“Shi Tou, what’s wrong?” Chen Da looked at him.

Ye Shi raised his head and looked over, “Zhuang Yu said that Mu Chen is being so nice to me because his grandfather, Mu Ke, was on good terms with grandpa, and he wants to please him.”

Chen Da frowned and said helplessly, “Shi Tou, can you trust Zhuang Yu’s words? I can see that guy has so many flower escorts already, but he still doesn’t turn away from other rich young men. Young master Mu Chen ignored him but Zhuang Yu is attracted to him. Isn’t the same for everyone? Zhuang Yu didn’t like Mu Chen before, but now that Mu Chen is ignoring him, he’s unbalanced.”

Ye Shi looked up, “Uncle Chen, do you mean that Zhuang Yu lied to me?” 

“Young master Mu Chen is Mu Ke’s grandson, indeed. Although your grandfather and Mu Ke were on good terms, it’s no more than that. In the end, to Mu Ke, you are just an outsider. If young master Mu Chen wants to please Mu Ke, he doesn’t have to go to such lengths.” Chen Da coaxed.

Ye Shi gnashed his teeth, “Uncle Chen, you are right. Zhuang Yu must be lying to me.”

“Young master, if you like young master Mu Chen, you can't always let him do all the work, you have to show it!” Chen Da said. 

Ye Shi bit his lips quietly pondering, his eyes flickering.


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