Ch39 - The Second Visit

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“Shi Tou, here are the two roast chickens you asked for.” The chef of the restaurant said to Ye Shi.

Ye Shi nodded his head and said with satisfaction, “Good.” 

Ye Shi put the two lotus leaf chickens into the food box, the aroma drifting out non-stop. Ye Shi had to put in a lot of effort to restrain himself from devouring it already.

Chen Da watched Ye Shi carry the box out and frowned, “Shi Tou, you are bringing two roast chickens to see young master Mu Chen?”



Ye Shi nodded, “Yes!”

Chen Da looked at him helplessly, “Isn’t it too shabby?” 

“It’s not! Two roast chickens for a total of six spirit stones cost me six days’ salary. I hope Mu Chen doesn’t have much appetite and leaves one for me to eat.” Ye Shi muttered, his eyes shining.


Chen Da looked at him with a green face.

Ye Shi looked back at him and asked confused, “Uncle Chen, what’s the matter?”

Chen Da shook his head, “Nothing. Don’t talk nonsense when you meet young master Mu Chen.”


Ye Shi blinked, “When did I talk nonsense?”

Chen Da looked at him with a defeated look.

Ye Shi rolled his eyes and said in a small voice, “Uncle Chen, the cake from yesterday was all divided.”


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Chen Da nodded, “Yes! You said you couldn’t eat it, so I shared it all.” He originally wanted to keep some of it, but everyone liked it so much that he couldn’t even keep it if he wanted to. 

Ye Shi bit his lip, “What a pity.”

The spirit fruits on that cake were all second-grade spirit fruits; to buy them, they would cost five or six spirit stones each!

The ingredients used in that cake should also be second-grade ingredients and when you bite it you can feel the rich spiritual energy. I was really too impulsive yesterday. I blame that Zhuang Yu, if he hadn’t come here to say all that nonsense, how could I have given it away.

Ye Shi took the food box and left. Chen Da looked at Ye Shi’s distant back and frowned worriedly. 

Ye Shi walked to the door of the Mu’s mansion with the food box and knocked on the door.

Thinking of the past experience, Ye Shi frowned.

A young servant came out, saw Ye Shi, and froze for a moment, “You are young master Ye Shi.”

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Ye Shi nodded, “Yes! Do you know me? Are you new here?” Ye Shi remembered the servant of that day, his eyes were on top of his head, and he looked at him with an expression full of disgust. 

The boy nodded, “Yes! I’m new here, my name is Wang Da. The servant from last time was dismissed by the second master because he was disrespectful to you, young master Ye.”

Ye Shi was stunned by the servant’s words. Dismissed? “The second master is…?”


“It’s second master, Mu Yuanfeng!” The boy said.

Ye Shi nodded, ”Oh”. Ye Shi rolled his eyes, never expecting that Mu Yuanfeng would dismiss a servant for him. 

“You’re here to see young master Mu Chen, right? Come in first.” Wang Da made way and said attentively.

Ye Shi was a little baffled by the respectful attitude of the young servant, but still followed Wang Da in.

When Ren San saw Ye Shi being led in by Wang Da, his face instantly brightened a little, “Young Ye, you’re here. Are you looking for young Mu?”

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Ye Shi nodded, “Yes! Is he here?” 

“Young master is refining pills with the second master. He’ll come later. Let me take you to the young master’s study first. He’ll be very happy once he knows you’re here.” Ren San said.

Ye Shi’s gaze flickered, “How is Mu Chen’s alchemy going?”

Ren San smiled bitterly, “Well, I’m not sure about that. I don’t think it’s going particularly well, but it’s impossible to learn alchemy smoothly. He has just started learning after all.”

Ye Shi nodded, “That’s right, everything is difficult at the beginning. Has he been working very hard recently?” 

“Yes! Young master has changed for the better, he’s not the same as before.” Ren San said.

In the past, Mu Chen was busy with cock-fighting and horse racing, spending his days drinking and playing. Now, Mu Chen spends his days either studying alchemy books and learning alchemy from Mu Yuanfeng, or cultivating and refining his body, all day long.

“When will he come out?” Ye Shi asked.

“Young master Mu Chen’s cultivation is too low and he can only stay in the alchemy room for two hours at a time. He should be coming out soon.” Ren San replied respectfully. 

“Why can he only stay inside for two hours?” Ye Shi asked puzzled.

“Because there is fire poison in the fire veins of the earth fire, staying there for a long time will affect the cultivator. Young master Mu Chen’s cultivation allows him to stay inside for two hours only.” Ren San said.

“Is there any way to solve the fire poison?” Ye Shi asked with a frown.

“I’ve heard that if you can find a foreign fire and take it for your own use, you don’t have to fear the fire poison. However, foreign fires are rare and unattainable.“ Ren San shook his head and said with some regret. 

Ye Shi nodded thoughtfully, “I see.”

Mu Chen was in the alchemy room, with many first-grade spiritual herbs lying beside him.


Mu Chen was concentrating on refining his pills, and now he no longer needed Mu Yuanfeng’s demonstration.

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He has already learned all three first-grade spiritual fluids and fifteen first-grade pills that Mu Yuanfeng has mastered. As for the second-grade pills, Mu Chen was not strong enough to refine them yet. 

Mu Chen controlled his soul power and condensed the liquid in the furnace into pills.

“Good.” Mu Yuanfeng watched as Mu Chen finished refining the pills and clapped his hands, “Chen’er, the quality of the pills you have refined has risen again.”

Mu Chen smiled and said modestly, “It’s all because of father’s good teaching.”

Mu Yuanfeng smiled bitterly, “I wouldn’t dare to take credit for it, it’s all your own merit.” 

Mu Chen’s alchemy talent is too high. He can learn how to refine the pills just by seeing the demonstration once, and after learning, he is able to make constant adjustments and gradually improve the quality of the pills he makes, reaching the high grade or even the top grade. Mu Yuanfeng has never seen or heard of anyone with such talent.
On the one hand, Mu Yuanfeng was pleased with Mu Chen’s achievement, but on the other hand, he felt a little like a hero in his twilight years.

“Chen’er, your talent for alchemy must not be revealed to the outside world, do you understand?” Mu Yuanfeng said in a solemn manner. 

Mu Chen nodded his head, “Father, I understand.”

Mu Yuanfeng nodded. Mu Chen’s talent was too heaven-defying. If exposed, not only the other clans in Mo City wouldn’t be able to tolerate it, but also those great alchemy clans in the imperial capital.

“It’s almost time, let’s go out.” Mu Yuanfeng said.

Mu Chen nodded, “Good. By the way, father, what about the pills I have refined?” 

Mu Yuanfeng clasped his hands behind his back and said, “I will ask someone to sell them in batches, and tell the public that I made them.”

Mu Yuanfeng, as a third-level alchemist, was able to make first-grade pills in bulk, so it was not unusual to come up with so many first-grade pills at once.

Mu Chen nodded, “Good.”

“Don’t worry, all the spirit stones made from the pills will be credited to your account.” Mu Yuanfeng said with a smile, patting Mu Chen’s shoulder. 

Mu Chen smiled bashfully, “With you protecting me, father, I have nothing to worry about.”

Mu Chen followed Mu Yuanfeng out. When Ren San saw Mu Chen walking out, he immediately stepped forward, “Greetings, second master, young master Chen.”

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Looking at the animated Ren San, Mu Yuanfeng raised his eyebrows, “Is there something you want from your young master?”

“It’s not a big deal, young master Ye Shi is here.” Ren San said respectfully. 

Mu Chen’s face suddenly brightened with joy, “What are you talking about, Shi Tou is here, when did this happen, why didn’t you tell me earlier? Where is he now?”

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Mu Chen’s enthusiastic look and said helplessly, “Take it easy.”

“Young master was refining pills and I didn’t dare to disturb you. I have arranged for young master Ye to wait for you in the study, and I have told the kitchen to bring young master Ye Shi some pastries.” Ren San immediately replied.

“Father, I will go first.” Mu Chen greeted Mu Yuanfeng and hurriedly ran away. 

Mu Yuanfeng looked at Mu Chen’s back and shook his head helplessly, “What a rash and impetuous young man, having a wife and forgetting his father.”


In the study.

“Young master Ye, do you need any more pastries?” A maid asked respectfully, her eyes peeking at him from time to time. 

Ye Shi blinked, “Do you have the cake?”

The maid frowned, “Cake?”

Ye Shi nodded, “Yes! Mu Chen brought it to me to eat.”

“That’s the young master’s unique craft, none of the chefs in the kitchen know how to make it.” The maid shook her head. 

Ye Shi’s eyes widened, “It’s really made by Mu Chen!”

The maid nodded, “Yes! The master chef said that young master Mu Chen has the talent to become a senior spiritual chef, but he doesn’t seem to be very interested in becoming one.”

Ye Shi’s eyes flickered, “I really misunderstood Mu Chen. That guy can really make cakes.

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