The green train in the 1990s is really different from the future high-speed railway. First of all, the air is unbearable. Soon after sitting down, people on the edge began to smoke and eat breakfast. There were also people who took off their shoes. In the smoky corridor, there was a smell of sweat, feet and smoke, mixed with the smell of food.

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Shuyan took a breath near the window. Fortunately, the window could open, otherwise she would vomit.

The destination of this time is Nancheng. As early as he decided to leave Xicheng, Shuyan had already bought a national map to study it carefully.

She herself lived to be 30 years old, but her life experience is not very rich. She returned to her hometown after graduation from university and returned to the city where the University was located two years later. The job she was looking for was not one of the most challenging. She was living on the salary of starvation and starvation, and was aimless.

If she is alone, it doesn't matter where she goes, but now she has two children with her. She has to consider children before doing anything.

There is no doubt that she chose the city where she went to university. On the one hand, she is familiar with that place. Although the world and her own world are parallel world, in fact, it is only a small turn in history. The earth is still the earth, and the country is still that country, but the name of the place is different, and the geographical location is the same.

There are many changes in small details, but the general direction is the same. For example, Nancheng is still a super large city in China, and its geographical environment is there, which can not be changed. However, there may be some small changes within Nancheng. For example, the original subway line has been replaced by another line, or where the original demolition will be carried out, the world may not be demolished.

In any case, she bought several old houses in the suburbs, which she could not afford to buy in the suburbs

Where's the house in Nancheng! The future is skyrocketing, she just needs to lie at home and count the money, think about all good red chicken.

"Mom, I want to pee." Ye Tianbao said in a small voice.

Maybe Ye Zhiqiang is too hard on him. The child is very clever these days. The child is too noisy and annoyed, too quiet and afraid of his problems. As expected, they all say that their children are born to collect debts. Shuyan really has a deep understanding now.

At this time, the public security is not good, Shuyan is not at ease, leaves Ye Jingjing on the seat, holds Ye Tianbao, and leads Ye Jingjing to the toilet.

"Mom, bag?" Ye Jingjing wants to take the bag.

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"No, just some old clothes. Let's go." She sewed valuables into her inner pocket.

They didn't have much luggage. They only had a backpack with their old clothes. They had planned to take their daughter to buy clothes, but they were busy and delayed. When they thought about leaving Xicheng, it was not easy for them to take their two children with them. They simply took it easy and could buy them wherever they had money. They could buy new clothes when they settled down in Nancheng.

As for herself, she didn't plan to buy clothes for nearly half a year. After settling down, the first step was to lose weight and buy clothes after losing weight, so as not to waste money.

After ye Tianbao goes to the toilet, Shuyan asks Ye Jingjing to squat down by the way. It's inconvenient to take the child to do anything, so it's even more troublesome to go to the toilet.

Shuyan is opposite a pair of simple looking middle-aged couple, about 50 years old, the man does not talk much, but the woman is very talkative.

"Sister, where is the father? Why not with you? "

Shu Yan's heart is tight. She is a woman with two children. She is definitely a fat man in the eyes of a peddler. If you don't watch out, you can't be careful. It's always right to be cautious.

Shuyan calmly said with a smile: "the child's father works in Ningcheng and says he wants to have children. Let me take the children to play."

"Ningcheng is a good place. What do you do? Did you make a lot of money? Otherwise, I'm not willing to let you play. It's not cheap to go back and forth. " Women say it very often.

"It's the poor working people who don't go home during the Spring Festival, so they miss their children. It happens that the two children want to play, so take them once." Shuyan gently touched Ye Tianbao's head, approached his ear and whispered: "don't talk."

Ye Tianbao is afraid to stick it on Shuyan's chest. Ye Jingjing on one side tightly grasps her mother's clothes.

Children are very sensitive and can sense the emotions of adults.

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"The point is, you said we don't make money all for children." The woman looked at the two children with a smile, "you two children are very good, but my daughter is a little thinner. Come on, this is the tea egg I cooked by myself, for you to eat."

Shu Yan's vigilance in the heart is more serious, smile: "do not use." Busy pushed back, "we take it by ourselves." He took out a bag of tea eggs from his pocket and gave them two instead. "My family has prepared them. I'm afraid it's too hot to eat them. Please try mine."

"We have them, too. Keep them for the children."

Two people push back and forth, four tea eggs rolled to the ground, "Oh! This I'm sorry. I'll give you some more. "

"No. You young people just like to be clean. Don't you have skin on the outside? You can eat it if you peel it off. " The woman waved her hand, picked up the tea, peeled the eggs, and ate them with her man.

Isn't it a bad guy? Is she too cautious? No matter, if something happens, it's too late to regret."Shu Yan embarrassed smile," my two children since childhood spleen and stomach is not good. "

"If the spleen and stomach are not good, you should take good care of it, or you will suffer more." After eating tea eggs, the woman took out a lot of red dates from her pocket. "The jujubes we planted in our own house are dried in the sun after eating. They are good for women and children. They are very sweet. Try them."

"We have this, too." Shuyan felt that this person was too enthusiastic.

At this time, a steward came, Shuyan quickly asked: "Hello, comrade, do you have any berths?"

I didn't buy a berth ticket. I thought about it for more than ten hours. I could bear it. Now I still try to change it into a sleeper.

"Sorry, I don't know that either." The steward shook his head.

"Comrades, please accommodate yourself. You can see that my two children are not in good health." Shu Yan touched Ye Jingjing, the little girl was very clever, and immediately coughed. She looked very uncomfortable, "can you help me see if there is a seat available, I can make up the ticket."

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In fact, sleeping berths are reserved on trains in order to deal with emergencies or to help people, but it's hard for ordinary people to buy them. After all, the body died once, and she looked very bad. She had two children. The little girl was thin and small, and the child in her arms was also white faced. The steward couldn't help but take them to the conductor to explain the situation, Then she made up a berth for her.

"Did she see something?" The husband and wife opposite Shu Yan watched them leave, and the woman asked.

"It's not that you are too anxious. A woman with two children must be careful when she goes out." The man complained in a low voice.

"It's a pity that this big fat sheep. I see it really. The man who sent them to the train was driving a car with a watch and a big gold chain. Look, if you buy a sleeper, you can buy a sleeper. He must have brought a lot of money with him. " The woman was extremely sorry, "those two children are also good, especially the little boy, who is fat and white, can definitely sell for a good price."

"Shut up, for fear that no one else can hear you?" The man glared at her. It was a waste.

Change to the sleeper, there are three beds already occupied, the one that is empty is theirs. The upper one is a man on the left below, a young man on the right, and a young girl above him.

Shu Yan chuckled at them and hesitated for a long time. If he didn't propose to change his berth, he would be more troublesome. Next time he went out, he would remember to buy tickets in advance.

First, she helped her daughter climb to the upper bunk, and then carried her son to the upper bunk. After sitting down, Shuyan was relieved. She patted Ye Tianbao on the back and asked Ye Jingjing in a low voice, "are you afraid?"

"No fear." It is said that, but she has been holding Shuyan's arm tightly.

"Don't be afraid. Mom is here." Shuyan also took Ye Jingjing into his arms. "Remember to go out later. You can't ask for anything from people you don't know, especially food."

Seventeen hours later, the train arrived at the South Railway Station. Shu Yan was carrying a backpack, holding Ye Tianbao and holding Ye Jingjing. With the people leaving the station, she finally arrived.

"Comrade, are you staying in a hotel?"

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"Comrades, do you want housing?"

"Comrade, do you want to take a bus?"

"Comrade, where are you going?"

"Will OP go? I'm just one short of you. If you go, you can go right away

Shuyan just got out of the station. Many people came around and asked, "there's everything. She didn't stop. She took her children outside to look for a bus. When she saw the old bus stop, which had not changed, she was relieved. Fortunately, she didn't change.

There are not many routes. Shuyan found the most familiar place and waited for more than half an hour to wait for the bus. There is no way. There are few buses now, but it is not so luxurious as to run every few minutes in the future.

When she arrived at her destination, Shu Yan finally showed a light smile. This is the university town she is most familiar with. As early as she was preparing to come to Nancheng, she checked the location of the University, which was the same as her own world. She had a rough idea of all the architectural changes around the University. For example, Xuefu street, which is not far from the school, is an old street with hundreds of years, which will be one of the scenic spots in Nancheng in the future.

Since it's a century old street, it's natural that there's no big change. When Shu Yan arrives here, she finds that it's true. It's like the hotel where her parents sent her to sign up. Now it's open. She takes her children in and finds that the boss is not the same person.

As early as when she was just wearing it, Shuyan called her father's factory. It was a vacant number, and there was no factory at all. Now the boss is not a person, but he can understand it. No matter how similar it is, it is not a world.

"Hello, do you want a room?"

"Yes, give me a room. How many nights?" Shu Yan didn't see the price tag and asked.

"Would you like a single room or a double room? Five for a single and eight for a double The boss said with a smile.

"Can you show me the room? I'll make a comparison. " Shuyan followed the boss upstairs, the room is actually almost the same, that is, the double room is bigger, and there is a bathroom. Without hesitation, she chooses a double room, closes the door, and Shuyan sighs. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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