Even if it's a sleeper, I can't sleep well on the train. The two children are so tired that Shuyan doesn't let them go to bed immediately. Instead, she asks her sister to look at her brother and buy two bowls of chaos.

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In the 1990s, the weight was very enough. Two bowls were enough for the three of them.

Wake up in the afternoon, no watch, no mobile phone, even do not know the time, two children are still sleeping, Shuyan wake them up, too much sleep in the day, the night should not sleep.

"Mom." Ye Jingjing rubbed his eyes and called in a low voice.

"Get up. Mom will take you out to dinner."

Relatively speaking, ye Tianbao's temper is a lot bigger, was woken up in that crying, Shuyan quietly coax two words, help him change clothes.

"What would you like to eat?" Shu Yan is very familiar with this area, but for more than a decade later, the current environment is not very clear, so the similarity of this street is very high, and the change is not big.

Find the hotel in my memory, but the boss is not the person in my memory. Shuyan is a little disappointed.

It turned out that the owner of the shop was from Xicheng. Many students from the north of the University liked to come to him to eat. Listen to their husband and wife exchange, using Xicheng dialect, they are also Xicheng people, but the taste of the dishes tends to the taste of Nancheng.

"Mom, it's sweet." Ye Tianbao took a bite and felt like vomiting, but did not dare to.

He used to vomit directly when he didn't like it in his hometown. His grandmother would coax him by the side. He followed his mother in Xicheng in those days. If he vomited and didn't eat, his mother really didn't care about him. He learned to be good after tasting the taste of hunger several times.

After spending so long in Nancheng, she slowly accepted the local taste. It was only normal for the two children to eat for the first time.

"Boss, can you make the dishes that haven't been served according to the taste of Xicheng?" She was negligent. She thought it was just that the boss changed. She didn't expect that the taste could be changed.

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"Is the eldest sister from Xicheng, too?" The landlady came out with the dishes and asked enthusiastically.

"Yes, I'm ok. I can eat anything. My two children are not used to eating Nancheng food for the first time." Shuyan saw the dishes in the hands of the landlady, "it's already done. Please stir fry a home cooked western style dish for me."

The landlady said with a kind smile: "we opened a restaurant late. It's just that we are ready to eat. We stir fry a lot of dishes. If we don't mind, we can share some."

How can you dislike it? Shuyan thanks the landlady. After a while, she comes with a large dish of vegetables, with three dishes in it.

"I've got some of everything. I can't tell me more about it." It's rare to meet the villagers in Xicheng. The landlady is very happy.

With the authentic northwest flavor, the two children ate very well. Shu Yan didn't eat it after eating two chopsticks. She would eat both Nancheng and Xicheng dishes before eating the dish fried before, and left the Xicheng flavor to the children.

"You can eat it, mom." Ye Jingjing finds that Shu Yan didn't take the dish that the boss's wife sent.

Can't complain all said that the daughter is considerate, Shuyan smiles and gives her a chopstick meat, "mother likes to eat sweet dishes, these you and your brother eat." "You can eat it, grow up quickly, and then you can protect your mother and sister."

"Protect mother and sister?" These days, he had never heard of it. His grandmother told him that his mother and sister were outsiders and only helped him with his work. They would listen to him.

"Yes, mother and sister are girls. As a man, Tianbao should not protect his mother and sister?" Children are still young, adults learn what they teach. They were raised by Mrs. ye before, but now it's too late.

Ye Tianbao looked at Shu Yan with bright eyes, "man? A man like father

Shuyan a meal, in the child's heart, of course, the father is the most powerful, he is still too young, Shuyan is not stupid enough to reason with him.

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"Yes, a man like father."

Ye Tianbao was happy to eat half a bowl of rice. After following Shuyan, Shuyan did not feed him any more. Now he ate with a small spoon and ate very well.

So what children do not eat, to follow feed, is used to, hungry a few meals will know to eat.

After settling the account, the boss's wife was very good and sent some dishes to Shuyan.

"I'm very grateful to have sent me so many dishes." Shuyan declined.

"It's hard to meet fellow villagers. It's fate. I'll take care of my business in the future."

"Thank you very much, sister." When chatting, Shuyan already knew that the owner's wife was 36 years old, 11 years older than her. However, people's life was very happy, and she was much younger than Shuyan.

Now the hotel has an advantage. There is a public kitchen in the backyard. The tableware and food materials are prepared by ourselves. If you want to use them, you can pay 50 cents a day. Shuyan plans to buy some things and chopsticks and cook for yourself.

There was a department store nearby. There was everything in it. Originally, she wanted to settle down in Nancheng, and it was OK to buy everything. But with her two children, she could be light and light. She chose three bowls, three pairs of chopsticks, two spoons, a big bowl of soup, a dishcloth, and two dishes, and then she was alive.

Ye Jingjing is very sensible. He helps Shu Yan carry some light things. When ye Tianbao sees him, he also helps to take some things. Shu Yan does not stop his enthusiasm and praises them both.When children want to help, they can't stop doing things. This is what she saw from experts. She said that parents would cultivate their children's inertia and dependence. Shu Yan felt that it was quite reasonable.

Ye Jingjing and ye Tianbao are playing in the room. Shuyan goes to the kitchen to wash and iron the dishes and chopsticks, thinking about the future.

First of all, you have to find a house to live in. If you can't buy it, you can rent it first.

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Then there is the problem of Ye Jingjing's school. Now the registration period has passed. The school has already started. If you want to enter the school, you have to find a relationship. If you can't, you can only go to private schools, and ye Tianbao will also go to kindergarten. It's troublesome to choose kindergartens.

Arrange two children for the time being, and then think about things later.

The next day, Shuyan went out to buy breakfast and came back to eat.

"Mom will go out to look for a house. You and your brother will play in the room. No one can open the door except mom when she knocks. Do you know that?" This daughter is really sensible. It's better to have such a sensible daughter. Otherwise, Shuyan may be more tired than now.

There are not many facilities in the hotel. The only electrical appliance is a fan. Put the fan up to prevent the two children from accidentally touching it. When she got up in the morning, she deliberately opened the lid to cool the kettle. If they wanted to drink it, they could drink it directly. If they touched it, it would not be hot. After turning around again, she found that there was no danger, so she went out.

Instead of blindly looking for a house, she knew that there was an old neighborhood nearby, which was originally a staff dormitory. After the factory moved away, it was bought by the school and distributed to the teachers as welfare housing. Some teachers would rent the house to subsidize their families if they had another house.

Go directly to the gatekeeper to explain his intention. Unfortunately, he told Shuyan that the houses here are rarely rented, and some of them are immediately rented.

However, she didn't think carefully. It's 92 years now, instead of 19 years. The salary of the teacher is very small. Many single teachers can't even get a house and can only live in a dormitory. Moreover, the house in Nancheng has been very tense. How could she be rented by Shuyan.

"Do you know where you can rent a house near here Shu Yan was not hit, and then asked Uncle.

"It's hard to find a house around here." My uncle shook his head.

Now the economy is much better, there are many students in the home to do business to earn money, they want to give children better, the cost of living of students is high, there are more people living outside.

Shu Yan was a little disappointed. She had thought that the place was familiar to her, and there were many teachers. Then she would try to find a way to make ye Jingjing go to the nearby Chengxi primary school. If she entered the primary school there, then junior high school and high school would not have to worry too much. Moreover, Nancheng university would give priority to the admission of students from Nancheng high school during the college entrance examination.

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"Why don't you go to the south gate? There are a lot of houses for rent Seeing Shu Yan like this, I can't help but suggest.

Shuyan eyes a bright, small South Gate of course she knows, the most prosperous commercial center in the future, but now there are all old houses? And all of them are courtyard. A house of 20-30 square meters is occupied by five or six people. One floor shares a bathroom, so the environment is needless to say.

Shu Yan can bear anything else, just that bathroom, she really can't accept.

"Uncle, do you know where there is a building nearby?"

"There are also buildings! One kilometer to the north, a big boss built a small area. However, the land is only for sale and not for rent. The house is really elegant and the environment is good. The only drawback is that it is expensive. If you go there and buy a flat, you will surely live comfortably. " The guard felt that Shuyan had a big voice and shivered her deliberately.

"Over there?" In her own world, there will be taken down by the school and a branch school will be built. Therefore, she still thinks that it is still a wasteland, and she doesn't want to look there. She didn't expect to be bought to develop real estate there.

Or that sentence, in the similar is not a world, can refer to but can not be compared, Shu Yan again warned himself, thank you, immediately set out for the small South Gate.

After walking about a mile or so, Shuyan saw the high-rise building, and behind it was a small community. The greening was very good. At least, it was very comfortable to look outside. To find the sales center, compared with the future, it can be said that the courtyard is cold.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand, at this time the unit will be divided into houses, many people hold the sub house to stick to their jobs, and even think that the people who buy houses are stupid.

Another reason is that the house price is too high at this time. Just like the residential area that Shu Yan is looking at now, the opening price is 1500 yuan per square meter, which may sound very small. But don't forget that it's 92 years. The average salary of Nancheng is more than 3000 yuan a year. If you don't eat or drink, you can only buy two square meters. In fact, it's not much different from the future. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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