The aunt sent two children to school, and Shuyan and Fang Zeyu were left in the room.

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It seems that for a long time, no two people sat and chatted. Shuyan looked at Fang Zeyu and asked without words: "how could that girl come out to apologize?"

Anyway, Shuyan didn't believe that she would come out and apologize in front of so many people. It was just like acting.

"I have a brother looking for her."

Fang Zeyu was also strange at the beginning. Later, he realized that it was Mao Weiping who went to Yin Xueqin. As long as she was willing to apologize in front of everyone, the more repentant, the better, he would give her a sum of money. Yin Xueqin, who was already at the end of her tether, agreed to apologize and calm her guilt and take a sum of money. What's wrong.

It's amazing to see that even if he kneels down with his mother, it's really no bad effect.

As for Yin Xueqin, with the money given by Mao Weiping and her mother, I don't know where to go. With her appearance and education, I believe you can find a good job in any city or county far away, and you can marry a good family in the future.

Shu Yan nodded, took a look at Fang Zeyu, grabbed a pillow and hugged him, "my family values boys more than girls, and I don't want to read from grade three in primary school. I have been helping my parents do farm work and housework at home. At the age of 17, several people came to my home to propose marriage. The bride price offered by the old man ye in the neighboring village was the highest. My parents chose their family. I met and got married. He said that he wanted to go out and make a breakthrough. After he left, I found out that I was pregnant. My mother-in-law valued boys more than girls, and gave birth to a elite. He didn't even give birth to a baby. My ex husband was in the bread project outside. He needed a cook, so he thought of me. Then I went to cook for him. Then he had Tianbao. When he was too heavy to cook, I went back to the countryside. Later, in order to marry the woman outside, he ignored me for several months, and then started to quarrel with each other. I felt that I couldn't live through this life, so I divorced him

She felt that these things have nothing to say, the more taboo is a knot, it is better to tell him frankly. In addition, she also told Fang Zeyu that she had no feelings with her ex husband and that she was just making a fool of herself.

Fang Zeyu heard Shu Yan's meaning. If he really had feelings, he would not talk about his past as an outsider.

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This really surprised Fang Zeyu. He didn't worry about his stepfather, but he was more worried about the injury of Shuyan's inability to get out of his previous marriage.

"You should have heard something about me. My father is an educated youth. He went to the countryside to jump into my mother's village. He couldn't bear the hardships and coaxed my mother to marry him. In 80 years, when the educated youth returned to the city, he also came back. There was no news. My mother borrowed money and took me to look for him. No accident, he married his daughter-in-law again in the city. My mother didn't take me back. She left me here Speaking of being abandoned by his mother, Fang Zeyu's eyes flickered slightly, "I can understand her. I'm a boy. Whoever marries my mother will have to build a house for me and marry a daughter-in-law. Who would like to? She can't support me on her own. It's better to leave me in Nancheng. Anyway, I won't starve to death. Moreover, with the urban hukou, it's better than having no way out in the countryside. "

Shuyan listened to him silently, unable to imagine the feeling of being left behind by his mother at a young age.

"I went back to see her when I grew up." Fang Zeyu side head to Shu Yan smile, "married a neighbor's widower, daughter-in-law is dystocia, children also have no, do not have to be stepmother. After she married, she gave birth to two sons. The older one was one year younger than me, and the taller one was bigger. I heard that the grades were good, and the younger one was naughty. She didn't want to go to school. Her father sent her to study carpentry after graduating from junior high school. They were all very good. "

Hearing Fang Zeyu say that he and his mother brother are one year younger than him, Shuyan is suddenly very sad.

"I never regretted the little girl, but I'm sorry I didn't see my grandparents for the last time Referring to his grandparents, Fang Zeyu's eyes were red and his eyes were moist. "If it wasn't for my worries, my grandparents would not have died so early. They were in such good health."

"It's all over." Shuyan thought of her parents and knew how sad her parents were when she died.

"It's the past." He sent them all in one by one.

Two people sit quietly, slow for a long time, mood restore calm.

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They told each other about their past, and felt that they were one step closer to each other.

Shu Yan languidly leaned on the sofa, holding the corner of the pillow, "what are your plans for the future?"

"I originally planned to take good care of my grandmother next door after revenge. After 100 years of my grandmother, I will find a place with green mountains and green waters to live a plain life, just by myself." Fang Zeyu stares at Shu Yan and says seriously, "the plan can't keep up with the change. I met someone who makes me feel excited. Now I want to marry her and go home and think about the life she wants."

He is so staring at, Shuyan ear root son is red.

"It's not easy for you to marry her." Stare at him, when did you learn to say love words?

"I will overcome all difficulties. As long as she wants to be with me. " Fang Zeyu has been staring at Shu Yan.

Shu Yan pursed a lower lip and looked up at Fang Zeyu, "are you really ready for psychology? I believe the people around you have given you advice. It's not easy to be a stepfather. "Fang Zeyu sat up straight and said firmly: "I know you have children since I knew you. I don't think this is a difficult problem. I always feel for the children with my heart. When they grow up and have a family, they can live together if they want to. If they want to live their own lives, we will live a quiet life together. If you want, we can travel all over the beautiful mountains and rivers of our motherland. If we can walk freely, we can go abroad to have a look. We will come back when we can't move. "

Shuyan's heart beat violently, which was her dream in the past life. She hopes to retire at the age of 60, and then have a loved one who can travel around the world with her. When she gets old and can't walk, she will return to her hometown.

"Don't you want to have your own children?" There seems to be no children of his own in his plan.

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To tell you the truth, Shuyan wants to have a child by herself. One is enough, but she is worried that after she has children, she will focus on the small and ignore the two big ones. This is a difficult degree to grasp. It is unrealistic not to have children. Since he is going to remarry and the other party is married for the first time, it is unfair for Fang Zeyu not to have children.

It is false to say that he doesn't want his own child. Fang Zeyu was abandoned by his father when he was a child, and then his mother left him. If it were not for his grandparents, he would have starved to death. He had thought that if he had children in the future, he would take on the responsibility of being a father, protect her and take care of her. But now it doesn't matter. Jingjing and Tianbao are also very good. He will treat them as their own children.

"It doesn't matter. It's the same with Jingjing and Tianbao. " Fang Zeyu said so with all his heart.

Shuyan pick eyebrows, is to say that it does not matter, not do not want.

"If, I mean if, I remarry and have children, I hope to get the consent of Jingjing and Tianbao."

Fang Zeyu looks at Shu Yan in a daze, which means that she has not been ligated. If Jingjing and Tianbao agree, would she like to have another one?

"As for remarriage, I have talked with Jingjing and Tianbao. Tianbao may be a little boy. I think it doesn't matter, and I still hope to have a new father. Jingjing is older and knows more. She can't say no, but she is very insecure. She is afraid that I will not marry her again, so you should pay more attention to her. " Shu Yan said, did not get Fang Zeyu response, side head to look at him, "is there a problem?"

Fang Zeyu looked at Shu Yan in a daze. For a long time, he stammered, "you Do you agree that Agree with my partner... "

"We are not young, we have experienced so many things, and it is not interesting to play catch-up. It is not easy to meet a person we like. Why not be frank and brave?" Shuyan also had a few love, to 30 years old, more want is a solid arm, warm harbor.

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"I'm not as brave as you are." In terms of feelings, Fang Zeyu felt that he was not as brave as Shu Yan.

If Shuyan doesn't say it today, he may still be racking his brains to think about how to chase him, rather than bravely standing in front of Shuyan to express his confidence.

She has taken the first step. There is no reason why he is a man.

"Shuyan, I like you. Can you be my girlfriend?"

Shuyan put down the pillow, got up and walked upstairs, "it's summer vacation soon, think about where to take the children to play."

At the moment, Fang Zeyu's heart is as brilliant as fireworks.

When I get up and go back, I can't walk. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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