Auntie didn't come back until about 3:00 p.m. when she came in, she had to see if anyone else was there.

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"Auntie, what are you doing?" Shuyan looked at her with tears and smiles.

Seeing that she was caught by Shuyan, she said with a smile: "nothing. I sent my child to the vegetable market and bought some dishes."

Shu Yan glanced at her hand, empty handed, where to eat?

"I didn't buy it because it wasn't fresh." Aunt explained quickly.

Can this excuse be any worse?

"Auntie, you are also a member of the family. I'll tell you the truth. I'm really dating Fang Zeyu. Don't be too surprised if he comes here often." Shuyan gave aunt a preventive injection.

I had already guessed the expression of auntie. She came back late because she was worried about disturbing them.

"You can find someone who is good to you and your children. When my family left, I was only 27 years old. I only had a daughter. If my uncle was not good, I couldn't hold on." Aunt is also a single person with children, some empathy, "at that time the child's father did not, I also moved the mind, but really did not meet the desired."

Shu Yan understands that she is not the same as herself. Her husband is not sick. The most important thing is that her husband is very good to her and her children when he is alive. He is eager to do any dirty work and hard work. When he goes up the mountain to cut firewood and sees wild fruits, he can think of her. It is not easy to remarry with such a man.

"You're only 38 years old, and you're not old enough. Don't you want to find another one?" Since then, there are many independent women who are not married in their thirties, and they are comfortable with themselves. In their thirties, they are not married.

Anyway, she will never be wronged because of her marriage. There is no reason why she should be single and live a good life. She has to live frugally and serve others even after she has married. She is not ill.

"Me? My kids are in college. " Aunt waved her hand.

"Because your daughter goes to college, you need to look for it. When your daughter grows up, she goes to work after graduation, gets married and gives birth to children. She has her own way. She can't take her life for her daughter. I think You can live for yourself. "

The word mother is sacred, but Shuyan thinks it is too mythical.

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The mother is first of all a person, father and mother raised people.

Aunt did not say a word, for a long time, she said with a smile: "wait until the child graduated."

Everyone has their own ideas, Shuyan did not persuade, "you go back to Nanfu mansion first, I'll come back after cleaning up."

The furniture of the house was left to Shuyan, including the bed, which was the old-fashioned wooden bed. Shuyan was not used to sleeping, so she took it apart and went to the warehouse. Yesterday afternoon, she called the furniture factory and asked them to send three beds the same as the new house. Originally, she planned to change a bed for aunt's room, but she preferred the old bed.

Summer a mat, a sheet on the line, these are also new to buy, aunt washed in the morning, summer a noon to dry, Shuyan will mat and sheets collected to lay, while cleaning up and thinking about things with Fang Zeyu.

After Fang Zeyu went home, the old lady called several times without any response.

"What's the matter? Didn't you plant for the girl next door? " The old lady looked at him up and down. Did they refuse him? Ouch! Don't get hit.

She had heard the story of someone who had been lovesick before and died after being rejected by a woman.

"I planted some green onions and some tomatoes. She has a house in Nanfu mansion, so she doesn't usually live here. " Seeing the old lady's expression, Fang Zeyu couldn't help but be happy. "She promised to stay with me, grandma. She promised to be my girlfriend. Hehe, hehe..."

The old lady glared at him, patted her chest, and almost didn't scare her to death. Don't you agree? She was afraid that Xiaoyu would not be able to think about it. When she heard the promise, the old lady was not happy.

"That's a good thing. You said she had a house in the capital of Nancheng. Then she I have a lot of money. " The villagers don't know, but the old lady knows very well that Fang Zeyu has not been idle all these years since he came back. He has been working outside. He has started a company with his comrades in arms. Anyway, he makes a lot of money.

Fang Zeyu looked at the old lady and knew what she was thinking. He said with a smile, "she has more money than me."

"Richer than you?" The old lady was a little surprised.

"Well, she started a clothing company with a friend and it's a good business." Fang didn't say how much. But the old lady also saw that there should be a lot of money.

The other party has no money. The old lady is worried about whether she is Tu Fang Zeyu's money. Hearing that the other party had more money than Zeyu, the old lady was worried about whether she was sincere with Fang Zeyu.

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"You're 35 years old. You've been dragging on for a long time. If you can get married, you'd better get married earlier." The old lady thinks that the young people nowadays are different from them before. They say that if they are in free love, if they are in love, they will fall in love. There are many divorces. They pursue true love. They don't understand. Anyway, she thinks it's best to live a good life.

"Don't worry." Originally, he thought that Shuyan would agree only after a long time of chasing. He also thought that if the child did not agree, Shuyan would not agree with him. He did a good job in the long-term war of resistance, and even thought of the possibility that Shuyan would agree after the children's University. He never expected that Shuyan would agree so soon. Now it's very good and can't be too anxious.He is not in a hurry, and the old lady is in no hurry. In any case, since the two people are in the same place, the old lady's attitude towards Shuyan will be changed. For nothing else, she hopes that she can treat Xiaoyu well.

Shuyan lock the door ready to go home, go out and meet the old lady.

"Not here tonight?" The old lady asked with a smile.

Shuyan Leng for a moment, did not expect the old lady will talk to her.

"Yes. There are a lot of things that haven't been sorted out. When the children have a holiday, they can come and live for a while. This yard is cooler than the building. " Shu Yan responded with a smile.

"That's not true. Today's young people like buildings. I said that this kind of house is the best. It has a yard in front of and behind it. How spacious it is."

The old lady looked at Shuyan carefully. She was much thinner and whiter than when I saw her last time. She was wearing a light pink dress, a ponytail and small high-heeled sandals. If she did not know that she had given birth to a child, she would definitely think that she was an unmarried girl.

There is no need to choose his looks. If he just looks, Fang Zeyu will not be worthy of others. Age? According to Xiao Yu, Fang Zeyu is only 26 years old. Fang Zeyu is thirty-six years old. She is 10 years behind. In terms of this, she also suffers from the loss. Not to mention money. Nanfu mansion has a house. The yard of 330000 yuan can buy it without blinking. It is said that the company still makes a lot of money. In this way, except for having two children, Xiaoyu is not worthy of others.

"What can I do for you, grandma?" Shu Yan sees the old lady has been staring at her, also does not speak.

"Ah? It's nothing. We'll be neighbors and come to my house when we have time. " The old lady looked at Shu Yan with kindness.

"Well, come and play when you have time." Shuyan said hello to the old lady and left.

Shuyan didn't know what the old lady thought. The most important thing was how Fang Zeyu thought. Don't say that the old lady is not pro grandma, is pro grandma, if not easy to get along with, Shuyan will not be wronged to please her.

The two children were already at home. Seeing Shu Yan, they ran to ask if the flowers and green onions planted at noon today were alive. Tianbao also wanted to water it and was stopped by Shuyan.

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"It's getting dark. I'll go back tomorrow morning." Shuyan went into the house to take a bath, changed his clothes and came out, "it's going to be the final exam. How is Jingjing's preparation?"

Jing Jing studies very hard. She has been following her classmates' steps in one semester. Now she has got good grades in all three subjects, especially Chinese. She can basically get full marks in the test. There is no need to make up for Chinese and mathematics. There is only one English training course left. In addition, she learned to dance and piano. The teacher in the training class said that Jingjing was very talented in piano. She suggested that Shu Yan stop dancing class and study piano.

However, Jingjing prefers dancing. Shu Yan doesn't force her to give up dancing to study piano. They all say that interest is the best teacher, which is true. So called interests and hobbies? Didn't you just learn it because you like it? She wants to learn what she wants to learn, as long as she can stick to it, Shuyan has been very happy.

"Some time ago, the simulation test, should not be too big a problem, but I will try to review." Jingjing showed Shu Yan the previous test paper, Chinese 98, English 99, math handicap, 95.

"After the exam, you can go out and play." We don't have to worry too much about Elite learning.

"Well, mom, where are we going to play?" Tianbao asked happily.

"Go to the seaside. You haven't been there yet." It's also good to go to the west at this time. However, many places have not been built yet. They are relatively primitive, and there may be no roads. I'd better go to the seaside nearby for a few days.

Of course, if Fang Zeyu has a better arrangement, I will listen to him.

I'm glad to go out to play, especially the sea that I've never seen. The two children are so happy that they go to bed very late.

The next morning, Shuyan was still sleeping and was pulled up by Tianbao.

"Why don't you go to bed so early?" Shu Yan took a look at the time, five o'clock is not.

"Mom, get up quickly. We're going to water the flowers." Tianbao saw that his mother was lying back and caught her.

Shu Yan wailed, this is her own to find the guilt.

"There's no need to be so early?" Shuyan wants to talk with Tianbao.

"Mom, you said that the early bird catches the worm, so we should get up early. It's too late. Flowers and onions are all thirsty. Hurry up. "

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Shuyan didn't believe him. He wanted to see how the flowers looked.

"Mom, hurry up, we're going to be late." Tianbao finished breakfast, Shuyan was still eating slowly, anxious.

"I see. Let's go." After drinking the milk, take the children to water.

When he got there, he found that Fang Zeyu had already got up and was fighting there.

"Uncle Fang, what are you doing?" The elf knew that Fang Zeyu was fighting, so he wanted to play.

"Exercising, want to learn?"

Tianbao's eyes twinkled, "I want to."

"It's hard to learn this. Can you stick to it?" Fang Zeyu thinks Tianbao can persist."Yes." Tianbao has been nodding fiercely.

Shu Yan glanced at him and said with a smile, "don't listen to his nonsense. It's estimated that he will go back crying one day."

"Mom, don't look down on people. I'm very good." Tianbao said unconvinced.

"Are you so good? Mom doesn't believe it. " Shu Yan said deliberately.

"Of course, Tianbao is very good. I'll learn boxing from Uncle Fang tomorrow."

"I can't write that down. It's a dog." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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