Shu Yan didn't tell Jingjing and Tianbao that he was with Fang Zeyu. It seems too awkward to tell the children. Slowly tell them that maybe they will know by themselves in a few days.

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Fang Zeyu went to fetch a bucket of water. The two children poured the flowers and green onions planted yesterday. Then they were relieved to go back to breakfast.

"Haven't you had breakfast yet? Why don't you have some with me? " Fang Zeyu looked at the two children with some trepidation.

Shuyan took a look at the grandmother standing at the door and shook her head with a smile, "no, it's done in my house. Jingjing, Tianbao, say goodbye to grandma and uncle Fang. "

"Goodbye to grandma, goodbye to Uncle Fang." The two children waved with them and followed Shuyan home.

Seeing them leave, the old lady came out of the house and said lovingly, "the two children have taught very well and are beautiful."

Shuyan today to go to the company, just out of the community saw Fang Zeyu's car parking there.

"We're on our way. I'll give you a ride." Fang Zeyu was a little nervous.

Yesterday, I just told people about the object, but now I refuse it. It seems outrageous. Shuyan said to the driver and sat directly in the co driver's seat of Fang Zeyu.

"Is it OK for you to drive your company car all the time?" After their clothing company became big, they also provided a lot of cars, but they had to register to use them.

"It's not from the company. I bought it myself." Fang Zeyu started the car and drove it skillfully.

Shuyan Leng for a while, when bodyguard salary is so high? I can afford a car.

When Fang Zeyu saw Shu Yan's expression, he knew that she had misunderstood her. A touch of chagrin flashed through his eyes. He didn't explain it clearly last time.

"I didn't mean to hide it from you, or I felt that it seemed intentional to say that at that time." Fang Zeyu, who would quietly chase Shu Yan and say that he started a company or something, always felt the same on purpose.

Shu Yan looked at him in doubt.

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"I run the bodyguard company by myself. The employees include my former comrades in arms, and some of them came out of the army later. I didn't expect to develop like this. When I went out to visit my comrades in arms, I saw that their life was not very good, so I wanted to get a company and let them have a stable job. " Fang Zeyu explained his original intention very seriously.

"That's a good idea." Shu Yan didn't feel that Fang Zeyu was deliberately hiding from her.

The tense nerves relaxed slowly. Fang Zeyu glanced at Shuyan and said, "I don't smoke. I don't like drinking with my brothers occasionally. There is no place to spend money, so I bought a house. The house next to the house I live in and the house next to yours are mine. If you want to plant flowers, you can plant them on both sides of the yard

Shuyan was stunned, what is money? No place to spend it to buy a house. Do you know how much the two yards you bought will be worth in the future?

"You don't have to tell me that." I'm not married again. I'll explain what I'm doing so carefully.

"Besides, my grandparents left me a room. This is also the reason why my stepmother didn't like me. It turned out to be a foreign-style house. After the original owner was lost, the street became the owner. The living room and kitchen downstairs were all changed into rooms. There were five rooms in total, six in the upstairs, and two in the attic. My grandfather shared one of the attics. The house is small and can only put one bed. My grandfather made a high and low bed. I sleep in the upper bunk. What impresses me most is that I bump my head every night when I go to the toilet. " Speaking of these, Fang Zeyu's face with a touch of happiness, "after I made money, I bought several other houses one after another."

"So that whole building is yours?" Shuyan exclaimed again.

"Well, I bought the office building that the company rents now, and there is also one on the 20th floor. I rented it to others. Others No more. " Fang Zeyu told Shuyan about the houses he had bought in recent years.

Shuyan can really be described as stunned at the moment. He thought it was a bronze, but he didn't expect to be a king. After that, I'll be the charterer!

"Does your father know you're so rich?" Shuyan wants to know what his attitude towards his father is.

"What does my own money have to do with them? No matter how rich I am, I can't give them the house my grandparents left me. " Fang Zeyu misunderstood Shu Yan's meaning, but he also explained it in disguise.

"I have an idea that only when parents are loving, can their children be filial. My parents gave all their love to my three brothers. Our two sisters picked up the same kind of love. To be honest, we are all tenacious in our lives. To tell the truth, we were sold once when we got married. However, the old Xia said that last time, they were born and raised at any rate. We can't ignore them, anyway I'll give whatever my three brothers give me, and no one can say I'm not. " Shuyan told Fang Zeyu directly.

"Well, a truth. When he's old enough, he'll be ready for new year's ceremonies. "

Well, since we have the same idea, then the problem is solved.

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"Do you often go to Hangzhou and do you have business there?" The bodyguard business has developed to Hangzhou. The scale of this company is quite large.

"In addition to this year, I plan to set up a branch company in Seoul with me.""How many people are there in your company now?" Hangzhou, Beijing and Yangcheng, these major cities all have branches, which are more powerful than Yan Xue.

"It all adds up to nearly a thousand people." Fang Zeyu hasn't seen it for a few days. He doesn't know the exact number of people.

More than 1000 people? There are so many people in the bodyguard company. It's really big. It's not big enough for the bodyguard company. Is ZF allowed?

Two people speak, unknowingly to the company, Fang Zeyu hesitated for a moment, let Shuyan go first.

"Why, am I in the dark?" Shu Yan asked.

"No, it's me."

Shu Yan glared at him, reached out and took Fang Zeyu's arm. "We talk about friends in a big way. What's shady? Let's go. "

Fang Zeyu's ears are red. For the first time, he had such close contact with a woman. His nose was surrounded by the fragrance of Shuyan and his whole body was stiff.

Shu Yan took Fang Zeyu's arm and was a little tired. She twisted her eyebrows and asked, "how tall are you?"

After losing weight, she looks more beautiful than herself. Her skin foundation is very good, that is, her height is much shorter. She herself has 1.65 meters, while this one is 1.58 meters, which is 7 centimeters short.

"One meter eight two." Fang Zeyu looked at Shu Yan with a slight hook at the corner of his mouth. Suddenly he said, "it doesn't matter. I like shorter ones."

Shuyan directly shook off his hand and left in high-heeled shoes.

Fang Zeyu, who keeps his posture unchanged, doesn't know what he said wrong. When he chases him, Shu Yan has already gone up the elevator. He is so stunned that he doesn't find out when he bumps into Mao Weiping.

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"What's the matter? The one who lost his heart Mao Weiping worried about Fang Zeyu.

"I just said something wrong." Fang Zeyu recovered.


"I said to Shuyan, I like shorter girls. Any problems? I just want to say that I like her Fang Zeyu frowned.

Mao Weiping rolled his eyes. "Brother, can I call you big brother? The girl asked this question because she was afraid that you would mind her height. If you said that I like you, I would like you. I like short ones. I'm afraid you haven't knelt on the washboard

"I've never knelt. It seems that you often kneel." Fang Zeyu looked up and down at Mao Weiping.

"Well, you don't need my advice." Suddenly, Mao Weiping looked at Fang Zeyu in shock, "no! When did you get along enough to say that? "

"Didn't I say that? Yan Yan promised to be my girlfriend. " When he said this, Fang Zeyu could not help but look happy.

"Brother, you can, so fast." Mao Weiping was stunned. He had already thought of the scene of Fang Zeyu chasing his wife with tears on his face. How could he be together?

"Yan Yan said that we are not young and have experienced a lot. There is no need to play catch-up games. It is rare to meet people who like each other. We should be frank and brave." Fang Zeyu was as happy as two fools.

Mao Weiping had a toothache and goose bumps all over his body.

"Come on, don't show off. When you buy a bunch of flowers and apologize to her, women love flowers. Don't mention the word "short". You must say that you like it. " Mao Weiping has an idea.

Huhem came to the upstairs Shu Yan is actually not angry, deliberately with Fang Zeyu.

"In a good mood today?" Hu Ruixue asked with a smile when she saw Shu Yan blushing.

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"I'm in love."

"Cough..." Hu Ruixue, who was drinking water, choked, "what did you say just now?"

"I said I was in love."

"With Fang Zeyu?" Hu Ruixue did not calm down, "did you just say to get along? Why did you talk about it? "

"We've been in contact more than you think. How to put it? Originally, we had a good impression on him, but we all had some scruples about each other, and we didn't talk about it. Slowly contact it, think he is very reliable, with him I am very down-to-earth, this is my contact with so many men, the only give me such a sense of peace of mind, so I want to try

Hu Ruixue nodded, "you can feel good. I remember you said he works downstairs. Which company? I'll have someone check it out? "

"No, that company is his own. I don't think it's necessary to investigate. If I want to know something, I will ask him myself and let him tell me personally. Similarly, if he wants to know anything, he can ask me. There is nothing that can't be said. " This is the most basic trust.

If both of them think so, it's very rare. Especially Shuyan with two children, Fang Zeyu can say anything without reservation. Hu Ruixue thinks he can.

"Why don't you have time for lunch today?" Hu Ruixue said with a smile.

"Another day, I'll ask him to invite you to dinner and introduce him to you formally."

After work, Shuyan came to the garage and saw Fang Zeyu waiting for her with a bunch of roses.

Fang Zeyu, a big man, feels strange when he holds a rose. He makes Shuyan want to laugh."Who gave you the idea?"

"I'm sorry that noon, but I just want to say that I like you. No, no matter what you look like, I like it. It's not, that is, I I like you. "

This appearance of Shuyan happy laugh, reached out to take flowers, "I know what you mean, go, send me back." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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