Finally, Shuyan took out the photos of herself and the children, the thinner ones and the latest ones. Linzixiang believed that Shuyan was really her daughter.

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She accosted you and said with a smile, "you have changed too much. You said that you would have been willing to discipline yourself, and ye Zhiqiang could not divorce you."

"Mom, my skin has turned white and I'm dressed in foreign style, but my facial features." Shu Yan pointed to her facial features, "it's like this before I gave birth to a child. I haven't moved my eyes or my nose. How can you remember your appearance in the previous two years?"

This makes everyone stunned, including Shu Jianyang, they seem to really don't remember the appearance before Shu Yan, otherwise they can't all do not know.

The old lady coughed gently and scolded Lin Zixiang: "if you don't divorce, you can't meet a Yu. If you don't speak, don't talk." Turning back to Fang Zeyu, he said with a smile: "this is Shu Yan's mother. He doesn't know how to talk at ordinary times. Don't mind."

"Hello, uncle and aunt, I'm Fang Zeyu, Yan Yan's object now." Fang Zeyu, who had been standing beside him without speaking, formally introduced himself.

Shu Youfu and Lin Zixiang look at Fang Zeyu at the same time, but they don't sell as well as ye Zhiqiang. The clothes are not as elegant as ye Zhiqiang. It seems that there is not much money at home. How can Shuyan find such a person?

It won't be Tu Shuyan's money, will it?

Lin Zixiang just wanted to talk, Shu Yan squinted and interrupted her: "I remember we signed a letter not long ago. You should not worry about my affairs."

At the thought of money and food every year, they shut their mouths.

"Hello, I'm Yan Yan's mother. I don't speak very well. Am I used to it in Xicheng? The food here should be different from your hometown? "

"It's OK. I'm not picky." Fang Zeyu laughed.

People are really cheap. The more filial to their parents, the less they treat them. The more they shout at them, the better they treat the child. Like Shuyan, now they love to build ignore, they dare not to be a demon, but also an effort to buy.

"Yan Yan, my father and mother are so big that they haven't stayed in a hotel yet! Is this hotel particularly comfortable? "

The implication is to stay in a hotel! Shu Yan glanced at them. When he didn't understand, he said to Shu Jianyang, "third brother, how are you preparing there?"

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"We're ready. We'll pick up the bride in a moment." Shu Jianyang beamed.

The custom here in Xicheng is not only the best man, but also his wife's sister-in-law who accompanies the bridegroom to pick up the bride's son. Generally, they choose from the groom's sisters or cousins, and they must be unmarried. Those who have been divorced, such as Shuyan, don't mention going together. It's impossible to get too close, for fear of bad luck.

They don't want to be close to Shu Yan, who is also happy to be relaxed.

After receiving the bride to the hotel, Shuyan finally saw the third sister-in-law. She was very beautiful and had a beautiful smile.

They held the most popular Western wedding ceremony, exchanged rings and kisses with everyone's witness and blessing.

Then to the guests toast, came to Shuyan in front of the new lady looked at Shuyan's eyes a little surprised.

Shuyan can be sure that they have never met, and the bride's eyes and expression tell her that she knows herself.

Taking a look at Shu Jianyang, Shu Yan smiles and says a lot of blessing words. The bride turns her head and her eyes move. Shuyan suddenly feels that she looks like a person she knows. She can't remember who she looks like. Maybe she has seen her before, maybe she has seen it before, or she has seen it in her own body, but her memory is not deep?

"What's the matter?" Fang Zeyu has been paying attention to Shu Yan.

"Nothing, just a little thought." Shuyan smiles and greets Fang Zeyu to have a quick meal. Shuyan's table is full of cousins and cousins. Although it's a woman, it's more powerful than a man to rob rice.

"What is this?" Shuyan's cousin picked up a crab and couldn't understand how to eat it.

Xicheng is inland. In this era, the inland rural areas seldom eat seafood. Kelp is the one that may touch the sea. It is normal for my cousin not to eat seafood.

Shuyan picked up one, whispered to her how to eat, chatting on the edge of the people if there is no look to Shuyan.

"So, thank you, sister." My cousin is the child of aunt Shuyan's family. There are only two children in their family. My cousin is a little girl and is very popular.

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Cousin and brother-in-law picked up the crabs and ate them in a certain way. The two cousins on the edge were also.

"Little sister, you really don't want to ask me, such a simple thing." Big cousin ate half a crab and said with a smile.

"Will you?" My cousin looked at her and didn't give her face at all. "I didn't learn from this sister just now. When my sister taught me, you have been peeking. Don't think I didn't see it. Besides, you just ate the wrong food. Yellow food can be eaten, and white strip can't be eaten. "

My sister-in-law's family is in business, and the conditions are good. The eldest cousin is now helping the younger sister-in-law with her work. She dare not offend her cousin and turns her anger to Shuyan.

"What are you looking at? It's amazing to eat a crab. What are you doing? Whose girl are you? Why haven't I met you? I didn't come here to eat, did I

"Big cousin, you can eat your meal at random, but you can't talk nonsense. No matter who I am, I'm a guest invited by the third brother. If you dare to destroy the wedding of the third brother today, what do you think the third brother will do?"My cousin didn't dare to speak.

When Shu Jianyang knew his relatives, he knew his relatives very well. When he got angry, he really didn't recognize his relatives.

After a quiet meal, Shu Jianyang also specially came to offer Fang Zeyu a glass of wine, and said something to Shu Yan before leaving.

Several sisters looked at each other, did not hear that there is a sister in the home which is worth Shu Jianyang another look.

One of them, who had a good relationship with Shu Jianyang, went to ask him the identity of Shuyan and was shocked to learn that she was Shu Yan of the second uncle's family.

"Are you really cousin Shuyan?" My cousin can't believe it.

"Yes, why can't you recognize it?"

"You've become too much. Don't talk about us. I don't think your parents can recognize it." My cousin felt that my second uncle couldn't recognize her.

"Are you really comfortable?" The second cousin looked at Shu Yan's white and tender cheek, and thought of her full face, she asked, "how did you get rid of this?"

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"I use lasers..." Shu Yan specifically said about the effect and sequelae, as well as the amount of money, the effect and sequelae. These two cousins are OK, but as soon as they hear the amount, the second cousin shrinks in an instant.

"You seem to have a lot of money now?" The eldest cousin looked at Shu Yan with bright eyes. "Shuyan, your brother-in-law is preparing to do business by himself recently. It's still two short No, we are all relatives. Can you lend me first? I'll give it back to you when you earn it. "

The people on the edge suddenly looked at Shu Yan and felt eager to try.

"First, our relationship has always been bad. Don't be so nice. Second, what do you care if I have money? Isn't it good for me to keep the flowers myself The original body will be sorry, Shu Yan can't, originally are plastic sister flowers, no, even plastic sister flowers are not, why should I borrow money to them?

Big cousin snorted, "don't borrow, don't borrow, I don't want your stinky money."

"Thank you." Shu Yan said lightly.

Shuyan no longer pays attention to them, and when the wedding banquet is over, she pulls Fang Zeyu away.

The next day, Shu Yan and Fang Zeyu went downstairs for breakfast. Shu Jianyang and Li Miaomiao were also there.

Li Miaomiao, in her daily make-up, is really like someone she knows, but she just can't remember who it is.

"You worked so hard yesterday, why don't you sleep more?" Shuyan laughs at them.

"No, I'm used to getting up early." Li Miaomiao smiles and bows his head shyly.

In a flash, Shu Yan suddenly remembered who she looked like. She and Li Jiaojiao really seem to have the same eyebrow and eye carved out of a mold. Just nose mouth and face shape is not the same, so Shu Yan did not see. Just when she lowered her head and smile, Shuyan suddenly remembered who she looked like.

Li Jiaojiao is a melon seed face, and her figure is more slender. She looks a little delicate and pitiful. Her face shape is an egg face. She looks very gentle and her eyes are very clear. She is totally different from Li Jiaojiao. The most important thing is that their names are still very similar. Their surnames are Li and they are all reduplicated.

After dinner, Shuyan stopped Shu Jianyang, "third brother, I haven't seen your company, go back to your company to have a look?" She asked with a smile.

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"Yes, you boss will give me some advice." Shu Jianyang said with a smile: "it's better to choose a day than to collide with the sun, rather than just today?"

"Don't be so anxious. Today is your first day of marriage. Have fun yourself." Shuyan is not so insightful.

"It's OK. Your third brother and I can see it every day. It's not bad for a while and a half." Li Miaomiao said very kindly.

"Yes, you'll be back in two days. Now go to my company and give me some advice."

Shu Jianyang has already known about Shuyan's company, but he doesn't know how big the company has done. His tone should be good.

The company is located in the most prosperous area of Xicheng. Shu Jianyang has bought a whole floor of the building, and half of the office is empty. He did not rent it. He said that it would be reserved for future employees. It can be seen that Shu Jianyang has great ambition.

"Well, not bad?" Shu Jianyang takes Shuyan back to the office, opens the chair behind the desk and sits down, and asks with pride.

"Good." Shu Yan really didn't expect that Shu Jianyang could develop so quickly. "I heard that you recently took a fancy to a piece of land. Where is it?"

"Do you have any impression on the other side of Jianghe road?"

River Road? Shuyan searched for a memory. Isn't this the Yangtze road in her own world? That place is definitely the place of the future. She still remembers that a relative in her family bought a small flat with two bedrooms and one living room on the other side of Changjiang Road, which cost nearly 3 million yuan. It was still 12 years ago, but it seemed to double again in 19 years.

"Jianghe Road, I know. It's really good." Third brother is still very insightful, "the price is not low?"

"I don't know yet. The auction will be held at the end of this month to get together." Shu Jianyang said with a smile.

After rambling about, Shuyan asked, "what's the relationship between sister-in-law and Li Jiaojiao?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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