As soon as the atmosphere solidified, Shu Jianyang opened his mouth and said, "did you find it?"

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"I wasn't sure. Now I'm sure." Shu Yan is not angry, is Shu Jianyang looking for Li Jiaojiao, she will not be angry. After all, who Shu Jianyang wants to find is his freedom, but he will definitely reduce contacts in the future.

"Miao Miao is Li Jiaojiao's cousin, but they are totally different." Shujianyang stammered, "when I met Miao Miao I really don't know her relationship with Li Jiaojiao. Later We have been in contact with each other and have a deeper understanding of She is Li Jiaojiao's cousin. "

At first, Shu Jianyang didn't know that Li Miaomiao would be Li Jiaojiao's cousin. Their temperament and personality were too different.

When it comes to Li Miaomiao, we have to talk about her father. He and Li Jiaojiao's father are brothers, and Li Jiaojiao's father is the eldest. People in the village call him Li Da, and Li Miaomiao's father calls him Li Er when he is a sophomore. Li Er was smarter than Li. He was admitted to the normal university and stayed in the city to become a teacher. He married his daughter-in-law in the city. He was a fish leaping over the dragon's gate.

At that time, it was not easy for a rural family to provide for a student. In order to let Li Er go to school, Li didn't marry his daughter-in-law until he was 26 years old. In the countryside, he was really very old at the age of 26. Therefore, after working, Li Er tried to help the eldest brother who had sacrificed so much for himself.

It's OK to send money and send things back every month. Li Er's new house is built by Li Er. Therefore, Li Er's wife quarrels with him.

It's right to repay your kindness, but you can't ignore your own home.

Li Jiaojiao can go to university is also Li Er's support. When she was studying in Xicheng, she lived in Li Miaomiao's house. Li Er treated her better than her own daughter.

Once the things at home were missing. It was Li Er's favorite painting and calligraphy. Li Jiaojiao framed that Li Miaomiao had stolen it. Originally, it was nothing. Li Er, as a father, believed it without even listening to his daughter's explanation. When Li Miaomiao roared that it was Li Jiaojiao stealing, Li er slapped her in the face.

Li Er's daughter-in-law finally broke out. She first slapped Li Jiaojiao and then turned her head and slapped Li Er Yi. Before he could react, she directly asked for a divorce.

Li Miaomiao's mother's home is quite good in Xicheng. It is not like Li Er, who has no foundation at all. She divorced smoothly and got the house and custody of Li Miaomiao.

Therefore, Li Miaomiao hates Li Jiaojiao more than Shu Yan. She accidentally finds out that she has become a junior. She is also ready to collect evidence to discredit Li Jiaojiao. As a result, Shu Yan is one step ahead.

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Shu Yan listened to the whole story, some doubts, the original Li Jiaojiao really has an uncle. But there was no cousin. What happened in the middle?

"She's with her mother now?"

"Yes, didn't you notice? Yesterday, Miao Miao's father came to her father's side, her grandparents and her father. No other relatives called, especially her second uncle's family. "

Because Li Jiaojiao led to Li Er's divorce, Li Da almost didn't kill her. If she hadn't been admitted to university, she would have been married at home.

Later, Li Jiaojiao produced that kind of picture, and the whole Li family was shameless. Doctor Li's wife took her son to work in other places, and they didn't know where they went. So they didn't know this time. Even if they did, their mother would not allow them to come.

Yesterday's banquet was divided into two sides. On the left is the bride's relatives, and on the right is the man's relatives. Li Miaomiao has many relatives. Shu Yan doesn't know this. Now it's all her mother's relatives.

After understanding the process, Shuyan said, "third brother, I'm really not angry. I just want to ask clearly, no matter who the third sister-in-law is and how the people are, they will not affect our relationship."

She was not so careful. She had thought before she came that if Li Miaomiao and Li Jiaojiao had a good relationship, she would walk less with them in the future. If Li Miaomiao was a man of integrity and reason, she would walk more.

"You don't mind." Shu Jianyang really takes Shuyan as his own sister. Of course, he hopes that she can get along well with his wife.

It was not a big deal when things started. At noon, four people were still sitting together for dinner.

"Our fate..." Li Miaomiao wry smile, "I really didn't expect Jianyang to be your cousin."

"You are you, Li Jiaojiao is Li Jiaojiao, what's the matter?" Shu Yan said with a smile.

They also have a common enemy, at least Li Miaomiao thinks so, so she and Shuyan said a lot about Li Jiaojiao.

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"It's also retribution. The last time she had a miscarriage and bleeding, she hurt her uterus. The doctor said that it was a little difficult to get pregnant again, and then she looked for TCM treatment everywhere. I heard that she drank bitter soup every day and her face was yellow." Li Miaomiao said gloating.

"Where are they now?" Shu Yan asked and regretted, "forget it, how they are not my business."

"It's true that people are doing things. The sky is watching. It's not that they don't report. It's just that the time hasn't come." Li Miaomiao takes a look at Fang Zeyu and doesn't discuss Shu Yan's ex husband and Li Jiaojiao.

Not involving Li Jiaojiao, Li Miaomiao is a very gentle person. Shuyan feels comfortable getting along with her.Shu Jianyang is quick tempered and irritable. He should find such a gentle person to conquer him.

After almost eating, Shuyan said goodbye to them, "I have a lot of things to do in Nancheng, so I'll go back tomorrow and we'll call if there's anything wrong."

"You haven't come back for a long time. Will you stay in Xicheng for a long time?" Li Miaomiao also felt comfortable talking to Shuyan.

"No, I can't rest assured about the two children. I don't know whether they are good at home these days."

When it comes to children, Shu Jianyang and Li Miaomiao are hard to retain.

"So are you. You should bring your children back with you. If you are afraid that ye's family will make trouble, there is no third brother here! If they dare to come to you, I will let them come in vertically and go out horizontally. " Shu Jianyang hummed.

"It's not that I'm afraid they'll come to me for trouble. One is that it's inconvenient to take children with them. Second, it's also because the children have to go to school. It's not easy for them to ask for leave in their current school." Now Shu Yan of course is not afraid of the Ye family, the main dislike trouble.

Back at the hotel, he saw Shu Youfu and Lin Zixiang waiting for him in the lobby.

"Yan Yan is back?" Lin Zixiang came up with great enthusiasm and said with a smile, "we are going back in the afternoon. You are rare to come back here. Don't you come with us?"

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"I don't want to go back because I have a lot of things to do there." Shuyan refused directly.

There are too many things to go back to. She didn't go back for the Chinese New Year. Now, so many relatives have to go and lie down. Then everyone will surely pull her and sigh that it would be nice to be beautiful earlier, and ye Zhiqiang will not get divorced.

Where is she now? What's your job? If it's business, they ask if it's good or bad. If they say yes, they will certainly ask what kind of business they are going to do. If not, they will lament that it is not easy to do business, and rumor that Shuyan has lost all her money.

"Really not going back? I keep chickens and ducks, no one will give them to you. This time I go back, my mother will stew you an old hen one day. You don't like to eat the chicken soup stewed by mom most Lin Zixiang wants to take Shuyan's hand to talk and is shunned by Shuyan.

What do you like to eat? In my memory, I drank the chicken soup she made twice. One was when she was married, and the other was when she came to borrow money from her. She was so moved that she not only gave all the private money to Lin Zixiang, but also gave Lin Zixiang the gold Bracelet Ye Zhiqiang bought her.

"Next time, I have a lot of things." Shu Yan glanced at the gold bracelet on Lin Zixiang's wrist, which was the one given by the original body.

They really don't care about their original feelings. They don't even have the idea of going to the gold store to change their styles. They just wear them so carelessly.

Shu Yan saw that they had been dawdling and didn't want to go. She understood what they meant. She took out 200 yuan from her wallet and gave it to Lin Zixiang. "I'm not going back. You and dad will buy some tonic by yourself. I'll come back when I'm free."

After getting the money, they left contentedly.

When I go back to my hometown, I will definitely bring some special products to my friends in Nancheng. Shuyan asks Fang Zeyu to go and buy special products.

Just out of the door of the hotel, I saw a dark skin, thin and small woman constantly looking at the hotel.

This woman Shu Yan knows, or in other words, the only warmth in her original memory comes from this woman.

"Second sister."

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The visitor was Shu Yan's sister, the second girl in the third generation, so Shuyan called her second sister.

"Yan Yan Yan... " Shuli startled, turned to see Shuyan, Leng for a moment, "thin, also white, look at than you married when you are still beautiful."

This is the only one who didn't doubt her after Shu Yan returned to the West City, because only she remembered Shu Yan's facial features.

"Second sister, why didn't you attend the wedding ceremony of the third brother yesterday? I asked my mother about you. She said that you were pregnant and could not take a bus. You..." Shu Yan aimed at her stomach.

Shuli's tears fell down, "Yan Yan, you Help me and the children... "

"What's the situation? You can talk about it slowly." Shuyan quickly took her to the hotel room.

Like Shuyan, Shuli was sold by her family for money to her son to marry a daughter-in-law. Her husband's family was in the town, so she went to the countryside to marry a daughter-in-law because she had one eye blind.

At least, it is not enough for her to sell the things to her family, which is not good enough for her.

In the third year of marriage, it's easy to get pregnant again. Her mother-in-law is restrained. She also gives chicken and duck meat to eat and gives birth to a big fat girl. As a result, you can imagine that she works without sitting in the first month. Her second child is the same as that of her first child. Her mother-in-law does not give her any food. She tries her best to make the child tired. As a result, the child's life is hard and she is born into a thin and small son Now the old lady's intestines are all regretful. The child was not raised well in her mother's womb. She was afraid that she would not be able to support her, so she forced Shuli to have another one.

"I can't regenerate. I'll have another one. If it's a son, they won't treat Ping'an." Shuli touched her stomach and cried, "what's more, I'm not pregnant at all. My sister-in-law is pregnant. Her husband is a doctor in the town hospital. She has a public office and can't have a second child. But if she wants to keep this child, she lets me have a false pregnancy and says that I gave birth to the child at that time.""You are not two." People who don't have public office can only have two.

"She said she would make a proof that Ping'an can't live to be ten years old, so that we can have a third child. We are safe and clear. They curse my peace. Yan Yan, I know you have the ability. You can save me and peace." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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