Calculate the time, the day before yesterday should come menstruation, has been delayed for two days, plus today's reaction, Shuyan face a change.

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"What? Not feeling well? " Fang Zeyu asked nervously.

"It's nothing. It's just that my stomach and intestines are not very good these days. I can't eat anything too meat." Shuyan pushed the lion's head to the children and ate a few mouthfuls of rice with vegetables.

Don't know why, Shu Yan subconsciously concealed his guess.

Coming to the company, Shuyan pushed a meeting and walked back and forth in the office. After almost seven laps, Shuyan told Hu Ruixue that he had something wrong and went straight to the hospital.

Did not check to do not be accurate, in case is not pregnant?

"The month is shallow. We'll have to wait a week to confirm. "

In fact, is pregnant, but the doctor will not say full, Shuyan took the list, thank the doctor, out of the hospital still can't believe that he is really pregnant.

She and Fang Zeyu have been doing measures, the only time is the second day after the end of her menstruation, thinking of the safety period did not rest assured, did not expect to be so pregnant once.

When she promised to associate with Fang Zeyu, Shuyan thought about children. She already has two children, but Fang Zeyu does not. Which man doesn't want his own blood? So she was inclined to want one in her heart. When she agreed with Fang Zeyu's proposal, it meant that Shuyan decided to have a child belonging to both of them, but she never thought it would be so fast.

According to her plan, first do a good job of two children, and then consider pregnancy when they are less exclusive.

As a result, she got pregnant just now. Can Jingjing and Tianbao accept it?

Thinking of those children who want to jump because of their mother's pregnancy, Shuyan can't imagine the scene of two children opposing. What will she do if they are firmly against it? Do you really want this kid?

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"What's wrong with you today? I'm not in my mind. " Hu Ruixue is talking about the company with Shuyan. Seeing her wandering outside all the time, she can't help asking.

"I Maybe she's pregnant. "

"Pregnant?" Hu Ruixue laughed, "isn't that good? Don't tell me you don't want this child? "

"No. I just think it's too fast. " Shuyan shakes his head, before there are such and that consideration, really pregnant, Shuyan how willing not to him.

"Since you have decided to marry Fang Zeyu, you have considered that one day you will be ready to have another. Since you want to have children sooner or later, what is the difference between early birth and late birth?" Hu Ruixue is more decisive than Shuyan, and what he decides to do will not be backward looking.

"I'm afraid two children can't accept it."

"You didn't ask them how to know what they thought? They can accept Fang Zeyu as their father, and I believe they will accept their younger brother and sister. Besides, even if you don't accept it, are you willing to take it? What about Fang Zeyu's idea? You can't hide it from him, can you? " Hu Ruixue thinks it's better to cut the mess with a quick knife.

Shuyan tangled for a day, came home to see the children, suddenly did not know how to face them.

"Tired? You go and have a rest first. I'll call you when the meal is ready Fang Zeyu is really worried about Shu Yan. In recent days, she is not right. She must be pulled to the hospital for a physical examination.

"No, I'm not very tired." In any case, Fang Zeyu as a father, Shuyan can not hide from him, "I am pregnant."

Fang Zeyu's pupils dilated in an instant and looked at Shuyan in disbelief. His lips trembled slightly. Just when Shuyan thought he was going to be ecstatic or crying with joy, Fang took a breath of relief and gradually regained his calm expression, "this child We don't want it any more. "

Shu Yan knows how much Fang Zeyu likes children, and he has been looking forward to having a child. The reason why he said this is because he has taken care of her and the child, and is very aware of her dilemma, so he did not wait for her to open her mouth and first said that he did not want to have a child.

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"Do you know what you're talking about?" Shu Yan eyes slightly red, "you give up, I can't give up."

"I..." How can I give up? Fang opened his mouth and said, "it's too early. Wait A little longer. "

"I know what you're worried about, and I've thought of it, but She's already in my stomach and I can't bear to take it off. I tell you, I want you to think with me about how to tell the children about it. "

Fang Zeyu didn't expect Shu Yan to leave the child. He just thought of Jingjing and Tianbao, but he had a headache. Tianbao was OK. Jingjing really accepted him recently. Suddenly, she came to a younger brother and sister. Would she reject him again?

They murmured for a long time. After dinner, the family sat on the sofa watching TV, and Shu Yan ate carelessly with a plate of fruit, "cough..." Nervous feeling throat is stuck, clear throat, pretending to inadvertently ask: "if mother to give you another brother and sister, would you like to?"

Jing Jing looks at Shu Yan strangely, "why ask us if we are willing to?"

One side of Tianbao nodded, then tilted his head and asked, "Mom, are you going to give birth to my brother and sister?"Shu Yan and Fang Zeyu looked at each other, and what was very important in their eyes turned out to be nothing to the children.

Especially Shuyan, there is a kind of illusion if dream feeling, on the news so many children are not willing to have younger brother and sister, how two children this reaction? Are they not afraid that one more brother and sister will separate the love of their parents?

"Mom may I'll give you a younger brother or younger sister. " Shuyan carefully observed their expression.

"Mom, are you really pregnant? But you don't have a big stomach? " Jingjing came to Shuyan's side, touched her stomach, and asked curiously.

"Wow! I'm going to have a brother, mom. I want a younger brother so that I can play with him in the car and take him on horseback The girls in their class all like dolls and don't like riding horses. Instead, they dance and draw together. It's better for their younger brother.

"You have no objection?" Shuyan asked Jingjing.

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"Can I object?" she asked

All of a sudden, Shu Yan thought that it is not the future. Many children in the future will be spoiled as little emperors or princesses. They only hope that the whole family will favor him. They don't want to have younger brothers or sisters to share the love of their parents. But now, or in other words, the way of education is completely different. There is no democratic saying that parents want two or even three children. How can they ask for the children's opinions See you.

Moreover, Jingjing grew up in the rural area of Xicheng. There are many families with three or four children in the village. There are also those who remarry and are born when they want to be born. No one has ever considered what the big idea is, including the home of one of her classmates now.

Tianbao is pure do not understand, he only know that he wants to be a brother, he has long wanted to be a brother, heard the news that called a happy.

For a while, Fang Zeyu and Shuyan didn't know what to say, so never guess the children's mind with the thoughts of adults.

Knowing that Shuyan is pregnant, aunt immediately adjusted the menu. Now everyone has to let Shuyan take her taste first.

She was a little unhappy. She couldn't smell meat and fishy food, so she tried to make vegetarian dishes. Of course, she could not have a meat dish. Fang Zeyu and her two children wanted to eat it. It's just that the meat dish is far away from Shuyan.

"Is it bad for you not to eat at all?" When Fang Zeyu saw Shu Yan, he had a pot of vegetables. He didn't touch any meat or fish. He was worried.

"Are you worried about me or about the hungry baby?" Shuyan suddenly unhappy, there is a strange fire to the heart.

"I'm worried about you, of course. I'm afraid I'm not feeling well." Fang Zeyu was stunned and immediately replied.

Seeing this, the aunt immediately said with a smile: "it's OK. As long as you can eat, it's good. I've seen a man in our village. That's true. From the beginning of vomiting to the birth, after the birth, the adults and children are all good. It's not easy for a woman to have a child." The last sentence is for Fang Zeyu. In fact, he also wants to tell him to tolerate Shu Yan, who is pregnant.

Fang Zeyu smiles. He can understand the meaning of aunt. Don't say that Shuyan is pregnant, that is not pregnant, he will tolerate Shuyan.

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A few days ago, she was able to eat green vegetables and rice. In these two days, she couldn't eat any more. If she hadn't been able to chew an apple, Shuyan felt that she might have starved to death.

"I'll find what you want." Fang Zeyu squatted beside Shuyan with a sad face.

"Do you think I'm starving your child?" With that, the tears began to fall down. Shuyan only felt the grievance of his stomach. "I'm hungry, my stomach is like the fire, but I can't eat it. Do you know this kind of feeling that I'm hungry but I can't eat it? How miserable am I? You're afraid I'll starve your child

The conscience of heaven and earth, he was really worried that Shuyan was hungry. Fang Zeyu hated his clumsy tongue for the first time.

"No, I'm afraid you're hungry I'm sorry. " Although he did not know where he was wrong, but looking at Shuyan crying like this, he felt that his guilt was unforgivable, holding Shuyan and gently patting her back.

After crying for a while, Shuyan was embarrassed. She didn't know what was going on. When she was pregnant, she was so delicate that she wanted to cry. After crying, she regained her senses, and immediately felt that she was pretentious.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to me. I Just want to cry. " Finish saying Shu Yan oneself are embarrassed, this what break reason.

In fact, she is very stable in the face of Fang Zeyu.

After more than a month, the appetite gradually improved, at least can eat the next thing.

The children started school, and the house became a lot colder. Shu Yan didn't go to the company that day. When she was free, she went to the stationery shop of her second sister. She saw a man talking to her sister from a long distance. When Shu Yan approached, she could see that she was a man with eyes and a gentle character.

"Second sister."

Shuli see Shu Yan, look with a little flustered, "little sister, how do you have time to come over today." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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