The man with glasses listens to Shuli calling Shuyan Xiaomei, and greets Shuyan.

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"Hello, Hello, I'm a teacher from the primary school nearby. Come and buy some learning materials." His shy smile.

"Hello." Shuyan politely nodded his head and carefully glanced at the man. He was a good-looking man with good temperament. He was still a teacher in the primary school next door. Shuyan could not help wondering whether he had guessed wrong.

"Well I asked for those learning materials, please boss Shu. When can I get it? " The teacher gently pushed his glasses and asked.

"It will arrive the day after tomorrow. You can pick it up in the afternoon." Shuli politely sent off the male teacher, holding Shuyan to explain: "he is often to me to set the test paper and study materials, I did not say a few words with him."

"Isn't it normal for you to communicate with him? Explain to me what to do? " Shuyan asked in a funny way.

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"I It's not for fear of misunderstanding. " Shuli see Shu Yan did not say anything, light lost tone.

Shu Yan realized that the problem lies in that male teachers may really be just ordinary customers, so he behaved in a natural and natural manner. Shu Li should have no idea. The reason why she is so embarrassed is that she is afraid of being misunderstood by her?

The divorce still brought a lot of negative effects to Shuli, such as the inferiority complex, as if she had been divorced.

"Second sister, this is Nancheng. It's not our hometown in the countryside. It's normal to get divorced, and it's normal to meet a suitable remarriage. You don't have to take so much into consideration. I'm divorced and remarried myself, and I'm still pregnant. My situation is similar to you, do not also live the same way, you see who despise me or gossip? I can't hear them close the door and talk about me, whatever they say

"I'm not just divorced. I'm afraid it's bad." The main thing is to worry about affecting children.

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this idea is as like as two peas at the beginning, and is afraid of involvement. The adults can bear it, but what about the children?

"It's been more than half a year since the divorce. What's the impact. Who knows your past in Nancheng? That's why I wanted to leave Westlife with my kids. And there are so many divorces here that people really don't feel like it. When you meet the right person, you can be together. I'm not pushing for marriage. I think it's normal for me to divorce if I can't make it. It's OK to meet a suitable remarriage, but there's no need to get married in order to get married. If you don't want to live your own life, you should not be a person

Shuli looked at Shuyan stupidly, "do you think it's OK to not marry again?"

"Of course not." Shuyan looked at Shuli strangely, "I think as long as I can stand it, it's OK not to get married. Who stipulates that you should get married when you are old? Get married and have children? Divorce means remarriage? You are now in Nancheng. No one knows you. There are no relatives and friends around you who are free. Of course, you can live as you want. "

If it wasn't for meeting Fang Zeyu, Shuyan didn't want to remarry so soon. In other words, if she did not meet the right person, she would not remarry. She had children, women and money. If she did not meet a person who liked each other and treated her well, why didn't she want to get married and live a comfortable life in her spare time?

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When she heard this, Shuli showed a big smile. She had been here for more than half a year, and knew many people. People who knew her situation would show some sympathy. Some people advised her to marry another while she was young. Some would say that in order to marry another child, a child must have a father.

Think of her long dream. On that day, Shuli signed an agreement with the owner of the house and the deed of termination. The unit also issued a certificate. After spending some money to find Lao Hu for a property right certificate, the house is completely Shuli's.

Shuyan has not seen the house, anyway, she thinks how to make money, now Shuli bought it, she followed to have a look.

Not to mention, the house is well decorated. 35 square meters, 2 rooms, 1 kitchen, 1 bathroom, and a small balcony for drying clothes. The space is very compact, but it is well planned. There are two rooms with a bed of 1.2 meters. It is estimated that adults sleep by themselves. The other is a high and low berth, just right for two children. There is a sofa in the living room. There is a bookshelf on the wall behind the sofa. There are many books in it. There are many flowerpots on the balcony. There are few real flowers. Most of them are planted with green onions and leeks. There is a shelf in the corner. Shuyan counts six pots in total. There is just a little seedling. Shuyan doesn't know what it is?

"What about the green vegetables grown here?" Shu Yan does not know, Shu Li can know, met Xiaomiao, feel that this teacher has too much idea, do not need to buy vegetables later, how much money will be saved.

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"It's all made by my wife. If you like it, I'll leave it to you. You can eat these vegetables in a few days. Pinch a little and cook noodles. It's convenient and fragrant." Today is the host, said that the hostess in the new home to clean up, can not pass.

"Your wife is a man who knows life well." Shuyan saw a circle, this small nest management is very comfortable, a look is a very warm home."Thank you. She must be very happy to hear that." It can be seen that the relationship between their husband and wife is very good.

Only when the couple's feelings are so good can we see the warmth from the arrangement of a home. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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