In the past, renting a house as long as it was close to the school was OK. Now Shuyan also had to consider business. The house he was looking for must be close to the bus stop, and there must be a bus to Chengnan West Road. In addition, it should be close to the school, which limits the scope.

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Yesterday, by the way, I mentioned the house to Lao Hu. At that time, Lao Hu apologized to Shuyan and immediately patted her chest to find her a better place to live.

Shu Yan didn't put all his hope on Lao Hu, but also went to Lin Hui and Wu Xiuyue. They were all local people with many relatives and friends. It was better to inquire about them than Shu Yan himself.

In fact, it's better to be in Fuqian street. It's just that Shuyan wants to live alone, with a kitchen and a bathroom, which is a little high.

In 1992, the housing of local residents in Nancheng was very tight. They often lived in houses of 40-50 square meters for three generations. Most of the houses did not have independent toilets, so it was really difficult to find a suitable house.

"If you don't have to live for a few months, your new house won't be available by the end of the year." Wu Xiuyue went to ask a few, either rented out, or rented a room to subsidize the family.

"Look again." That's really no way out. I'm just looking now. Maybe I can find something I like.

"I have a relative's daughter studying abroad and settled there after graduation. Now that she has a child, her parents used to take care of her daughter and grandson. The house is intended to be rented. It is a whole yard. The rent may be a little high. " Lin Hui thought about it for a while and told her about her relatives' house.

"It doesn't matter if the rent is higher, but I'll rent it for 4 months, at most for half a year. You also know that my house was bought in the capital of Nancheng. Now when the decoration is finished and the smell is dispersed, you can move in so that your relatives have no problem? " Shuyan has decided that if the house can't work any more, she can find a co rented one, but she has to have a toilet, which is her final bottom line.

"I know about you, but there is no problem with that. In fact, my relative has a lot of money. It's not for rent to make money, or to help him take care of his family. Both of them are very good. The old lady of his family is not very good at talking, but if you don't live together, you can just close the door and live your own life. " Lin Hui said, taking Shuyan to see the house.

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There is a bus stop sign not far from the house. Shuyan looks at this first. If you can't get to Chengnan West Road directly, it's useless.

Good luck, there is a car to the South West Road, and to the right is the road to primary school, walk five minutes to arrive, traffic is no problem.

The house is a two-story building with a yard in front of it. There is a jujube tree and two pomegranate trees in front of it. The date is knocked off and the pomegranate tree is still hung with fruit. In the middle is the living room, the left kitchen, the right study, three rooms on the second floor, a small living room. There are toilets on the first floor and the second floor. It is very spacious. Everything in the room can be checked in with bags.

The field in the backyard was divided into small pieces, with green vegetables, green onions, leeks, and a piece of land, which should be ginger. There was no weed.

"I'm not going abroad. How can I take care of this place so well?" Shuyan looks at Lin Hui in doubt.

"My son asked the neighbors to help him when he left." The old lady came out of the house and looked at Shu Yan with a critical look in her eyes, "how many people do you live in?"

"Me and two children." Shuyan found that the old lady was really as bad as Lin Hui said, or that she looked down on outsiders.

When Lin Hui took her to the old lady just now, she asked her where she was and what she did?

"And two more children? How old are they? " The old lady frowned.

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"The older is seven years old, and the younger is three years old. However, my two children are very sensible and will not mess around." Shu Yan understands that many people are reluctant to rent their houses to children, especially those with very small children. Children are mischievous and will scribble on the walls, and may damage furniture and doors and windows.

"Third aunt, our family Tongtong and her daughter are the same table, her daughter is really good, I have seen her son, also very sensible, are particularly obedient, will not mess around at home." Lin Hui helps Shuyan speak.

"No, No The third aunt shook her head, "my son's furniture in this house is precious wood. What kind of mahogany is valuable. The child has no weight. What should I do if I bump it? No, No

Shuyan really likes this house, but people don't want to and can't help it.

When you leave, you hear the sound of opening the door next door. Shuyan looks sideways and looks up. Shuyan is stunned. Isn't this the hero who carpooled last time? I didn't expect him to live here.

The man saw Shu Yan, nodded at her and turned away.

"Do you know?" Lin Hui asked.

"I don't know. Last time I went to buy goods, I had a fight with him. I didn't know the name, but I heard from the driver that he was a hero." Shuyan took another look at the farther and farther man, "is this house his?"

"What a hero, that's a murderer." The old lady locked the door and spat at the man's back. "The house next door belongs to my sister-in-law. When I'm old, I'm confused. I rent the house to such a person."

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"Murderer?" Shuyan a Leng, some do not believe in looking at the old lady, is the driver deceive her."Third aunt, is it a negligent homicide or to save people? It's not the same." Lin Hui took a look at Shuyan and whispered to her, "that man just now is really a hero."

"What's the matter?" Shuyan was curious.

As they walk, they say that Lin Hui tells Shu Yan what she knows.

"His name is Fang Zeyu. His father is an educated youth from Nancheng. His parents seem to have divorced very early. I don't know what happened to my mother. His father is a worker in our factory. They all say that if there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather. That's true. Anyway, their family is not good to him. After graduation from junior high school, he went to work as a soldier. After five years, he was assigned to drive a car and once he was led and exported When I went to dinner, I saw a group of people forcibly pulling a female student into the car. He stopped it. There was a conflict and a fight broke out. At night, I didn't know what happened. A man was pushed out and killed by a car. That person had a bit of a head. It's all on Fang Zeyu's head. " Speaking of this, Lin Hui sighed, "if you were an ordinary family, you would certainly ask for help. As a result, Fang Zeyu's father was afraid of offending others. He didn't say a word. Even the little girl he saved also said that he and the group were friends. It was normal frolic and fighting. He said that Fang Zeyu rushed out to beat people regardless of the color of the matter."

"It's too unjust." Obviously, she was saving people, and finally was bitten by that person. Shuyan couldn't imagine what would happen to her. Maybe her heart was cold and she would never be a good person for her whole life.

"What can I do? The human evidence and material evidence are all on that side, so I spent several years in prison. This is still with the help of comrades in arms, or it may not have come out yet. Now the job is gone, and my father has cut off his relationship. The most sad thing is that his grandmother died when he was in prison, and he didn't even see it for the last time. You don't know. When he came back, he knelt down in front of the old house and cried. The people who heard it were sad. Next door to the third aunt was her sister-in-law. She was very kind, but she had a hard life No, his only grandson was also sacrificed. He and Fang Zeyu were comrades in arms. It is said that he died and was seriously injured. Anyway, after returning from the army, Fang Zeyu took the old lady as her own grandmother, and the old lady treated him as her own grandson. The old lady went to pick him up in person. I heard that I have also heard from others. Fang Zeyu transferred his household registration to the old lady and changed his family name to be his grandson. "

"I think it's very good. I won't recognize parents like that." Only if the father is kind can the son be filial. What kind of father is there for? If it is, she will change her surname and recognize the old lady as her relative.

"That's not the case. Now it's hard to hear that he's a grandson because of the old lady's house. There are also many people who say he's a murderer. Anyway, his reputation in this area is very bad and his appearance is broken, so he hasn't married a wife until thirty-five." Lin Hui shook her head and sighed.

Shuyan also felt sorry that the people who had a good future, because the unjust injustice has become the present situation.

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"By the way, would you like to..." Lin Hui hesitated for a moment, then shook her head, "forget it, when I didn't say it."

"Say what you have." Shu Yan was stuttered by her to make more uncomfortable.

"I mean, the old lady next door has a lot of houses. Do you want to rent one for a while, but you..." In fact, Lin Hui really wants to ask where Shuyan's husband has gone, or she won't be so hard for a woman, "forget it. You're a woman with two children and Fang Zeyu. It's hard to hear it coming out."

Shu Yan is really speechless. If she changed her job, most of them would be single men and women. Some houses would be changed into seven or eight single rooms, all of which were shared by men and women.

However, the times are not the same. Now her thoughts are conservative. She doesn't care, but she can't help thinking about the children. Both children are studying here. It's so close to the school that the transmission is too bad to hear, which will affect the children.

The house can't be found for the time being. Shuyan looks at the time. It's more than 11 o'clock. Originally, she wanted to see her daughter. She thought that she should have dinner with teacher Liu. She didn't want to disturb her. She took Tianbao to the noodle shop next to the primary school. After eating, Tianbao vomited.

"Mom, it's sweet."

Shuyan took a silent bite, which she could accept, but for the two children, she couldn't get used to it. She thought of her daughter who said delicious food every time. Shuyan's eyes were slightly red and her heart was sour. She didn't know whether the child was wronged by the teacher. Even if she was wronged, she would not say it. In any case, we must find a house to take the child back to her side as soon as possible. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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