Compared with the bustle of the past few days, the store was a lot of cold and deserted. It sold more than 200 yuan in the morning. Seeing Zhang Huaxiu and Yingying as if they were very embarrassed, Shu Yan said with a smile: "don't be discouraged. Business will be better on the weekend."

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Two people look at each other, Zhang Huaxiu also quite admire, Shuyan can be so calm, "landlady, or we do another activity?"

"The reason why activities are activities is that they are rare. They are called activities every day? Now this is the normal state. You go outside and see which store has so many customers every day. " Shuyan thought of some of the previous clearance sale, shouting every day, long time others will know it is false.

The two people who were busy with the same top were not used to it. Shuyan asked them to remove all the things from the activities at the door and wrote a recruitment post on it. If there was another store manager, she would be much more relaxed.

There was no business in the afternoon. Shuyan finished the account and went back with Tianbao first. Just arrived at the hotel, the boss called her in.

"You haven't found the house yet?"

"Yes, it's hard to find your favorite house." Shu Yan lived in this hotel as early as he arrived in Nancheng. He got acquainted with the boss and his wife, and he would talk about his daily life. So the boss and his wife knew that Shuyan's rented house was suddenly taken back.

"Why don't you rent my house directly?" It's not easy for the boss to see Shuyan with two children. "I also have a house in the back lane. Usually our husband and wife stay here. We seldom go back to live. We can let you live for a few months."

"Thank you so much." Shuyan didn't expect to have an unexpected joy. She took Tianbao to see the house with the owner's wife. The owner's wife was also very kind. She also told Shuyan a lot about Zhu Hong.

"Zhu Hong looks and laughs. There are knives hidden inside. She likes to hold high and step on low. When her father-in-law was young, her parents were very friendly. When the two old people got older, they fell ill and turned over faster than anyone else. Fortunately, the two old people still have a daughter, and now they are taken away by the girl. We know that she is a human being for a long time, and neither do you Unfortunately, I rent her house. "

"It's not bad luck. It's not like you and your boss. There are still many good people in the world." Shu Yan said with a smile.

"We just can't see it. Besides, you can't live for a few months. My son will live on his own when he comes back from winter vacation." The landlady reminded her.

"I know. I'll be able to move in by the end of the year. I'll invite the boss and you to warm the room. You must come." Shu Yan smiles and invites a way.

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Now she really understands the importance of knowing more people. In the society of human relations, it's really not like children who only divide the good from the bad, and now she can understand why parents have to walk around when they can't get along with some relatives.

The layout of the house is similar to the one rented before, but the decoration inside is completely different. After all, I live by myself, everything is complete, and the cleaning is very clean.

There are two rooms: one is their own room, the other is their son's. The Son of the landlady is going to university in other places and doesn't come back until the summer vacation.

"I've been cleaning here all the time. You can check in directly. Soon after you change the bed sheet, you can change your own. I'll take the things in the closet and put your clothes in. You can use all the things in the kitchen. But you need to prepare the salt and soy sauce." The landlady turned on the toilet light. There was also a gas water heater and some toiletries. "These are my son's. you can use them as long as you can. They are easy to break."

After seeing the house, the owner's wife gives the key to Shuyan, and she can move in at any time.

Shu Yan is very grateful to take Tianbao to the new house to get things. The landlady's house has everything, but daily necessities, pots and pans, as well as bed sheets and quilt covers, are better than their own. In particular, bed sheets and quilt covers are not disliked, but they feel more comfortable with their own.

When she came back, Shuyan found that the ground had been dragged. It must have been dragged by the landlady when she came to clean up. This is really Shuyan put down the things and rolled up his sleeves. First, she took down the sheets and quilt covers in the landlady's house, washed them and put them on their own. Then she put the clothes of the three niangs into the wardrobe, and then tidied up the kitchen to live.

"Tianbao." Shuyan took a breath and found that he hadn't heard Tianbao for a long time. He went out to have a look. The child was already asleep on the sofa. He went to pick him up to the bed and watched him sleep soundly. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Children are particularly sensitive, especially after they come to a new city with Shuyan. They seem to know that everything depends on Shuyan, the mother. They dare not throw their hands and roll. They have been very good all the time and are trying to get her approval. The nature of children is good. The reason why bears are all because there is a bear parent.

Help him cover the quilt, Shuyan to the kitchen to work, all done, Tianbao also wake up.

"Mom, shall we live here in the future?"

"Yes, we'll live here in the future, and we'll be able to live in our own new house by the end of the year. Then we won't have to move." Shuyan knows that moving around is not good for children, but there is no way.

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Take the children to teacher Liu's home, Jingjing has already gone to school. Now, there are only Mr. Liu and her wife. Shu Yan explains the purpose of her visit. Miss Liu agrees without saying a word."It's good to find a house. It's better for the mother to bring the children." Miss Liu takes Shu Yan to clean up her things. She tells Shu Yan how sensible she is. Every time she cooks, Jingjing will help to wash and pick vegetables. When she has finished cooking, she will help to take bowls and chopsticks. After eating, she will also help to clean up, which is totally different from another male student.

Shu Yan is not happy to hear that. It's good for a child to be sensible, but it's too sensible and heartbreaking. She must be afraid that teacher Liu will dislike her, and then she will not take her. She is afraid that she will increase her mother's pressure, so that she can perform so well.

One hundred yuan a month, Mr. Liu said that he would return the money to Shu Yan.

"What are you doing here?" Shu Yan pushed the money back, "I do business by myself, and I often have to purchase goods. I may even trouble you to take care of Jingjing when I do business."

On the contrary, Shuyan also bought meat and fruit as gifts.

In the afternoon, I went to pick up Jingjing from school. Seeing Shu Yan, ye Jingjing's eyes lit up and trotted over with her schoolbag. "Mom, how did you come?"

"Mom found the house, so she came to pick you up." Shuyan, one hand in hand, went to the vegetable farm to buy vegetables and cook for two children.

Tianbao is OK. She has been following Shu Yan for a few days. Ye Jingjing has not eaten the rice cooked by her mother for a long time. She has a familiar taste and eats a large bowl of rice. She is stopped by Shuyan when she wants to have dinner.

"If you have a stomachache, don't eat it." Shuyan washed Ye Jingjing's hair and found that she had lice again. Which one came from?

"I don't know, mom. It's itchy." I don't know why, after coming back, ye Jingjing will be more coquettish than before.

Shuyan quickly washed her hair, and then took her to the living room to catch lice. Fortunately, there were not many, but the clothes and trousers she wore had to be boiled, even those clean clothes.

The next day, Shuyan sent two children to school. Tianbao couldn't wait to run into the school. The little fart child was suffocating at home.

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Shu Yan went to the store and asked Zhang Huaxiu, "is there any news next door today?"

"No Zhang Huaxiu doesn't know why he looks at Shu Yan.

"It's OK. How was business last afternoon and evening?" Shuyan turned over the account book and ordered some money. It was a total of more than 1200 yuan, which was not bad.

"Average." Zhang Huaxiu and Yingying didn't think so. When they were doing activities, they were seven or eight thousand a day. At most, it was more than ten thousand on that day. Now, there is a big gap between more than one thousand.

"Shu Yan smiles," more than a thousand, how can you be bigger than my boss. "

The two employees in the store subsidized the meals. When they were doing the activities, Shu Yan watched them work hard, so they asked them to eat together. Now of course, they tried their own way. Both of them brought lunch boxes. Zhang Huaxiu was better, one meat and one vegetable, and one egg. Yingying was just a big white dish and two steamed bread.

"Are you so full? No money? I can pay you in advance. " Shuyan couldn't help speaking.

"When I'm full, I love to eat like this." Yingying said with a smile.

Love to eat like this? It's not that we haven't had dinner together before. Every time Shuyan ordered two meat, she was eaten all the time, of which Yingying ate the most. Now there is no smell of oil in the cabbage, and the salary is not too small. We don't need to save so much, but it's someone else's business. Shuyan can't manage it.

Shuyan came back from lunch and saw a lot of people next door. Even Zhang Huaxiu and Yingying were standing at the door of the store, stretching their heads to watch.

"What's the matter?"

"Madame, you don't know that the ah Le next door is someone else's concubine. This shop was opened by that concubine. Now the first wife found out and brought a group of people to smash the shop. Madame, come out, come out... " Yingying said excitedly.

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Shuyan probe a look, saw two men dragging a woman who was stripped of clothes out, it is ah le.

"Help, kill, help, who can help me, call the police, I want to call the police." Ah Le suddenly broke out, shaking off two men, holding himself to cover the key parts.

At this time, from the shop out of a beautiful and very temperament in a lavender skirt, looking at ale from a distance, as if approaching her are disgusting.

"There's no shame in looking for a man. What's to be afraid of like this?" The woman said faintly, there is no excitement and madness of the first wife beating the third.

"It's you who don't have the ability to control a man. What can I do for him? Why do you look for me?" Ah Le looked around and suddenly looked at Shu Yan, "give me a dress, please..."

Shu Yan pick eyebrow, she is not sick, before so deal with her, now even find her help, move to the side, let the people next to block her figure.

"Zhu Hong, Zhu Hong, help me, help me." A Le is also an emergency treatment, see Zhu Hong is not far away, quickly seek her help.

Did not expect Zhu Hong scornfully spat at her, "did not expect you to be a small three, later don't say we know, I can't afford this person."

Ah Le's eyes widened. Zhu Hong knew that she was a mistress. Now she said such a thing.

"Cousin." Or fan Xiaomei took off her coat and put it on her body and hugged her. Fan looked at the woman and said, "what's your ability to find my cousin? You have the ability to take care of your man."The woman looked at fan Xiaomei with great interest, "I haven't looked for you yet. I didn't expect you to come by yourself."

"What do you mean?" Fan Xiaomei looks at the woman warily.

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