I didn't expect that little girl was very warm-hearted. The next day, she brought folk prescription to the store to find her. She also told Shu Yan how to use it carefully.

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"Thank you so much. I'll use it when I get home." Shuyan really thought that she was just saying it casually. She would forget that kind of one when she turned her head, or she would come to buy clothes later and think about it again. Unexpectedly, she even made a special trip.

To express her gratitude, Shuyan originally wanted to give her a suit of clothes, but the little girl refused to accept anything. Shuyan gave her a membership card. The little girl said that she would often come to her to buy clothes in the future.

In the afternoon, Shuyan went to see the house over there. People have heard the price of other houses. Shuyan was worried. As the old saying goes, one shop can support three generations. As long as the offspring don't have the kind of black sheep, they can support their families by rent. If they have the ability, they can turn over by relying on the shops. Therefore, the houses on the West Road in the south of the city are not worried about selling.

Miss this time, the next time may not be able to buy, Shuyan plans to ask Lao Hu, really not, expensive point to buy.

Unfortunately, Lao Hu is not at home and it is still early to pick up the children. Shuyan simply goes to see how the new house is decorated.

Passing the kindergarten, Shuyan and Tianbao's teacher are touching each other.

"Tianbao mother, you came just in time. I was thinking about how to contact you." The teacher knew Shu Yan's ability. She was a person who broke the head and deputy director of the kindergarten with a group of parents. She was very polite to speak to her.

"What's the matter? Is Tianbao in trouble at school The teacher came to her for sure because of the child. Ye Tianbao has behaved very well recently. Shuyan doesn't hold on to him as much as before. What happened?

"Today, Tianbao made another child cry. I have already called his parents and should be here soon." Take Yan Shu to the office.

If it was in the past, Shuyan definitely thought it was Tianbao's fault without saying a word. Recently Tianbao has performed really well. Shuyan decided to ask about the situation first.

There are two children standing in the teacher's office. Tianbao stands against the wall, glancing at the crying children from time to time.

"Tianbao." Shuyan called out to him.

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"Mom." Seeing Shuyan, Tianbao quickly lowered his head and waited for a long time. He neither beat nor was scolded. Tianbao looked up carefully to take a look at Shuyan.

"Tell mom, why do you hit people?" Shu Yan squatted down and asked in a steady tone.

Tianbao aimed at Shuyan and said angrily that she didn't really get angry: "he scolded me for not having a father first."

"You don't have a father." The little boy, who had been sobbing, roared.

"You said." With that, Tianbao was about to rush up with a small fist and was carried back by Shuyan.

"Yang Yang, how do you talk? I'm sorry to the child." When someone came to the door, he heard his son's roar. He criticized his son and said, "although my son said something wrong, your son can't hit anyone. Look at this face. It's dark."

Shuyan took a look, what dark green, is simply his own play when the dust rubbed, but this mother is reasonable that kind, is not the type of mischievous, otherwise Shuyan really will have a headache.

"If you know your mistakes, you can change them. Yangyang children, can you tell your aunt why you said that about Tianbao?" Shuyan was a little heavy hearted. She was single with two children, and she knew that she would attract many of the same eyes. But she didn't expect that she would be affected so soon, and the child was affected first.

"I'm not wrong. Tianbao just doesn't have a father. Mom said, right, mom." Yang Yang was beaten by his mother.

"This child, nonsense, how can I say such things? Besides, we don't know each other. How can I say you and you?" Yang Yang's mother looked at Shu Yan with some embarrassment.

"That's what you said. You and grandma said that Tianbao's mother was driven out by her husband. Tianbao is a child without a father. I heard it all." Then Yang Yang was beaten by his mother again.

Shuyan looked at Yangyang mother with a smile. Now it's not as simple as two children fighting. "Children don't cheat. Since your son said you said it, it must be heard from you. Is it a good tutor to talk about others' rights and wrongs behind your back. What's more, I'm curious. Where did you hear these messy words?"

Yang Yang's mother looked at Shu Yan. She was not as good-looking as the rumor said, but it was not so ugly. In fact, she knew Shu Yan. Last time she asked grandma Wu about the kindergarten kitchen, she was there, but she never rushed ahead. Anyway, if it wasn't for her, Yangyang would not be able to have a safe lunch, so she was very grateful Her.

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"There are some bad things about you these two days Because of the impropriety, he was driven out of the house, and only one person with two The children went to the south city to fight. I also said two words to the child's grandmother. I really didn't say anything to others. Maybe the child overheard it. Yang Yang, please apologize to Tianbao children. " Yang Yang's mother takes Yang Yang to ease her embarrassment.

She hesitated, Shuyan believed that the original words must be more difficult to speak, eyes slightly narrowed, very good, and which bug is behind the rumor?"I want to know who said it?" Shu Yan asked directly.


"Don't worry, I won't say it's you. I just want to know who told me such rumors behind my back." Several names appeared in Shu Yan's mind, but they all felt impossible.

"Then don't say it's me. Do you know Zhu Hong? Her mother's family is in our community. She told her mother when she came back that it was not The people on the edge will know Yang Yang's mother checked Yang Yang's body and was not hurt. After Shuyan asked Tianbao to apologize, she took her child away.

Without ah Le, there comes another Zhu Hong. These three people are really birds of a feather. They are disgusting.

Along the way, Tianbao was a little silent. After receiving Ye Jingjing, Tianbao asked in a low voice, "Mom, where's dad? He hasn't come to see me for a long time

The child forgets a lot. He didn't remember the divorce, separation, and other things he said to Tianbao before. Even if he remembered, he didn't understand.

"Dad's in the west side, and later Go and see him, mom Shuyan didn't know how to explain to such a small child, so he had to wait until he got older and knew that his parents were divorced and could not be together. Naturally, he would not want to find his father.

Ye Jingjing on one side has never said a word. Unlike Tianbao, she has already recorded and knows something about divorce and father not having a mother. What's more, ye Zhiqiang is really bad to Ye Jingjing, so she doesn't want her father at all. On the contrary, she hopes that her generation won't see him.

She took her child home and turned over the information Lao Hu had given her before. Before, she focused on ah le and didn't read Zhu Hong's information carefully. Now she lives in a community on Chengbei Road, which is also a good community. Her husband is a small leader of a clothing factory. The name of this factory is a little familiar? Shuyan thought for a long time, isn't this the factory run by Zhang baizong? So Zhu Hong's husband entered the clothing factory through ale?

Lao Hu was really fierce. He not only found out the relationship between ah le and Zhang baizong, but also found evidence that Zhu Hong's husband had been rich in his own pocket. He deliberately disposed of some good clothes as defective products. The person who took care of the goods was Zhu Hong's younger brother. The clothes finally entered Zhu Hong's shop and sold them as medium and high-grade men's clothes.

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She said, how can a small leader in a factory change a house and give his wife a shop? It turns out that money comes from this way.

Originally, she didn't read these materials before, and did not intend to read them. After all, she mainly dealt with ah le. She didn't get along with Zhu Hong very much, but the other side was going to bump into each other. In that case, she was always treated as a soft persimmon to prevent her from bleeding.

While it is still early, Shuyan lets Ye Jingjing take her brother to take a bath. She goes downstairs to call Hu Ruixue.

"It's rare. How do you remember to call me? " Hu Ruixue chuckles. She thinks that Shuyan calls her soon after she knows her background. As a result, she doesn't move.

"Have you taken over your ex husband's factory?" Shuyan comes to the point.

"Handover in progress. What's the matter?" Hu Ruixue asked curiously.

"There is a man in your factory who was helped by ale. His wife doesn't know if you have any impression. That's the one who asked her to help on the South West Road. She said she was blind." "Shu Yan did not hang up to wipe the corner," I have some evidence of her husband's personal enrichment

"I see what you mean." Hu Ruixue didn't go on to say, "my side is about to hand over. Next, I plan to run my own business. The clothing factory was originally made for men's wear, but I intend to do women's wear. I'm more interested in this. I didn't seem to tell you that. I used to learn painting, and I'm always interested in fashion design. How about, are you interested in cooperating with me?"

Shuyan was stunned by her big turn. She thought she was interested in talking about her ideal. How could she turn around and say something about cooperation with her?

"What do you mean?"

"Zhang baizong's clothing factory is quite good. Now there are 20 or 30 workers. I plan to expand it and set up a brand by myself. Last time I saw the clothes in your store, they match well. It's better to cooperate with us." Hu Ruixue said with a smile.

Create your own brand? Hu Ruixue's suggestion is really Shuyan's heart. When it comes to this era, she has no ambition for her career. It's just that Shuyan, with her two children, limits her thoughts.

"I have two children. Now I'm too busy to open a clothing store. If I run a factory with you, I'll be even more busy. Forget it, and you don't need to cooperate with me. I believe that with your family's conditions, there are many designers and collocations waiting for you to choose." Calm down, Shuyan can't help but wonder why Hu Ruixue wants to cooperate with her. Besides, she doesn't have the capital to play with her.

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"I want to do my own business. I used to rely on my family and didn't take care of the outside affairs after I got married. Zhang baizong came back to talk to me about some external affairs first. It's not to prove anything. I just feel that compared with you, I seem to be too decadent. You may not know that I feel a lot of energy from you. " Hu Ruixue didn't cheat Shuyan. She really decided to kick Zhang baizong because she saw Shuyan."Good idea, I believe you can do it, but I It takes time, energy and capital to create a brand by myself. I have limited funds. With two children, these are not enough, so... " Shuyan politely refused.

"Then why did you open a clothing store just after you settled down in Nancheng? I don't have time. It's all an excuse. I don't need to worry about the money. It won't be used too much for the time being. I'll take the factory building and you'll take the clothing store you're running as a share. What do you think of it? "

Shu Yan immediately cried and laughed, "of course not, how can my clothing store compare with your clothing factory?"

"Of course your clothing store is not worth it, but you are worth it." Hu Ruixue was silent for a moment. "My big brother is full of praise for the activities you started. He said that if you have read books and trained, you are definitely a business elite."

Shuyan sweat, she is simply pick up the wisdom, which made her blush.

"I'm just a little smart." We can't say that what we learned from others can only be fuzzy.

"How can you call me smart? Few of you can get my big brother's praise. Shuyan, I really cooperate with you, and I can't tell you clearly on the phone. In this way, we'll go out for dinner tomorrow. Let's have a face-to-face interview. What's more, Zhu Hong, please give me to deal with it."

Back home, Shuyan even freckle big cause are not in the mind to do, hastily took a bath, lying in bed that want to cooperate with Hu Ruixue things.

No one has any ambition. When she graduated from University, she was also full of ambition. She wanted to make her own day without looking at small companies. All of them were foreign enterprises and listed companies. There was no one to look back on more than 30 resumes. She woke up with a slap. She went back to her hometown to find a job. She was known as preparing for the civil service examination, but she still wanted to be admitted How about the civil servants? As a result, they failed to pass the examination for two years. At that time, they forced marriage and returned to Nancheng with their luggage. They found an ordinary company to be an ordinary white-collar worker.

In her own world, the society taught her to be a person, so after she wore it here, she thought very simply. She was not a person with strong ability. She was a dragon everywhere. She was an ordinary person. Relying on her knowledge of decades more than others, she drank some soup in this age full of opportunities.

The problem is that there is an opportunity in front of her. Hu Ruixue has background and money. It can be said that cooperation with her can achieve twice the result with half the effort. It seems a pity to give up like this.

No matter, wait for tomorrow to meet again, by the way Zhu Hong to solve, good people do not do, but as a demon. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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