Hu Ruixue still sent someone to pick up Shuyan. The meeting place was in the courtyard of a Hutong. Whether it was outside or inside, it could not be seen that it was a hotel. This should be the legendary private restaurant that only received big men.

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"The Nancheng cuisine is very authentic. You can try it later." Hu Ruixue helped Shuyan pour tea and pushed the dim sum in front of her. "The cake is also very good, but don't eat too much."

Shuyan picked up a piece and took a bite. She always thought that it was exaggeration to melt into the mouth. She didn't expect that it was really delicious. She ate one piece unconsciously and restrained the impulse to take the second piece. Now Shuyan is looking forward to the dishes in the future.

They didn't say anything on the phone last night. They chatted with each other. They were small things, but they were very relaxed.

"My daughter is three years old. She is the same year as your son. When will she take your two children out to play together? She has been at home and has no friends. She must be very happy to see your son and daughter." Hu Ruixue's mental state looks much better than last time.

"OK, let's go on an outing next weekend." In fact, Nancheng is not very good now. Many famous places in the future are still wasteland.

"Well, it's a nice day recently. It's nice to go out and play." When Hu Ruixue laughs, her eyes are curved, just like the moon, very beautiful.

Shu Yan is very puzzled. He is ugly and uneducated. Ye Zhiqiang can understand why Zhang baizong is looking for ah Le who is not as good as Hu Ruixue? Is it because of inferiority? Want to get the dignity of being a man from Arles? It's cheap.

The dishes came up one after another, and the bad smell surrounded Shuyan. She picked up a chopstick and narrowed her eyes slightly. Although Shuyan could eat Nancheng food, she preferred her hometown food. But today, she found that there was no preference. As long as the food was delicious, she would love any cuisine.

Almost finished eating, Shuyan picked up the tea and sipped, "did you check on Zhu Hong's husband?"

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Hu Ruixue leaned back on the chair with Shuyan, feeling that although it was not elegant, she was particularly comfortable. Then she also took up a cup of tea and drank it slowly.

"It's been investigated. It's a miracle that Zhang baizong can do his business well. There are 40 people in the factory. 10 of them are leaders. Seven of them are nepotism. What younger brother, younger sister, brother-in-law, and, by the way, uncles and uncles are all in important positions. Almost all of the managers in the factory are close relatives. " Although Hu Ruixue had not done business, she was also influenced by her experience. She knew a lot about doing business. Such a factory really opened her eyes. "The most important thing is that Zhang baizong's relatives are not capable people. They don't know management at all. They put them in an important position. As a result, the factory is in a mess."

There are a lot of family businesses in China, but they are not as successful as Zhang baizong. They either do business together with several relatives, or they will help several relatives solve the employment problems after their own business grows, and they will never be placed in important positions.

This Shu Yan did. After graduating from University, she went back to her hometown to look for her first job. The small company was the same as Zhang baizong's current factory. All the leaders in the small company were relatives of the boss. Many employees quit within a few days. Anyway, before she left her hometown, the company had already closed down.

"There are many financial problems in the factory. I have found several old accountants to sort them out. This clothing factory has been almost damaged by the following moths, which is actually an empty shell. I was really blind at the beginning to find such a person. No, he's not even gold and jade. " Without the veil of love, Hu Ruixue is nothing to see Zhang baizong.

Hu Ruixue won't tell others about many things, including her parents and former friends, but she is willing to talk to Shu Yan. She may feel that Shu Yan and her experience are similar, can feel empathy, and are not afraid that Shu Yan looks down on her.

"What are your plans for these people?"

"I went straight to the police." Anyway, none of those people want to run, especially those relatives of Zhang baizong, who had no feelings at all. Now Zhang baizong has run away, and Hu Ruixue doesn't care about them.

"By the way, what do you think of the cooperation I said yesterday? Now that the factory has been cleaned up by me, there is only one empty shell, and there are a few skilled old employees, which are not worth a few dollars. You can use your store to buy shares, and we will create a brand together. You can see, those big brands are all foreign ones. China has a long history and rich heritage, so we should not have our own brand. " After Hu Ruixue decided to start his own business, he did a lot of homework.

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"I've thought about cooperation. To tell you the truth, I'm excited. But my two children are so young that I may not have so much energy to take care of the things in the factory Shu Yan finally chose children in her career and children.

She can do it after her career, but her child's growth is not. In these years, when Tianbao goes to primary school, she can be much more relaxed.

Hu Ruixue also has children, can understand Shu Yan's idea, she is in Nancheng alone, without a person to help, inevitably worry more.

"It doesn't matter. My invitation is always valid. When you want to cooperate with me, you can come to me at any time." Hu Ruixue said with a smile.Two people here enjoyed themselves, but Zhu Hong on the other side couldn't eat any more. Now at home, I'm as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"What's the matter? How can we be found out if we are so covert? I told you to resign and quit. You have to say it's OK. Now something is wrong? " Zhu Hong asked Li Jianguo to resign on the day of the accident. However, Li Jianguo, who had been obedient, refused to resign.

"I said I couldn't do this kind of thing before. You had to let me exchange the goods. Now something happened?" Li Jianguo is also complaining about Zhu Hong.

"Who did I do that for? Not for this family? If it wasn't for me, you are still a laid-off worker and can be a leader in the factory? If we don't, can we live in the big house we have now? Can our son go to such a good school? And you can eat meat, wear a suit, not all because of me. Now I'm to blame for what's going on. Who let you do things by yourself so carelessly? " Zhu Hong's arrogance suppressed Li Jianguo.

"What now?" Li Jianguo was sitting on the sofa.

Zhu Hong looked at him with disgust. He was a loser. If something happened, she would only ask what to do. She took a few breaths and sat down on the other end of the sofa, "can you put the matter on someone else? Don't you say that some of Zhang baizong's relatives did the same? What's all right with them? "

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Li Jianguo rubbed his hair and said dejectedly, "it's useless. It's your brother who takes the goods. The things are sold in your shop. These are found out by random inspection."

"What about that? Are my brother and I involved? Are we going to jail, too Zhu Hong is really in a hurry.

Li Jianguo looked up at Zhu Hong, and her eyes were slightly red. At this time, she thought whether she was involved. If he went in, could she really keep her home? I think of my first grade son.

"Don't worry. I'll take everything to myself, and I won't let you get involved."

Zhu Hong came to Li Jianguo and hugged his waist. He said softly: "I'm sorry, my husband. I just want this family to be better. I really didn't expect that there would be an accident. You can rest assured that I will guard the home and take my son to wait for you at home."

Li Jianguo didn't say anything. When Zhu Hong went to cook, he went to the bedroom to take the house property card, the passbook and the ID card of the household register. He yelled to Zhu Hong in the kitchen, "I'm going out for something. I'll be back in a moment."

"I'm almost ready. Where are you going?"

"It suddenly occurred to me that I had a friend working in the Institute. I asked him about it."

Zhu Hong has no doubt about him, mainly because Li Jianguo has always listened to her, and will not think of what he will do.

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Out of the house, Li Jianguo touched something in his arms, his hands shaking slightly.

The house that was rented to Shuyan was owned by his parents. Zhu Hong always wanted to change the house property certificate into their names after he got married. Li's father didn't care. Li's mother didn't agree to it. Later, she registered it in his son's name. The house now bought is their two names. Zhu Hong couldn't sell it if he didn't have the house property certificate and household registration book. Zhu Hong had 70000 yuan in his bankbook All of them are put in his parents' place, and now it's their own parents who can trust them.

When they arrived at his sister's house, they were finishing their dinner and were tidying up their dishes. They saw Li Jianguo, who was in a bit of a mess. His sister snorted coldly and picked up the broom and was about to drive him out.

"Mom and Dad, I'm wrong. I'm really finished this time." Li Jianguo flopped down on his knees and made the people in the room stunned. His brother-in-law pulled his sister-in-law into the room. The family was no longer the son of his father-in-law. They could still hate him for a lifetime.

"What's over? What happened? " Li's father and mother had made up their minds to ignore this unpromising son, but now she is distressed to see her son like this.

"I may go to jail." Li Jianguo slapped himself twice and told his parents the whole thing, "Mom, I'm afraid Zhu Hong can't keep it, so I'm going to leave everything to you for safekeeping, and your grandson. You can't change your family name, Ma."

Hearing that her son was going to jail, Li Ma almost fainted. Hearing what he said behind him, she directly cried, "I said Zhu Hong is not a good man. You just don't listen. Now something is wrong? Xiaozai is a descendant of our Li family. Of course, we can't change our surname. If Zhu Hong dares to take her to remarry, I will die with her. "

"Say what to do, and how to deal with the most important son's affairs now." Li father relatively calm some, "hurry to surrender, give up the matter, strive for leniency."

"What have I done Li Ma cried and patted Li Jianguo on the back. "Your father and I have been innocent all our lives. Since childhood, we have taught you and your sister to be good people. As a result, you are in a good position to do such things for money." He sniffed, "little sister, little sister, please pack up our things. Your father and I will move back to the back lane. Your brother's life is miserable. I have to go back to take my baby, my poor grandson!"

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