Shuyan had the heart to ask Fang Zeyu to go with him, but soon he disappeared.

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At first, Shu Yan thought that he was trying to find out the suspect. Just like fishing, she was a bait. She used her to lure out human traffickers. Now she found that this was not the case. When she was not in Nancheng University, Shuyan said hello to him, and he would respond. If she was in Nancheng University, Shu Yan could not see his figure at all, and saw it just like a stranger.

She guessed that Fang Zeyu felt that his reputation was not good, and he was afraid that she would be implicated.

Shuyan comes to the kindergarten with her head down. The child is still studying. There are about 20 minutes left. She goes to her new home to have a look.

The house is all decorated, including furniture and electrical appliances. Because he chose the developer's own decoration company, he gave Shuyan a discount. The total amount was 10000 yuan. After reading the bill, Shuyan found that the bricks are 120 yuan, the cement is 7 yuan, and the water pipes and wires are also OK. The most important thing is that the labor cost now is different from the future. I remember 18 years ago, when the house was redecorated, carpenters and electricians needed 301 days and 150 helpers, not counting cigarettes and drinks. Today's technicians only need 15 yuan a day and 8 yuan to help workers.

The reason why she spent more than 10000 yuan was that Shu Yan made three wall mounted closets, and a small room was separated from the living room to store sundries. In addition, the balcony and two toilets were refitted, which made the cost high.

The designer of the decoration company took Shuyan to choose the home appliances. He used their company's name to get the lowest price. At this time, the household appliances were still very expensive. A refrigerator, a color TV, a washing machine and four air conditioners cost more than 20000 yuan, which was more expensive than the decoration fee.

I can't help it. Today's electrical appliances are luxury goods. Many people still use black-and-white TV. For example, Wu Xiuyue's family still uses a 10 inch black-and-white TV. Lin Hui's family has better conditions and has bought a color TV, but there is no washing machine. There is only one air conditioner in the master bedroom, which is already very luxurious. It is still rare for Shu Yan to be so wealthy.

The furniture was bought by someone who Chen Fei knew. She said it was mahogany furniture. Shuyan had heard of it and never seen it. I believe Chen Fei will not cheat her. Mahogany furniture can keep its value. Anyway, it needs to be used. So I bought a set of mahogany tables, chairs and sofas, TV cabinet, tea table, three desks, bookcases and two dressing tables. Shu Yan bought all of them at one time, and spent 18 thousand yuan.

Chen Fei said that this set of furniture was made by a master in the ancient way. It was well made. It was not taken by acquaintances. Shuyan didn't understand it. She could only see whether it was beautiful. The carved flowers and birds were lifelike, and the style was retro. She bought it.

The bed is also introduced by Chen Fei. A bed costs more than 2000, but it's really comfortable to lie down. Shuyan thinks that half of a person's life is in bed, so bed is very important. He originally planned to make children's beds for two children, and then he thought about it and bought them a bed of 1.5 meters.

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The decoration of this house costs about 500000 yuan. If you add in the household appliances and beds, it will be 550000 yuan.

It cost a lot of money, but Shu Yan thinks it is worth it. Not to mention that the house has a lot of room for appreciation in the future. She mainly lives in comfort. She will not change her house in a short time. She has to live for at least ten or twenty years, or even for a lifetime.

The weather forecast said there was rain in the evening. Shuyan closed the window, checked inside and outside, turned off the switch and left. She saw Sister Zhang next door in the elevator. Shuyan came many times and never touched her.

"Sister Zhang moved here?" Shuyan saw that she had a lot of used daily necessities in her hand.

"Don't mention it. We can't live in our relatives. We can't help but let the father and the children make do in the new house for a night." Sister Zhang said of her relatives and glanced at her mouth. "Relatives who can't fight with each other come to my house every time they come back to Nancheng. She saves the cost of accommodation. How inconvenient is our home?"

Now people are saving, and local relatives will go there. But Shu Yan is sure that most people will bring things when they go, and they will never be empty handed. But from the perspective of Sister Zhang, it's true that when relatives come home, they always have to cook some dishes and make a good bed. The family is small, so it's inevitable to have resentment in their hearts.

But this is someone else's business, Shu Yan didn't say much, just embarrassed smile, "you have decorated here?"

If she remembers correctly, she bought this house at about the same time as she did. Is it possible that she is also rushing to work?

"Yes, how much trouble can decoration be? When the water and electricity are finished, the wall brush will be OK. " Speaking of this, Sister Zhang asked Shuyan, "I saw your decoration some time ago. It's a big color TV and a refrigerator air conditioner. Did you spend a lot of money?"

"Not bad." Shu Yan doesn't like people to inquire about these things, "the elevator is coming, I have to pick up the children, so I'll go first."

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"Well, go ahead and do it." Seeing the elevator door closed, Sister Zhang couldn't help murmuring, "so many appliances, at least 20000 yuan, tut, really rich."

After receiving Tianbao, Shuyan looked back and saw that there was no figure of Fang Zeyu, but she knew he was nearby.

"What are you looking at, mom?"

"Nothing. Let's go. Let's go and pick up my sister." Shuyan paid attention to the people behind her all the way. Finally, when she got to the vegetable market, she saw Fang Zeyu's figure. Shuyan stopped and said, "Jingjing, did you see that uncle?""The fierce but heroic uncle?" Children have a good memory, not to mention Fang Zeyu's appearance is very discernible.

Shu Yan pursed his lips with a smile, "yes, you go to tell him, let him go to the small flower bed outside the community for a while to get things."

Jingjing looked at Shuyan and asked nothing. Dengdengdeng ran over.


For the first time, Fang Zeyu was somewhat restrained when he contacted such a small girl, "hello."

"My mother asked you to pick up things in the little flower bed outside the community." With that, he ran back to Shuyan.

This evening, make a stewed pork, Coke chicken wings, celery squid, and another tofu. Shuyan finished the meal quickly, took out the lunch box and began to load the vegetables. After loading, the two children would eat first and carry them to the small flower bed outside the community downstairs. There are not many people in this place. Shuyan put it in the grass and looked around, but he didn't see Fang Zeyu. Didn't he come?

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Then Shuyan saw Fang Zeyu come out at will, but he didn't go to her side. Obviously, he told her that he was here.

Seeing Shu Yan leave, Fang Zeyu took out the things that Shu Yan had put in the flower bed, the hot food and a bag of washed fruit. His hand was tight and his heart was suddenly warm.

"Back?" An old lady came out of the house and saw Fang Zeyu and said with a smile, "I'll heat you up for dinner in the evening."

"No, grandma. I've brought my rice back." Fang Zeyu used to support the old lady.

This is Shu Yan's brother-in-law of the old lady who was looking at the house. She was younger than the old lady. She was broken in spirit when she heard the bad news one after another. A person who was clearly 70 years old looked at her eighty years old.

"With your meal?" The old lady helped to take it out. Seeing the dishes inside, she took a look at Fang Zeyu and said with a smile, "this dish is very good. It must be a virtuous person."

Fang Zeyu recalled that Shuyan was indeed a kind and virtuous person.

The old lady didn't ask much. She went back to her room and went to bed. They all said that Fang Zeyu was greedy for her house to recognize her as a grandmother. Those people knew nothing. She was not in good health. She had to take medicine every month. The subsidy given by ZF was not enough. Xiaoyu paid her back to buy clothes. She took care of her grandson properly. Xiaoyu was not as considerate as Xiaoyu. She had to explain to others several times, but it was a pity It's also a crime for Xiaoyu to stop him. When he meets such a pair of irresponsible parents and a shameful stepmother, Xiaoyu can't find a wife now. If the cook for Xiaoyu is a girl, if only Xiaoyu can get married, she can close her eyes at ease.

Shuyan has finished the meal. After cleaning up, she bathes Tianbao first, and then washes with Jingjing. Then the three play on the bed for a while, and then they are ready to go to bed.

Shuyan found that since she arrived in this world, she had no choice but to purchase goods. She would go to bed at 10 o'clock at the latest, get up at 6 o'clock in the morning, go to bed early and get up early. People's mental state is really different.

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So no mobile phone computer is also good, forced to go to bed early, Shuyan pinched his hand, and think of mobile phone one day, sleep, can see in the dream.

I had bought breakfast for Fang Zeyu in the morning, but I didn't see anyone. When I got off the bus, Shuyan was waiting for Fang Zeyu.

"My friend came to see me for lunch this afternoon. It should be safe to be with her. I will keep it in the flower bed at night. Don't forget to take it." With that, Shuyan turned and ran away.

Yesterday, she picked up the goods and called Hu Ruixue and made an appointment to have lunch together today.

I thought it was a simple meal. Unexpectedly, Hu Ruixue talked about cooperation again.

"When I asked you to cooperate, you said you didn't have time and energy, but you'd better turn to others to cooperate." Hu Ruixue pretended to be angry.

"That's not the same. Lao Zhang and I only have a temporary cooperation. This kind of autumn clothes and trousers have no technical content, and they are all over the street in a week. I just make a lot of money." Shuyan plans to wait until there is no profit, then withdraw.

"You can only make a quick profit, but don't you find that there is a big market here?" Hu Ruixue is sure to explode when he sees the autumn and autumn trousers. "I'm here to find you to set up an underwear brand with you. It mainly sells underwear, underwear and autumn clothes. The initial investment will not be very large. What do you think?"

"You can also add pajamas." Shuyan said.

"Your brain is really alive. It's a pity that your family didn't let you go to school." Hu Ruixue pulled back to the topic, "in a word, cooperation or not?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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