Cooperation, why not cooperate?

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Shu Yan knew that business was easy to do in the 1990s, but she didn't know it was so easy to do.

This time, she found that most of the current market is in a blank state, which is the best time to create a brand.

Hu Ruixue has money and contacts, and also said that she doesn't need her too much energy. She is a fool to refuse such cooperation.

First of all, they want to determine the name, Hu Ruixue put forward a simple and crude name, using one of their names: Yan Xue.

Shu Yan thinks that this name can be used as a company name, but if it is used as a brand? It's a little low on the air.

"Why not get angry? Yan Xue, how nice to hear. " Hu Ruixue thinks that he is really a genius for naming.

"How about Xianxue?" Underwear. Get a softer name.

"Xianxue is also a good name. Otherwise, the brand of underwear is called Yanxue. We will set up two clothing brands in the future, one is called Xianxue and the other is Xianyan. The name of your store is also good, Yanni How about another snow? " The more Hu Ruixue thought, the more feasible he felt.

Shu Yan almost didn't roll her eyes to show her, "you think really far enough, underwear brand eight words have not been skimmed to think of clothes, but also four, why don't you think about the whole package?"

Hu Ruixue is ambitious, "I just want everything. A man should have a long-term vision, dare to think and do, dare not even think, how to do it? These four names are good, I took to register first, then can clothing, accessories, shoes, bags all aspects of development. By the way, you designed the autumn clothes and trousers. Do you have any good ideas? Give them all. "

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It is said that they did not sign any agreement. At this time, it is very dangerous to speak out the ideas in his mind. When Hu Ruixue turns around, Shu Yan has no place to reason, but Shu Yan believes that Hu Ruixue's eyelids are not so shallow.

"I really have a lot of ideas. For example, the autumn clothes and trousers are thin now, belonging to the early winter style, but they may be too thin when it comes to the deep winter. I want to add a layer of thin velvet inside. There can be a layer of thick velvet on the North side. In terms of style, there can be round collar, pointed collar, and the material quality can be graded to meet the needs of all consumption levels. Another is underwear underwear, can also be made into suits, sexy, home, comfortable, anything can be. Then there are pajamas. I saw some pajamas in foreign magazines before. They are quite good. We can improve them on this basis. " Shuyan think of the future underwear brand, it is really everything.

"You're trying to get rid of your personal clothes." Hu Ruixue thinks that Shuyan's heart is no smaller than her.

"It's just that. You said that we should have a long-term vision and dare to think. Do I dare to think? For the time being, we still focus on autumn clothes and trousers. As for publicity, if we have enough funds, I suggest that we should carry out bombing advertisements in newspapers and on TV. Within a month, our brand will become a well-known domestic brand. If we keep up with the quality and style in the later stage, we can have a firm foothold in the market of underwear, and then we can enter other fields smoothly. " In terms of advertising, Shu Yan didn't know about it. I think it's not cheap.

"Do you have any comments on advertising?" Hu Ruixue never worried about the problem of funds.

When it comes to advertising, Shuyan remembers that in her own world, there is a underwear called pretty beautiful, which is really a brainwashing advertisement. She doesn't know whether there are many people who buy it. Anyway, she knows a lot. Moreover, he has a very smart place. He doesn't choose the most expensive prime time, but chooses the leisure time with favorable price. The large-scale long-term advertisement is really easy to remember Live.

"I have an idea. I can't explain it for a while. When I get home, I'll turn it into a written form and give it to you." In addition to that plan, Shuyan also thought of some similar brainwashing ads, waiting for her to go back to think about it.

"OK, I'll go to someone to register the company first. In addition, I have to find a front office to open a direct store, which is also the exhibition hall. If someone buys goods, I can take it there." Hu Ruixue just didn't do business before. She really wanted to do it. Her brain was also very active.

"I still have a shop I haven't rented out. I can use it as a direct store." Shuyan thought about it and said.

"And you bought a facade? It's deep enough. OK. I'll take someone to have a look and rent it in the name of the company. " There are some things that need to be sorted out and scored clearly.

This point Shu Yan is also such an idea, so Hu Ruixue said rent, she did not say anything.

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"I happened to meet someone who sold it and bought it. The Chinese people's obsession with land is really buried in their bones. In fact, it is the thought of small farmers, and they feel more secure in buying real estate. " Shuyan laughs at herself.

The pattern is not big enough. After reading a lot of novels before, those men never buy houses with money after they are reborn or crossed. Instead, they continue to expand their business. Of course, Shu Yan also hopes that her business can be as big as theirs. However, she knows very well that she is still honest in buying a house and buying a facade and waiting for the insurance to appreciate.

What's more, she has two children, so it's inevitable that she will be more conservative. If Hu Ruixue's cooperation conditions are not good, Shuyan would not dare to take this step.

"I'm not as rich as you are. By the way, what's the company's advance investment? I can say that I don't have a lot of money on hand. If it is too much, I may really want to borrow it from you. " Shuyan said half seriously and half jokingly.Hu Ruixue waved a big hand, "you don't need to worry about the capital, wait for me to register the company first."

"Well, by the way, Yanni has been registered by me, so you don't have to register." And not only clothing, but also jewelry, shoes, bags, cosmetics, anyway want to get Shuyan registered.

"So you have ambition." Hu Ruixue doesn't think Shuyan is ambitious. People just have a long-term vision and are down-to-earth in doing things. Now the clothing store is the best proof.

She must put in a sum of money herself, otherwise it would be considered as a brain cooperation. If the money is not enough, Hu Ruixue will have to pay for it.

The advantage of holding the right thigh is that you don't have to worry about problems at various levels, not to worry about money, and you don't have to worry about disputes about money in the future. Of course, I also want to have a number in my heart. Don't treat others as a fool, or it's not fun to turn up your thighs and face.

I briefly talked about the direction of the company, and we have to wait for the details to be discussed later. The next thing is for Hu Ruixue.

Did not return to the store, Shuyan went to Lao Zhang first. His wife went to Hangzhou all night yesterday, but she didn't know what was going on there.

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"Mr. Shu is here. Sit down." Lao Zhang's spirit is cool and his face is red when he meets a happy occasion. "Mr. Shu, the sales in Hangzhou are crazy. Just yesterday. 5000 sets of orders have been placed over there, and another 5000 sets have been placed this morning. I am worried that the factories in the factory will not be able to keep up with them. "

This is also the problem that Shu Yan is worried about. More and more orders will be placed next. If the factory can not produce it, it will miss the opportunity to make money in vain.

"How many clothes can the factory produce in a day now?" Shuyan felt that there were more and more lists, so he had to make plans early.

"Don't worry. I've already asked them to work overtime. In addition, I've also called a group of old employees to come back. There are more than 3000 sets a day. It's really not possible. I still have a few friends who can work for me. They can always drive out the goods." For the first time, Lao Zhang tried to find a way to catch up with the shipment, which was different from worrying about the lack of goods to do.

"Well, there's one more thing I want to tell you." At the beginning, Lao Zhang talked about credibility, and when he came to do autumn clothes and trousers, she said to her. Naturally, Shuyan couldn't help but speak up and cooperated with others. "I have a friend who wants to cooperate with me to establish an underwear brand. At present, his main business is autumn clothes and autumn trousers."

Hearing Shu Yan's words, Lao Zhang's heart tightened and his smile almost couldn't be maintained.

"Don't worry, I don't mean to cancel the cooperation with you. We work together as usual. I just want to tell you. In fact, in another week, it is estimated that other factories will also make autumn clothes and trousers. The business will certainly be worse than now. What do you think? Are you going to specialize in autumn clothes and trousers, or do you want to continue to make clothes? " Shuyan felt that Lao Zhang's factory could not be revitalized as long as it was properly positioned.

After listening to Shuyan's explanation, Lao Zhang's heart finally fell to the ground.

"I'm going to make those autumn clothes and trousers." Lao Zhang has recognized the fact. He really has no vision and can't keep up with the trend. He might as well make autumn clothes and trousers.

Shu Yan nodded, "I also think it will be better for you to make autumn clothes and trousers. In this way, when you make money in the future and your own funds can run this factory, then we will terminate the cooperation."

"Mr. Shu, what are you talking about? I'm definitely not the kind of person who breaks bridges. As long as I make autumn clothes and trousers for one day, our cooperation will always be effective." Lao Zhang said slightly excited.

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"I don't mean anything else. It's just that I don't have so much energy to come here later. This time it's cooperation. It's all you and your sister-in-law are busy, or I'm taking advantage of it." Shuyan originally planned to make a fortune and retire.

Lao Zhang shakes his head, but that's not what he said. Although they worked hard, they didn't give a cent of the money. Sometimes their strength is the least valuable. Anyway, he knows this thing in his mind and won't let Shuyan suffer.

After going to the store for a while, Shuyan went to pick up the child. Jingjing was carrying a lunch box, which she gave to Fang Zeyu yesterday. Shuyan asked, "who gave it to you?"

"There was an uncle who put it in the janitor's room and asked the school security uncle to give it to me."

"I see. Remember what your mother said to you. Don't talk to strangers or take things from strangers. Even if you see that this thing belongs to your own family, don't take it. " Shuyan asked again.

"I know." I took it when he put it in the janitor's room.

"Well, mom just told you again." Shuyan touched the head of Jingjing. The child's hair has grown fast for more than three months. Her hair has grown very long, almost to the ear. In a month or two, she can not wear a hat.

If you eat by yourself, Shuyan will do whatever you like. But if you want to invite Fang Zeyu to eat, Shuyan will spend some time shopping.

Shuyan patted his forehead and forgot to ask him what he liked to eat, but their men certainly preferred meat dishes. They had already done braised meat yesterday. Today, we might as well make a sparerib soup, stir fry pork with garlic moss, stewed prawns, stir fried beef with green pepper, and then a small vegetable to relieve the greasiness. It should be about the same.

Seeing that Fang Zeyu was holding yesterday's incubator again, the old lady was glad to see the dishes inside. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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