After the Lantern Festival, this year is officially over.

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In the new year, Shuyan has also made a new plan for herself. Last year's plan was to lose at least 30 jin, remove the spots on her face, whiten her face, and let her look like she is 30 years old and save 2 million yuan.

The goal of losing weight by 30 jin has been achieved, and it has been overfulfilled. From 150 kg to 107 kg now, it has lost more than 40 kg. The spots have been removed and the skin has been whitened for several degrees. Now there are no more people in her thirties calling her elder sister. However, skin care can not be relaxed.

At the beginning, she took 2.42 million to Nancheng, bought a house, opened a shop, and left a total of 1.92 million. At that time, the store had a good business, so she planned to save 2 million yuan at the end of the year. Unexpectedly, she bought a facade and cooperated with Lao Zhang. Finally, she cooperated with Hu Ruixue, and went out with more than 1 million yuan. In the end, she didn't even get 1 million yuan, leaving 600000 yuan However, the money belongs to investment. At the end of the year, Lao Zhang got about 1 million yuan from Lao Zhang, not to mention Hu Ruixue. He said that he would not pay dividends in the first three years, but the assets were there. If he counted his wealth, Shuyan was now a multimillionaire. As long as she doesn't die, she will be a billionaire in 2003, and 13 years of pension will be no problem.

This year's goal is to lose another 10 jin, maintain her skin, and make herself look like a 26 year old woman.

Shuyan finished writing the plan, thought about it, and wrote down the plan to buy another facade. No matter how good the relationship between brothers and sisters was when she was a child, and when she grew up with her own family, she would gradually become estranged. Shu Yan didn't want two children to be ugly for one appearance, so the things must be double.

Some people may say that Jingjing will get married and give her a dowry. Shu Yan still wants to be fair as far as possible. They have the best ability. They should give them a start-up fund to start their own business. They have no ability. If they want to count on her, they will distribute it. There is no room for them to question.

It's a long way to go, but it should also be taken into consideration. At the beginning of the year, Tongtong signed up for a singing class, and Jingjing also wanted to learn another interest. Shu Yan asked her that she wanted to learn piano. Shu Yan also liked piano. When she was a child, she had a general family condition and failed to learn it. Now she has this condition and Jingjing wants to learn it again Of course, she supports it unconditionally.

And Tianbao, who was too young before, but can also learn when he is more than 4 years old. He went to every class and saw it. Unexpectedly, he chose brush writing, which is also a very good interest. Shu Yan agreed without saying a word. As long as he could persist, she would go back to Hu Ruixue to help find a better teacher.

The two children are learning. She can't walk in the same place. It seems that it's not suitable to learn singing and dancing at her age. Shuyan thinks about it and decides to enroll herself in a language class. The language of the world is the same as that of her world. For example, English is still one of the three main courses. All kinds of examinations are required. I don't know whether the author of this book is I'm so impressed with this. I wrote a novel with this one in it.

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She has passed level 4 at least, and she has a premonition that her company and Hu Ruixue's company will go abroad sooner or later, so it's OK to learn the language.

In addition, Shuyan decided to look for a place where there was a fitness or yoga studio. She found that she was thin, but her figure was not good, mainly because she was not in good shape. Next, it became more and more difficult to lose weight, which was also a good opportunity for plasticity, which should not be missed.

She wrote all the plans for 1993, locked them in a small box, and then acted as a bedside table with a lock. Shuyan opened the door and was startled by the aunt who was going to knock on the door.


"There's a call for you." The aunt put down her hand and said quickly.

"Yan Yan, it's me. Your father fell down carefully when he went to mend the roof tiles. Now he is in the hospital. He has been in the rescue room for almost two hours. I'll come out and call you."

Shuyan was stunned when he heard Shu Jianyang's words, "how did he go up by himself and not call his three sons? What did the doctor say? Is it serious? "

"I don't know yet. I just heard your elder brother say that he landed on his head and seemed to have hit a stone. I saw that the second uncle was covered with blood on his face. He looked very serious. Anyway, he is your father. I think I should give you a call." Shu Jianyang originally wanted to hide it from Shu Yan, so as not to embarrass her. In the end, she thought it was her father. In case something happened, she didn't see the last time. Now she didn't say anything. What would she do after complaining about him.

The world is changeable. Who could have thought that a lively person would suddenly fall down. Shuyan didn't like her parents any more. There was something wrong with her daughter.

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"I see, third brother. Please wait in the hospital. If the doctor says it's not good, I'll go back immediately." Shu Yan sighs, Shu Jianyang said so serious, in case really can't, she must go back.

Children can never take back, that is ready-made hostages, and ye Zhiqiang's parents will come to make trouble when they see it. She's going back by herself? Shuyan worried that her mother and several brothers would stop her from coming out. She hesitated for a moment and called Fang Zeyu.

"My father doesn't know what's going on. If something happens, my daughter will go back, but my family? To be honest, I think if I go back, it will be very difficult to come out, so I remember your company is not a security company? I want two people to protect me. " If Shu Youfu is dead, she must go back to the village for burial, and she may not come out at that time.Fang Zeyu sat up straight. "How am I? I It's the trump card of our company. "

When he said this, Fang Zeyu couldn't help blushing.

Shuyan was stunned. He didn't expect Fang Zeyu to say something like this: "it's you. I'm afraid you're not enough alone. So please help me choose another person. First, I'll wait for my cousin's call."

Shuyan anxiously waited for a moment in the room for a phone call, but there was no movement. Her heart began to sink slowly. She had to make some arrangements.

First, tell aunt that she may go back to her hometown for at least a week. If she goes back, the family expenses will be given to her in advance. Lin Hui goes to work. When she comes back, Shuyan has to ask her to help watch.

As she was packing up her clothes, the phone rang again. Shu Yan Ran to pick it up, and it was Shu Jianyang who called.

"Third brother, what's the situation now?"

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"There was no danger. Your father was lucky and didn't fall into any important nerves? The doctor said that he died on the spot after the fall, and became a vegetable in front of him. Now it's a broken head. There's more blood. There's no big problem. Don't worry. I'll watch. You don't have to come back. "

Shu Yan Long a sigh of relief, "I know." She hesitated for a moment and said, "third brother, that I have to trouble you. I'll pay 1000 yuan to your passbook, and you can give it to my mother. That's the case. In the future, they may often come to you to inquire about my whereabouts. "

"What am I to be? Don't worry, they don't dare to bother me Shu Jianyang's mouth slightly a hook, "I'm what kind of person, second uncle and second aunt know best, you don't have to worry about me, you don't have to fight for money, I'll give it to the second aunt directly for you."

"That can't do, you hurry to tell me the account number, or forget it."

Shu Jianyang knows Shu Yan's character, but will tell her the bank account number.

After hanging up the phone, Shu Jianyang returns to the ward with his cell phone. Shu Youfu is lying there with an oxygen tube, while Lin Zixiang is wiping tears.

"Second aunt, don't cry. Didn't the doctor say it was ok?" Shu Jianyang rolled his eyes. He knew the second aunt best. He began to cry. Now he was afraid that he was in love with money.

"How can it be OK to shed so much blood? I told him not to go, but let the eldest and the second to go. They had to make it by themselves and didn't look at their age. Could they compare with young people? Look, now, people are in pain, and the money is spent. " Lin Zixiang said and couldn't help crying.

Shu Jianyang almost didn't roll his eyes. He could guarantee that even if the second uncle called, the second aunt would not give up several sons. Maybe she asked the second uncle to do it.

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"It's all happened. Don't talk about it. It's ok if people are OK." The second couple arrived with their clothes and whispered, "how much is the medical fee? How much more is the back? Is our family enough? "

"I paid 2000 as soon as I entered the hospital. They said that they would have to wait for a notice later. It is estimated that there will be a lot of money. I don't know if you have any money? We have built houses for your three brothers. Where do we have money? The two thousand yuan is still paid by Jianyang. " Lin Zixiang peeks at Shu Jianyang.

We all know that Shu Jianyang is now rich and can earn hundreds of thousands of yuan by doing a project, and their family members think that his starting fund is from Shu Yan. Only 2000 yuan, if Shu Jianyang said no, they can rely on the past. After waiting for a long time, Shu Jianyang didn't say a word. Lin Zixiang said angrily, "you three brothers will collect the money and return it to Jianyang."

"Don't worry about money." Before Lin Zixiang and Lin Zixiang were happy, Shu Jianyang added, "tomorrow is OK. I'm a good person to talk to my relatives. When others owe me money, they should pay it back. Do my relatives owe me? I'm sure you'll be tolerant for a few days, but I'm not worried. "

Lin Zixiang and several brothers thought of Shu Jianyang's posture of asking for money and shook their bodies. You don't worry. We are worried! Because Shu Jianyang was a gangster, he was really the kind he didn't recognize.

"Don't worry. Tomorrow our brothers will collect the money and return it to you." The boss Shu Jianfei said quickly.

"That's good. I have a lot of things to do there. Since you're all here, I'll go."

Shu Jianyang swaggered away, did not mention Shu Yan to give them 1000 yuan, first let them return the money, wait for a few days, then give them the money to make them happy.

Tut! He was so kind. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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