It's better not to go back home. However, Shuyan first told his aunt that he would not go back, and immediately called Fang Zeyu.

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"Fortunately, he's OK, so I don't have to go back. I've told my cousin to give him 1000 yuan to let him buy what he wants to eat." The others, of course, are shared by the three sons. They build houses for them, marry their wives and take care of their children. What's wrong with some medical expenses.

"It's OK." A flash of regret flashed in Fang Zeyu's mind, and immediately felt that his idea should not be.

Hang up the phone, Shuyan put the clothes back. Although she doesn't like her parents' preference for boys, she still hopes that the other party can live healthily.

Another day passed. The next day, Shuyan arrived at the company. Hu Ruixue asked her, "yesterday, the company held the Lantern Festival party. Why didn't you come here? The program is very wonderful and there are many awards. It's a pity that you don't come. "

"Don't mention it. My father fell off some tiles when he climbed the roof. He was rescued in the hospital for four or five hours. I was ready to pack up my things and go back. Later, my cousin said that the rescue came and I didn't leave." Shu Yan rubbed his temple, looking a little tired.

"Are you all right? You really are. Why don't you call me and tell me whether you want to transfer to Nancheng for treatment? After all, the hospitals here are more advanced. " Hu Ruixue asked with concern.

"No. If you really need to go to a big hospital for treatment, I ask my cousin to help me to send it to the big hospital in Beijing. No matter how much money I pay, I will definitely not let them know that I am here. Do I and my children live together in the future? " As for the whole, it is impossible. She is not so virgin. Her parents would like to drink her blood. She also rushed to let them drink it. The original second sister does not count. One of the three brothers wants to run. One person is twenty-five and twenty thousand is five thousand.

Hu Ruixue patted her forehead, which reminds Shu Yan when she went back to the warm room that her parents were extremely patriarchal, "your parents are really pitiful and can't be distressed."

"Don't mention them. Didn't you say Duoduo wanted to drink my sweet soup the day before yesterday? I cooked a big pot in the morning, and you'll send it back to the driver later Shu Yan doesn't want to mention the broken things in his family.

"I'll thank Dorothy for her motherhood."

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On the second day of the new year's day, Hu Ruixue took her children to her home to pay New Year's greetings. Hu Ruixue found that many flowers stayed beside Shu Yan, which was very comfortable. She did not particularly reject Jingjing and Tianbao. She took Shuyan to recognize her as a godmother, and Shuyan's two children also recognized Hu Ruixue as a godmother.

Originally, Hu Ruixue also said she wanted to offer wine, but Shuyan refused. Although she made friends with Hu Ruixue, she didn't like her brother Hu Ruiyang very much, and she didn't want to contact Hu Ruixue's parents.

Hu Ruixue respects her choice. In any case, time will be very long in the future, so she will have a chance to see her.

The company's business is not particularly much, not too much, but also very miscellaneous, most of them are Hu Ruixue in charge.

The second batch of franchisees opened 100, so far there are 62 franchise stores, and many people are watching. The rapid growth of franchise stores means that the company's production capacity must be improved as soon as possible. A store with 100 pieces of clothes needs 10000 pieces of clothes, not to mention more than 100 pieces.

What's important is that Shuyan thinks that the spring is about to start, and the orders for autumn clothes and trousers will decrease. As a result, instead of decreasing, they will increase. Because someone has opened the way to Russia, a large number of cashmere autumn clothes and trousers are sold there. It is said that they are very popular there.

What Hu Ruixue wants to talk to Shu Yan today is to buy a piece of land to build a factory.

"Do we have so much money?"

Shuyan of course, many parts of Nancheng are still in the suburbs, the land price is not particularly high, if you can get down, their future return is undoubtedly huge.

"Silly, with bank money." Who still uses their own money to buy land, with the size and reputation of their company now. There is no need to go to the bank at all. The bank's people have come to the door. "Since the eighth day of the lunar new year, do you know how many banks have come? All seven companies have come here. They want us to borrow money. If we apply at this time, we will be able to approve it. "

"It's a lot of land to buy." Can the bank approve so much money?

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"Of course. I'll take a picture of the land first and then mortgage it. How can the bank not approve it?" Hu Ruixue said confidently.

"The problem is that you take the land first and then give the money. ZF can..." Shu Yan responds that as long as we get through the relationship, why not? Anyway, gtzyj can receive money, and it's OK to delay for a day or two. On the bank side, there are so many companies here, and Hu Ruixue is not afraid that he can't afford it. He will approve it very quickly.

Shu Yan doesn't understand the specific operation very well. Anyway, Hu Ruixue said that, she can certainly do it. It's always right to listen to her.

"Have you thought of a place yet?" She can help. Although it is different in the world, the general direction of development is the same. You can choose a very prosperous place in the future. Once there is a large area of land to be demolished, ZF will definitely choose a piece of land to build a factory for them. In addition, there is a huge amount of compensation.

"That's what I want to tell you." Hu Ruixue took out a map and opened it, pointing to the red circle on it. "These are the results of my careful selection. You can see how it is. If you are not satisfied, we will choose again."After drawing four circles, Shu Yan could not help admiring Hu Ruixue. Some people were born with foresight. These places she chose will become very prosperous places in the future.

"How about it? Which place do you think is better? " Hu Ruixue smile with confidence, she believes that Shuyan must like the place she chose.

"I think any place is good. If I have money, I really want to take all four places down." Shuyan's eyes shine.

"Sure enough, heroes think alike. Have you seen this place? There will be a large-scale logistics transfer here. If our factory is located nearby, it will be very easy to deliver goods in the future and save a lot of transportation costs. " Hu Ruixue stabbed one of the circles.

"Logistics?" Well, just overestimated Hu Ruixue. Having a good eye is part of it. Having news channels is the most important thing.

"That's right. Last year, the state was going to set up its own logistics. Two experimental sites will be built in Nancheng and Yangcheng. We will set up this place in Nancheng. However, it is estimated that the surrounding area is a little difficult. There are many people who like it. It will take some effort to get it." Hu Ruixue touched his chin and said, "the other three places are also good. Although they are a little biased, they are better than the big ones. I think that if you want to build a larger factory, it will not need to expand in at least five years."

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who can tell? In the next few years, with the rapid development of the country, they will naturally follow the high-speed development. Maybe not enough? Of course, this is the best. If the factory is not enough, it can only show that their business is booming.

Anyway, no matter which piece of land, you can take whatever you can.

"I see." Hu Ruixue nodded.

There was a meeting in the morning, and nothing happened. Shuyan went back to her shop. As soon as she entered, she found that Zhang Huaxiu and Yingying were not very happy. In particular, Yingying leaned to her, but her eyes were red and swollen.

"What's the matter?" Shu Yan approached, only to see Yingying on the other side of the face slightly swollen, the corners of the mouth and eyes with dark green, is obviously beaten.

"What's the matter? Who hit you? " Shu Yan took her hand and looked at her face carefully. Her eyes were all red blood. How much did it take?

"Landlady, my father I was asked to marry a lame man. Because the other side can afford 50000 yuan betrothal gift, he wants to sell me. If I didn't agree, he beat me. He also locked me up and wouldn't let me come to work. I deliberately lied to my mother that she agreed to let me go out for breakfast. I ran out while she went to work. How could he? How could he sell me for my brother's sake? Was I born by him? " Yingying can't help crying when she sees Shu Yan.

"Don't cry, and tell me what's going on." Shuyan took her to sit down and asked Zhang Huaxiu to pour her a glass of water.

"My brother got married, and the woman said there must be a house. Previously, I didn't mean to ask me to pay 10000 yuan. I told them that I didn't, and I gave them 150 yuan a month. In the past two months, my parents didn't say anything about me. I was still surprised. I didn't expect that they would give me to anyone who could afford the betrothal gift, regardless of height, weight or age. " Yingying sobbed and said.

"They are too partial." Zhang Huaxiu poured a glass of water for her. She was not angry. "Anyway, you can't agree. Now it's a new society. It's free love. There's no saying that parents order matchmakers."

"They don't care about that. They think they raised me so much and sold me to my brother to get married." Yingying sobbed a few times and said to Shuyan, "boss, can I play the floor in the shop these days? I dare not go back to that house, and I can't go back. "

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"That's fine, but it's not safe for you to live here as a girl. Why don't you live in my house first? You go to work with XiuXiu, as for your parents? Yingying, as a person from the past, what I want to tell you is that you can't let your parents take whatever they want. If you are not fierce, they will force you all the time. Filial piety to your parents is not to sacrifice yourself. Your parents are still young now. You can live your own life well. When you are rich, capable, and they are old, it's time for you to be filial to them. " Shuyan is sincere hope that this and the original body have similar experience of the girl can be good.

"I I won't marry that lame man. I won't even marry if I die. "

There are three rooms in her family, including the one where the aunt lives, and barely four rooms. Yingying will definitely live there. Shuyan asks her to sleep in Jingjing's room, and Jingjing sleeps with her.

"Auntie Yingying lives in our house for a few days, and you sleep for her in your room first. Do you sleep well with your mother?"

Jingjing hasn't nodded yet. Tianbao calls out: "Mom, my room is for Aunt Yingying. I want to sleep with you."

"No, Tianbao is a little man who wants to sleep by himself, and the rooms of boys and girls are different, you know?"

There are no male elders in the family. Shu Yan tries to instill in them different information about men and women, especially Tianbao. Shuyan consciously makes him more independent, so as not to rely on himself too much and finally become a Ma Bao man. This is not what she wants to see.

"Thank you, Madame."

"Don't think so much. Go to bed." Shu Yan said softly.The next day, when the three of them went to work together, they saw several people around the door. Shuyan just wanted to go there. Yingying held them and whispered, "that's my parents."

Shu Yan just wanted to say something, she saw Yingying's parents rushed over. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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