Yingying left the next day, in addition to Shu Yan sent her two clothes, nothing.

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"This is the salary you used to have in my place. You can take it yourself. The train is very chaotic. Don't walk around with Mr. Zhang. She will arrange you to go to a franchise store for internship. When the store is opened, you can go back to work in the store. You can hang around and play for a few days without rushing to work. " Shu Yan helped her tidy her collar, "we have a similar experience, I can now live my own life, you can also."

"Well, I can. Sister, can I call you that Yingying eyes are shining at Shuyan.

"Yes." Shu Yan also had her as a sister.

"When I was young, I saw that other people had sisters, but now I don't need to envy others. I'm very lucky to meet a sister like you. After I go to Yangcheng, I will work hard and try to be a store manager as soon as possible. I won't be disgraced. Now I'm worried that my parents and my brother will come to you for trouble. If they dare to make trouble, please don't mention it, and call the police directly. " Yingying is worried because she brings trouble to Shuyan.

"Don't worry, they dare not come."

Yingying's parents bully the soft and afraid of the hard, her brother is not a bold person, belong to the nest horizontal. If they dare to come, Shuyan will find someone to clean them up and promise to make a detour to see her later.

"Then I'll go." On the train, Yingying from the window out of the head, while waving hands and shouting: "sister, goodbye, thank you."

Suddenly, Zhang Huaxiu in the store was busy. Hu Ruixue had to prepare branch offices in Beijing and Yangcheng, and there were a lot of things to do in Nancheng. Shu Yan felt very busy for a while. She thought that she was really busy now. She had just posted a recruitment post, and several people came in one after another.

Several of them are laid-off workers this year. They are married and have children. Shu Yan doesn't worry that the other party will often ask for leave if they have children. The main reason is that these people are out of shape. Although she really wants to help them, she is a clothing store. The staff must be in good shape and their clothes are not good-looking. How can she attract customers to buy them?

Seeing this situation, Zhang Huaxiu felt great pressure. Her mother has been urging her to have a baby recently. She is OK in the early stage of pregnancy. Can she still work for such a long time in the later stage? And after giving birth to children to feed children, this more than a year of blank period? It's impossible for the store manager not to be recruited. Does she still have her position when she comes back?

"What do you think?" Shu Yan looks back to see Zhang Huaxiu looks ugly.

"Nothing, just My mother urged me to have a baby, and I

Shuyan immediately understood what she was worried about. "Children will be born sooner or later. If you can go to work when you are pregnant, I can give you three months' maternity leave, but if you breast milk Now is not there a bottle, you can squeeze out to put the refrigerator, hot for children to drink, but you will be very hard

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"I don't work hard." Zhang Huaxiu heard Shu Yan said that she could give her three months' maternity leave.

This is the difficulty for women. From pregnancy to childbirth, not only has the body suffered great damage, but also is very likely to lose their job.

As they were talking, someone pushed the door in and said, "would you like to hire a salesman here?"

Shuyan looked up and saw that she was a beautiful woman with a good figure. When she approached her, she found that she was charming and sexy, but she was shy and pure in temperament.

Let her fill in the job application form first, Shu Yan has a look, or college students.

"I think it says you graduated from college, you should have a job, right? May I ask what kind of job you used to be? " College students generally go down to the post of cadres, workers laid off, they may not be laid off.

The woman's eyes twinkled, "I..." The woman grabbed the resume and stood up in a panic, "I just came to look around."

He ran to the door and ran into Fang Zeyu, who just came in. Fang Zeyun ran into each other. He didn't move. The woman was knocked back several steps by him.

She tightly holding the resume, head down, careful not to compensate, "sorry."

Fang Zeyu looked at the woman running away without looking back, looking puzzled.

"Are you all right?" When Shu Yan sees Fang Zeyu, "how can you..."

When he was in Nancheng, he seldom contacted Shu Yan. Especially in Nancheng University, he didn't know him. This was his first time in her shop.

"Yingying's parents are coming out these two days. I'm afraid they'll come to trouble." Thinking of the woman just now, Fang Zeyu asked, "who just came to buy clothes from you?"

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"No, I'm here to apply for a job. It's strange. After graduating from University, my job must not be bad. I don't know why she came here to find a job as a salesman. Moreover, she came from Ningcheng. I asked, and she left in a panic." Shuyan thought she was a little strange.

"From Ningcheng, graduated from university." Fang Zeyu's eyes narrowed. He seemed to know who it was.

"Yes, you do?"

"Maybe I've seen it before. It's too long to remember." Fang Zeyu said with a smile.

"Yingying's parents won't come out until tomorrow. You don't have to come here so early. If they do, I'll call you back." Shu Yan thinks Yingying's parents dare not come."I'm afraid that the dog will jump over the wall in a hurry. There's really something wrong. It's too late to call." Fang Zeyu glanced at the store. "It's inconvenient for me to be here. I'm nearby. Call me if you have something."

He was supposed to invite him to dinner at noon, but Fang Zeyu said that he left early because of something. Shu Yan didn't ask him. They were in a mess now.

To tell you the truth, Shu Yan has some contradictions now.

Fang Zeyu is very good, mature and steady, with good character and responsibility. She can give her a sense of security that she has never experienced. If she meets such a person before wearing it, maybe I'll try to touch it.

With two kids now.

When you have children, you have to think about many things when you remarry. For the first marriage, as long as two people like each other, or appropriate, but in addition to these re marriage, the most important thing is children. Can children accept it? Will he be good to the children? Will they have another child of their own in the future? After giving birth to their children, can he guarantee that he is not partial to the children? Would she be partial to the small? All kinds of problems, can not be relaxed Yan natural and unrestrained remarriage.

Sighed, to tell the truth, Shuyan also can't do, for the sake of two children, never marry. She is a normal woman, both psychological and physical need to have personal company, now did not directly refuse Fang Zeyu is this reason.

Shuyan felt that he was a bit of a scum. He could not guarantee to be with Fang Zeyu, and he was reluctant to speak directly.

Smile bitterly, is she green tea?

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Fang Zeyu returned to his company and asked Mao Weiping, "I didn't check Yin Xueqin last time. I remember that she went to university in Ningcheng and worked there?"

"Yes, I work in ZF of Yangxian County under Ningcheng." Mao Weiping nodded.

"I just met her in a place, looking for a job. Ask someone to find out what's going on? " Working in ZF, how to suddenly go back to Nancheng to find a job. His plan is about to close the net, and he doesn't want any change because of her appearance.

"All right, I'll send someone to check it right away."

Yin Xueqin's affairs are still very good to investigate, and soon someone found out the news.

"This woman..." The person who came back to say the news thought for a long time and came up with an idiom, "a lady with a bad life."

Mao Weiping kicked him in his back, "only those who have died are called beautiful women, but she is called beauty disaster."

"Haha Almost, almost. I'm not good at reading. You don't know. It's good to know this idiom. "

"Come on, get down to business." Fang Zeyu knocked on the table.

"Yes." The man who reported stood up straight. "After she followed her parents to settle in Ningcheng, she had a peaceful life. Many people pursued her in college, including a second generation. Anyway, they spent a lot of trouble on her. Then they got in touch. Yin Xueqin's job in Yangxian was arranged by her college boyfriend."

"I said, her school is not so good, how can she get into ZF, and once she enters, she becomes the Secretary of county Z."

"Don't cut in and let him finish." Fang Zeyu glared at Mao Weiping.

"Not long after taking part in the work, the second generation married a well-known woman under the family's arrangement. Yin Xueqin also married the son of Z, a Public Security Bureau g, half a year later through the county magistrate. This time, an accident happened to the second generation's family. People belonging to the county magistrate's faction were taken away for investigation. As his secretary, Yin Xueqin was also taken away. Anyway, all the members of their faction were cleaned up. Now the county magistrate, Yin Xueqin's father-in-law and her husband have all entered. Because of this, he himself was expelled, and it was not easy to get along with his children, so he went back to Nancheng with her parents

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"I really said, enough beauty disaster ah." Mao Weiping uttered a tut.

"Don't talk nonsense."

"Why did I talk nonsense? How could anyone else be OK, but she met her? If she's innocent, she'll be fired? " In Nancheng, it can be said that she was threatened, so she took a bite. She graduated from university and could not go to another place to work?

"Well, tell two men to keep an eye on her. If you don't have contact with those people, please report to me immediately. Now it's time to take in the network. I don't allow any mistakes. " Fang Zeyu's eyes were dark.

"Don't worry, you've been planning for so many years, brothers, you won't let things go wrong."

Fang Zeyu nodded and picked up the car key. "I'll go out."

"To the landlady who sells clothes again? Can you do that? Is that all you need to do to catch her? " Mao Weiping couldn't see it any more. "I said if you really like her and want to marry her, you should make it clear. You are timid. How dare she take the first step?"

"She and I have our own scruples." Fang Zeyu pondered a little and said.

"You are afraid that your reputation will have a bad influence on her. It is not that the truth will be revealed soon. She is worried about children, so you should be more firm and bold, and also bribe and bribe children. If you can let two children recognize you, you will be half successful. ""You know that again?" Fang Zeyu glanced at him.

"I know more than you, at least. I also have children, understand the feelings of being a parent. This woman, especially a woman with children, will not divorce until she has to. When she gets divorced, she is hurt deeply. Do you want to chase her? Be ready for a long-term war of resistance. " Mao Weiping gave him a look of self-help.

It is said that stepmother is not easy to be a stepmother, but a stepfather is not.

Fang Zeyu knew this before he was going to chase Shuyan. He didn't expect that she would agree immediately, as long as he didn't reject him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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