"What's the use of being so big? If your sister wants to take the money and account book, you let her take it? " Yingying's parents come home to see the opened box, eyes are red.

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"She brought the scar man here. I want to stop him and be caught by him. I can't beat him." The younger brother was also wronged.

"She's just stealing, it's robbery. She took all the 80000 yuan. Why don't you call the police?" With that, Yingying's mother ran to the store below and called the police. "I want to call the police. My family was robbed and 80000 yuan was stolen. We lost all our efforts in life..."

"Don't worry. Tell me the address. We'll send someone to come." Don't say now, even in the future, 80000 yuan is not less.

The shop owner's wife waited for her to hang up the phone and asked, "did you take it from Yingying?"

"It's the one who has no conscience. Her father and I gave birth to her and raised her, and I didn't treat her badly. Which girl doesn't marry when she's old? Let's choose one for her. If we don't agree, we'll call the police to arrest me and her father. We knew that we shouldn't have given birth to her at the beginning. We should have strangled her. " When it comes to Yingying, she is really gnashing her teeth.

Soon, the police came, she took the police back to the yard, many people in the yard came out, only to know that they were back, and then called the police to the police.

"Elan, the money of your family was taken by Yingying in front of many people. Moreover, she made it clear that the 50000 yuan was handed over to the police. When the lame man came out and returned the money to him, she didn't take any money left." The neighbor's aunt stood up.

"No way. All the money we have saved is gone. It's not her. Who took it?" Wu Ailan said angrily, "police comrade, these money must have been taken away by that girl, and also stolen the account book. You must arrest her and give me the money to come back! That's the money we've saved for a lifetime

"You said it was your daughter who stole the money?" The policeman frowned.

"No, I was there that day. I watched her daughter leave with 50000 yuan, and there was 30000 yuan left there. 50000 yuan was the dowry money they received. If her daughter didn't want to marry, she would take the money and give it back to her husband, not your son?" Said the neighbor's aunt.

"Nonsense, Xiaobao is the best child in our family, so he won't steal money. Besides, we all save money for him. Why should he steal it Wu Ailan killed her son and didn't believe her son would steal money.

The police thought it was very interesting. When the daughter took the money, she found a neighbor to witness it. So where were the parents and brothers at that time? Why not stop it? They found people on the edge to understand the situation before they knew that the two men had just come out of the police station. The reason was that they forced their daughter to marry a lame man in her forties. After understanding the process, the two policemen looked at Wu Ailian with different eyes.

"You'd better think it over, or you'll be detained if you report to the police."

Hearing that she was going to be detained, Wu Ailin was a little flustered. It was really hard for her to be detained in those days.

"Yes, you neighbors have seen it, not your daughter." Another policeman answered.

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"Yes. Five or six of us went in to testify. The box contained a total of 80000 yuan, and 50000 yuan was taken away by YingYing and said it should be handed over to the police. As for whether it has been handed over to us, we do not take the 30000 yuan. We have something to say and we will never tell lies. " A big uncle stood up and said.

"No way. Either Yingying or you stole it." Wu Ailian firmly did not believe that her son would steal money.

"Wu Ailan, you have to speak with evidence. As an old Party member, I've done anything bad in my life. Don't talk nonsense. If you don't make it clear, we'll call the police."

"That's not sure. 30000 yuan. Maybe you've stolen it and shared it." The more Wu Ailian said, the more disrespectful.

"What are you shouting at?" The workshop director pushed the bicycle in. "I was also present on the day when Yingying came back, and I was also one of the witnesses. Yingying really only took 50000 yuan, but also handed it to the police. The several people who went in to witness on that day were all advanced workers in the factory, and one of them was a national labor model, who would dirty your hands for your money. Wu Ailin, don't talk nonsense without evidence."

The workshop director took out a receipt from his pocket and an account book. "This is Yingying that night specially sent it to me. The receipt was given to her by the police station. I believe the money has been returned to Li Weiguo, and the account book is returned to you. The money is missing. We can understand it. We can't talk nonsense. You can say it, Xu."

Yingying's father, who came out of the house, was called by the workshop director. She came over quickly and distributed cigarettes to the police and the director of the workshop. With a smile, "it's really that my family suddenly lost so much money. I'm so impatient. I really feel sorry for you. Alan has always been a straightforward character. I'll make up for it. I'll come back and apologize."

He apologized, and many people didn't hold on, but the uncle snorted, "it's better to look around than to suspect us. The day before yesterday, I saw your son leave in a hurry with a black bag in his arms."

"Not me, I I didn't take it. " Yingying's younger brother, Xu Bao panicked back a few steps.The two policemen looked at each other, and one of them stepped forward and said, "what's wrong with you? Come with us to the police station. "

"Why do you arrest my son? He didn't steal it." Wu Ailan said excitedly.

"If I didn't arrest him, I just asked him to go to the police station to make a record. 30000 yuan is not a small sum. It's enough to go to prison for several years. We should always investigate." The policeman said solemnly.

"I didn't steal it. It's my own family's money. I'm going to jail if I take my own home." Xu Bao said everything when he was frightened by the police.

The two policemen looked at each other. Well, it was a counsellor.

Xu's eyes widened. "Did you really take it? Thirty thousand dollars. What did you do with it? "

"I can't help it. Lili said that the house over there will be no more if I don't buy it, so I'll buy it." Xu Bao shrinks his neck. Even if his parents dote on him, he is afraid of Xu's occasional anger.

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"Did you take it to buy a house?" The couple first breathed a sigh of relief. Wu Ailian immediately asked, "what about Fangben? Where is it? "

"Fang Ben is with lily." Xu Bao said in a daze.

"Whose name is it? Ah? Who's the name? " Wu Ailian grabs his hand and asks excitedly.

"It's beautiful." Xu Bao's face was taken for granted.

"I'll kill you, you fool." Old Xu Yiba palm fan in the past, "you don't even get married. How can you write her name when you buy a house?"

Xu Bao covered his face. "Lili will definitely marry me. What's the difference between writing whose name?"

Xu wants to fight, but Wu Ailan stops him.

"All right, now that we've found out who stole it, come with me."

"Police comrade, we will not call the police." Wu Ailian said quickly.

"Yes, yes, we will not call the police. We will withdraw the case. I'm sorry to trouble you to come and have some tea in the house. Alan, you can stir fry a dish for two comrades." Xu said quickly.

"Next time, we'll find out and then call the police. If there's another one like this, we'll really catch people." Of course, they would not go for tea and went back with a few verbal warnings.

Now the couple only wanted to marry Lili back immediately. They took Xu Bao to Lili's house. As a result, they turned over their faces and ignored them.

"Lili, Lili, you come out." Xu Bao yelled in a panic.

"It's said that Lili is not at home. Let's go." Lili's mother poured it out with a basin of water, which almost didn't fall on Xu.

"I said I would not get married if I didn't have a house. Now I have a house and I have written the name of Lili of your family. Why can't you get married?" Wu Ailin is also anxious.

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"Hum! I didn't want to promise. Your son always wanted to eat swan meat and pestered Lili. Don't come in the future, or don't blame us for being rude. "

"If you don't get married, you can give us back the 30000 yuan." Lao Xu glared at Xu Bao who wanted to talk and said.

"What, 30000 yuan? I've never seen it before. I don't know. Don't talk nonsense

"The house my son bought for 30000 yuan is our family's money. Either give it back to us or marry lily to my son." Wu Ailian felt black in front of her eyes.

"When did you buy lily a house for 30000 yuan? Is there any evidence? We bought the house for Lily, a total of 38000 yuan. Or did we go to the bank to take it out for the owner? The people from the bank and the housing authority are watching it. It's useless for your son. Don't talk nonsense. Look at your son. He's poor and short. He doesn't have a job. He wants to marry Lili of my family. Dream about it. "

"Call the police. I want to call the police." Wu AI Lan was shaking.

"Call the police. I'm afraid of you." Lily's mother is not afraid.

Old Xu pulls Wu Ailian. They have just called the police. They can't call the police again. He asks Xu Bao, "where did you buy the house?"? Have you met the landlord? "

"No, Lily has been in touch with this one. She said that her relatives wanted to change their houses, so she sold this flat at a low price. Yesterday, she heard me say that she still had 30000 yuan in her family, so she told her parents to gather together and buy the house first. I I wanted to go with her. Lili didn't promise, but I saw the property Xu Leng Bao said.

Xu really wanted to slap him again. He saw that the house property certificate was useless and his name was not written on it.

"So you haven't handled anything?" Wu ailington felt dizzy and bloated.

"No, Lily won't cheat me, auntie. Can you tell me where lily is? I'll find her. " Xu Bao didn't believe that Lili, who was so gentle and kind, would cheat him.

Just then, they saw Lili walking with a man talking and laughing. Xu Bao saw her and rushed over with her red eyes.

Lili saw the smile on his face slowly fade away, lifted her chin and said haughtily, "this is my boyfriend. Working in ZF, we will be engaged next month. I hope you won't disturb me again in the future."

"I'll kill you adulterers and adulterers." Xu Bao swung his fist and rushed up.Just did not go to the police station, this meeting several people went again, the police saw the old couple Xu and Xu Bao are speechless, to the police station, Xu Bao hung his head, all the things said.

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As there was no third person present when he gave the money to Lili, and he was not present when he bought the house. He could not prove that the 30000 yuan was his, and there was no IOU. Moreover, the money for buying the house was really taken out of Lili's father's Bank passbook, so it was impossible to prove that he had given the money to Lili. This matter was to be solved, and some delayed.

Not to mention this, Xu Bao will be detained for 7 days for beating people. If Lili's boyfriend is seriously injured, he may also face prosecution and imprisonment.

Now Xu Wu Ailan is all silly.

It has been three or four days since Yingying's parents were released from prison, and there is no news at all.

When we had lunch together, Shuyan said, "I guess they dare not come. You don't have to watch all day. If you ask for so much extra leave, the boss should have a problem. Don't worry. I've recruited two new employees in the store, plus XiuXiu, and I'm four people. A few employees in the fiber snow underwear opposite can also help. Can't the three of them resist so many women's army? "

"I'll have someone ask why they didn't come? Don't be careless. " Fang said.

"It's OK." Shuyan nodded.

"I heard from Lao Liu that you are going to purchase goods tonight?"

Shuyan looked at him in surprise. He didn't expect him to say something about Lao Liu's inner line so frankly. His mouth was slightly crooked. "Yes, many clothes in the store are sold out of size. I'll go to replenish them."

"I'm going to see Doudou. Do you mind if I carpool? "

Shuyan always felt that there was a deep meaning in this sentence.

"I don't mean anything else. It's just a coincidence."

Shuyan Oh, "tonight's road is not easy to walk, you also want to go?"

Fang Zeyu's hands on his thighs instantly clenched into fists. "I've been dead for several times. Is the road difficult to walk any more , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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