Doudou mother has been saying good words from Fang Zeyu all the time. I'm sorry to hear that.

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"Sister in law, we should eat early and go back early. There are many things in Nancheng." He's not as good as Doudou Ma said. He just did what a man should do.

"I see." This is to protect, it seems to be really interested, Doudou mother did not continue to praise Fang Zeyu, instead boasted Shuyan, "you have a good figure, do not look at the birth of two children, skin is also white, tender, you say how you are so powerful, with the children can open a shop to make money."

"No..." Shuyan was flattered and shook his head.

"Seriously, I admire you very much. I also take the children by myself, but I also have the help of my parents in law. How tired are you working hard with your two children alone and opening your own shop? Have you ever thought of finding someone to help share it? "

This topic turns too suddenly, make Shuyan did not respond to come over.

"Sister in law, the dishes in the pot are battered." Fang Zeyu said, and then called Shuyan out of the kitchen. "You don't mean to call the staff in the store. The signal in the room is not very good. Go outside and call."

"Ah Yes, I'll make a call. "

Shuyan ran out of the yard and breathed a sigh of relief, so she didn't really respond to this enthusiasm.

"Sister in law, she meant no harm." Fang Zeyu said apologetically.

"I know. It's just too warm." Shuyan called Zhang Huaxiu and said that she would not go back in the morning and go back in the afternoon. When she went back again, Doudou's mother was still enthusiastic, but she didn't ask any personal questions. Shuyan took a look at Fang Zeyu, and she must have said something.

Doudou Ma only talks with Shu Yan about her daily life. The scene is more harmonious and Shuyan's words are more. After chatting slowly, she knows that Doudou mother has been at home all these years, relying on the monthly subsidy and manual support of ZF.

"I also want to go out and find a job, but it's hard to find a satisfactory job." Doudou is getting bigger and bigger and spending more and more. Although the compensation for her husband's death, the money is left for Doudou to go to university and can't be used.

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"If you have enough money, I suggest you buy a house. First, rent every month to earn some rent to subsidize the household. It must be higher than the interest in the bank. Second, when you grow up and get married, you have to prepare a house, right? At that time, it will be worthwhile to collect it and redecorate it, or sell it to make up some money and buy it elsewhere. " Shuyan thinks that if you don't have the ability to do business, it's the best way to buy a house.

Doudou is only six years old this year. Ten years after graduation from University, the house price will be very high. Now the house with 100000 yuan will be worth at least one million yuan. Can you have so much money in the bank? It doesn't count the annual rent.

After carefully calculating an account, Doudou mother is instantly moved. She will lose money in business, but she will never lose money in buying a house. Take her elder sister for example, she spent 80000 yuan to buy a house in Shangcheng district the year before last. Now it has risen to more than 90000 yuan, and many people's wages are not so much.

The rice was cooked early. I started eating at ten o'clock. I finished eating at ten thirty and had a little rest. At eleven o'clock, they left for Nancheng. They didn't know when Doudou mother prepared it. They took a lot of things and forced them to Shuyan.

"They are all local products of Hangzhou city. They are not worth a few dollars. You can take them back to feed them to two children." Doudou Ma put it directly into the trunk of the car. Seeing Fang Zeyu, she also wanted to stop her and glared at him, "it's not for you, it's for Yan Yan and her children."

I pushed it for about ten minutes, but I couldn't help but accept it.

Back in Nancheng, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. Seeing the car stop at the door, Zhang Huaxiu rushed out to get the goods. Seeing Fang Zeyu in the driver's cab, he couldn't help looking at it more.

She didn't expect that the boss's wife went out with Fang Zeyu, and she was still driving. That means that they went to Hangcheng last night and knew that they were friends all the time. However, it was obviously beyond the boundaries of friends. Zhang Huaxiu, who has been slow, has noticed the problem. However, she is not a talkative person. She is buried in her heart in her eyes The boss's wife's private affairs are so serious that she must consider them more carefully than her.

Shu Yan asked Fang Zeyu to send her to the door of the store, but she didn't intend to hide from Zhang Huaxiu. She knew Zhang Huaxiu for such a long time that she was not a talkative person. Sure enough, Zhang Huaxiu only looked at her once and didn't ask any questions.

The two new salesmen are a girl who just graduated from high school. She is only 18 years old. She is very lively and cheerful. She laughs sweetly. Another salesman has been married, and her child has just been weaned. However, she has recovered very well and her height is OK. She is also a clothes shelf. She is also kind-hearted. Compared with another person who is eloquent but thinks a lot carefully, Shuyan still likes people with less mind and better temper.

It's OK to be stupid. You can practice it slowly. If you think too much, you can't make her less.

Seeing Zhang Huaxiu go out, these two people are very envious to follow out and help take down the things in the car.

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"These clothes don't have to be moved to the warehouse. Check them and put them on the shelves directly. The restorer can't arrive until tomorrow morning. I'll ask the people over there to deliver them. XiuXiu, you can take them." After the explanation, Shuyan bowed his head and said to Fang Zeyu, "I have to be busy for a while. You don't have to send me home."

"OK, call me if you need something." Fang Zeyu mouth slightly the same, Shuyan let him directly to the door of the shop, is a very good signal.After finishing finishing finishing her clothes, Shuyan was about to leave. Zhang Huaxiu said quickly, "landlady, my sister-in-law has found a shop in Fuqian street. I want to ask you for help. How about that seat?"

Last year, he said that he would open a clothing store in Fuqian street. At that time, Zhang Huaxiu asked him. Shu Yan was really crying and laughing. There are so many clothing stores. What's the matter with so many clothing stores? However, people can ask about their relationship.

These days, Wu Xiuyue has been looking for a store, which is so easy to find. She is not satisfied that she has been rented, or the rent is too expensive. She thinks that the place is too biased, and she wants good location and cheap price, which is so easy.

"Where is Fuqian street?"

"Not far from the department store, the original boss has something to turn around. My sister-in-law thinks it's very good after reading it. If you want to take it down, I don't have any idea. I want to ask you to go and have a look." Zhang Huaxiu said with some embarrassment.

Shu Yan nodded, "OK, I'll go back to your sister-in-law in a moment."

After taking a bath at home and eating something, Shuyan went to find Wu Xiuyue. When she saw Shu Yan, Wu Xiuyue knew that her sister-in-law had told her.

"I heard XiuXiu say that you went to buy goods last night. It must have been another night that you didn't sleep well. You should go home to have a rest and help me when you are free." Of course, she was in a hurry. She wanted to help her now, but she could not ignore others.

"It's OK. I slept for a few hours last night. Now I can't sleep at night. Let's go and have a look with you." Shu Yan said with a smile.

Shuyan used to come to the department store, which was the most lively place in Fuqian street. However, Zhang Huaxiu said that it was not far away from the department store. Shu Yan thought that it was not far from the department store to put a quotation mark. It took about seven or eight minutes to walk from the department store to the small South Gate?

"It's not too biased, but it's definitely not a good location. How much is the rent?" Shuyan took a turn nearby.

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"600 a month and 7000 a year. The landlady and I are friends here. I don't want my transfer fee. She still has half a year's rent, so I'll give her half a year's rent." Wu Xiuyue has been paying attention to Shu Yan's expression for fear that she will say something bad.

Wu XiuXiu is a very generous friend. Shu Yan takes a look at it. The store is also selling clothes. It's cheaper. On the whole, it's pretty good, but it's a little far away from the University Town, so the business may be average.

"I heard that the small South Gate will be demolished, won't it?" Shu Yan asked.

It's not that there is no such possibility. She has heard several such incidents before. Some people have received the notice from the landlord to demolish the house, which specifically deceives relatives and friends, as well as fellow villagers to take over.

"I don't think so." Wu Xiuyue was startled, but it was not impossible.

She quickly looked for people nearby to ask for information, and asked acquaintances to make sure that there will not be demolition before a sigh of relief.

"I said she shouldn't lie to me." Wu Xiuyue was relieved.

"It's my little heart."

"No, be careful not to make a big mistake. You also reminded me that this shop can't be so flustered. I have to keep my mind steady. It's not easy to save some money. If I lose money, how can I be worthy of my father?" Wu Xiuyue's psychological pressure is not so great, but she uses the money to invest in business. If she loses money, she will lose her money.

Excluding these possibilities, Shuyan thinks this store can be accepted, but the clothing positioning needs to be changed. In addition, if the transfer is made, a new lease contract should be signed in front of the landlord.

"You said I didn't know all these things if you weren't here." Wu Xiuyue said gratefully.

After signing the contract, Wu Xiuyue asked Shu Yan to help him see how to open the store.

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"I think you can open a boutique dress." Shu Yan suggested.

"Boutique? If it's like yours, it won't work. Can people here afford it? " Wu Xiuyue thinks that the people around him have little money, and the students don't have much money. A piece of clothes is almost half a month's salary. Who can afford it.

"I think you underestimate people's consumption ability now. Not to mention that the college students have more and more pocket money, they are close to the small South Gate and are about to move. They are all nouveau riche and can't afford to buy clothes? You'd better take advantage of the blank of high-end women's clothes and seize the first opportunity. Then you will make a reputation. The high-end consumers here will come to you to buy them. " Shu Yan thinks that Wu Xiuyue really underestimates others.

"High consumer group?"

"Yes, we divide our customers into three categories: Class A belongs to the high consumption group, class B belongs to the group who occasionally buys some expensive ones, and category C belongs to the general consumer group. I think we can open a more high-end one. There are still high-end groups among the students. Besides, you are not only targeted at students, there are many residents in this neighborhood, and there must be a lot of class a customers. "

"Well Is it a big investment to open such a shop? " Wu Xiuyue is worried that she doesn't have enough money.

"Fortunately, I'll help you plan an activity. XiuXiu is actually quite clear. My opening activity was quite successful at that time. If you change it a little, you can use it. Let XiuXiu help you for two days, and then it will be good to do it. Don't be afraid to invest in the early stage. If you invest more in front of you, the greater the return will be. Don't be stingy. If you have me to help you plan, you can enlarge your courage. " I'm really brave enough to make money."Yes, I will." Wu Xiuyue said firmly.

Chen Fei Wu Xiuyue's brother-in-law, Wu Xiuyue looks for him, and he will help her first even if he is busy. He certainly doesn't have to pay for the design, and whether it's labor or materials, it's an internal price. Shu Yan thinks that Chen Fei may have to put some upside down by himself.

Wu Xiuyue is not the kind of person who gets cheap but also sells well. She has two dim sum meals in the morning and afternoon and a dinner at noon according to the specifications of the master. She also has cigarettes and wine. Anyway, she will never let Chen Fei lose face in front of his employees.

The style here is a little similar to Shuyan. Chen Fei asked Shu Yan when he designed it. Shu Yan felt that it didn't matter, let alone that it was so far away. There were many stores in the west of Chengnan Road that were redecorated with her. The trend in China was so serious that she couldn't argue. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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