When the shop is being renovated and she spends a lot of money, Wu Xiuyue is very flustered. She comes to Shuyan every night to talk to her. Otherwise, the pressure will be greater and she won't be able to sleep.

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"I really don't need to worry. You see, I went to open it when I didn't know anything. You can still ask me now, and XiuXiu can help you. What's your fear?" Shu Yan sees her this anxious appearance, comfort way.

"I just can't help thinking." Wu Xiuyue knew that she was wrong, but she couldn't help it.

"I can understand that when I started my business, my heart was always beating drums. I was afraid that the money would be wasted. But I'm not very good now." Shuyan also has no other way, this kind of thing external force also has no use, only when the shop opens, the business is good, makes money she can be good.

That's not the same. Although I don't know how much money Shu Yan has, the people who can buy such a big house at one go are not short of money. It is nothing for her to invest tens of thousands of yuan to open a shop, and she is not afraid of losing money. She is different. The money for opening a shop is all their family property. If she loses, she will have nothing.

And how many years has she been at home? She did housework with her children all day. She had no business at all. She knew Shu Yan's income at that time, so she went to do business with her head on her head. Now, she regrets it.

This kind of thing Shuyan also can't help, uneasy with good.

"I've come to see you for another thing today. The store originally opened a clothing store, and there was no need for major decoration. The decoration will be finished immediately. But I don't know where to buy, so I have to ask you to take me." When Wu Xiuyue said this, she felt uneasy again.

"No problem. You can go with me to stock up." Shu Yan agreed.

Just this weekend to go shopping, Shuyan asked Wu Xiuyue to go with her to have a look, along the way Shuyan told her a lot of things about purchasing.

"Go to Hangzhou once 80, only two of us are too expensive. Next time we should make up four people." Wu Xiuyue said in a low voice.

"It's not always possible to get together. Sometimes I go by myself when I can't find anyone. But you can ask around Fuqian street. It's good to find someone to go with me." For Shu Yan, 80 yuan is not much. If you pull more goods from the empty position, you will earn back. But for Wu Xiuyue, who just started business, 80 is astronomical.

Two people are ready to get off the bus, the master suddenly stopped Shu Yan, handed a bag of things to her, "is Mr. Fang asked me to give it to you."

"Mr. Fang, which Mr. Fang?" Wu Xiuyue asked curiously.

Fang Zeyu called Shu Yan this afternoon and said that he had something to do. He couldn't accompany her to Hangzhou. He was stunned. He was not free to go to work, and she didn't need him to accompany her.

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"A friend of mine." Open a look, there are some fruits and some snacks, there is a box of chocolate, Shuyan took out a look at the chocolate, a little surprised that Fang Zeyu even sent this kind of things.

"Oh! It's still imported from abroad. Isn't this friend ordinary? " Wu Xiuyue joked.

Shu Yan smiles and says nothing.

Since she didn't want to say, Wu Xiuyue didn't continue to ask, but she was thinking which man's surname Fang was there beside Shu Yan? After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't think of the right person. Maybe it was a friend she knew in business.

In any case, Wu Xiuyue can't think of Fang Zeyu. After all, his reputation in the university town is not very good. Although Shuyan was divorced with children, she has become beautiful and excellent. Even if she can't find a first marriage, she can also find a divorced man with good conditions.

First I went to the hotel to have a rest. Wu Xiuyue felt that Shuyan was a little too extravagant. It didn't matter if she had money. Anyway, if she came by herself, she would never rest in the hotel.

Around 3:30, Shuyan wakes up Wu Xiuyue to purchase goods. Wu Xiuyue looks at the people outside the market in a daze, "are there so many people opening clothing stores?"

If you don't do this business, you won't pay attention to it. When you do this line, you will find that the whole street is full of peers.

"The wholesale market here is famous all over the country. Many places come here to wholesale, so there will be more people." Shuyan looked around, did not see the elder sister, in the heart some disappointment, the elder sister did not call her, did not know her there what situation, "let's go."

Shu Yan pulls Wu Xiuyue to the inside and gradually turns into Wu Xiuyue pulling her to squeeze inside. In terms of squeezing people, Wu Xiuyue is obviously more powerful than Shu Yan.

There is also the matter of robbing goods. When I was in the car, I had already made it clear to Wu Xiuyue. At the beginning, I was still watching her. She found that she was a fierce robber. She had a feeling of giving up her own. When Shuyan saw that someone took it out, she just wanted to remind her that Wu Xiuyue stepped on her foot at the end of the month, and the man pulled back his hand in pain.

After the two men snatched the goods, they came out panting. Wu Xiuyue saw her booty and said with a smile, "it's more powerful than when I was a child when I went to the supply and marketing agency with my mother to rob meat."

Shu Yan gave her a thumbs up, "you're powerful."

Please take care of her with her boss for more than a month.

Wu Xiuyue thinks that Shuyan is too easy to talk about. When she takes the goods, she talks about the price. Originally, Shuyan thinks that the purchase price is cheap enough, but there are several hairs missing."You are so good." Shuyan really admired.

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Wu Xiuyue raised her chin, "I go to buy vegetables every day, and I'll be slaughtered as a pig if I don't bargain."

Shuyan, who never bargained for vegetables, always felt scolded.

At the same time, Shu Yan took Wu Xiuyue to the children's wear market. Wu Xiuyue bought a set and two pairs of trousers. Shu Yan bought more. After all, the two children had no spring clothes.

"You've bought too much."

"I didn't bring any spring clothes last year."

After breakfast, they went back to Nancheng. Wu Xiuyue followed Shuyan to her store. This was her first time. Seeing Shuyan's shop, Wu Xiuyue couldn't help exclaiming, "you're too beautiful. Can I decorate it like you?"

"My side is designed by Chen Fei, which is also installed by his company. He must be more attentive on your side, and it will be better than mine at that time."

"Sister in law, tired?" Zhang Huaxiu poured two glasses of water.

"It's OK. The wholesale market is really big. If it wasn't for Shuyan, I couldn't even get out." Don't get excited about Wu Xiuyue, who is a little tired.

Wu Xiuyue helped to take out all the clothes, from checking to matching and then to putting them on the shelves. All of them carefully participated in it. This is a rare learning opportunity.

They arrived in Nancheng at 10 o'clock and tallied at 12 o'clock. In two hours, Shu Yan's shop sold hundreds of yuan of clothes. Wu Xiuyue was very excited, as if she had made so much money.

"How do you feel?" Shuyan asked with a smile.

"It's good. Now I hope my store will open soon."

"Your business will be so good in the future." Shuyan asked people to move the surplus goods to the warehouse.

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"I hope I'll be satisfied as long as I have half of you." Wu Xiuyue sighs.

Shu Yan raised her eyebrows. Half of her is not a small amount. Now she can sell it to 1700 yuan a day, half of which is 800 yuan or 900 yuan. In 1993, many people could not make so much money in a year.

Of course, Shuyan won't say a word of failure.

Just out of the door to see a familiar car stop in front, Shuyan wait for a while, see he did not come down, just want to go, did not expect the car start ready to leave.

Just see Wu Xiuyue here, so don't you want to get off the bus? She went up and knocked on the window. "Stop."

Fang Zeyu obediently stopped the car and opened a little window. "It's inconvenient for you now. I'll look for you later."

Shu Yan looked back at Wu Xiuyue, "it's OK."

"No, I'll come back to you." Fang Zeyu insisted on not getting off the bus. Seeing Wu Xiuyue approaching, he rolled up the window.

"Who? Why did you leave? "

"My friend, I'm in a hurry. Let's go home, too. " Shuyan looked at the direction of the car and sighed.

Shuyan bought three sets for each of the two children, so that the children could look at it, and it was especially fit and good-looking.

"Good looking is good-looking, but it fits too well and won't wear next year." Said the aunt.

"It's OK. I'll buy it next year." Shuyan still remembers that when she was a child, her mother took her to buy clothes, and she would buy one or two sizes larger, so that she could still wear them next year and the following year. At that time, her greatest wish was to buy a suit of clothes that fit her well. Now that she has children, she doesn't need to save the money.

"These clothes will be worn for a year. What a pity to lose them." The aunt felt the material, and it was not cheap.

"So I didn't buy too much, just enough for a change. I can give it to anyone who needs it." But there may be no one on the south side.

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"Can I give it away?" The aunt rubbed her hands, "can you give it to me?"

They are poor in that place. If they have cloth at home, they will make it for adults first. After adults wear them, they will change them to children. The big ones will be given to the small ones. Generally, they will be very broken at that time.

Shuyan bought more clothes for her two children. In fact, she didn't pour water on a suit of clothes several times. Just like the new one, she would definitely grab it.

"Yes, if you don't mind, I can give you the autumn and winter clothes of my two children last year." Before the clothes are not very good, especially Jingjing has no clothes at all, has been thrown away by Shuyan.

"If I don't, how can I?" She didn't see the autumn clothes. Those winter clothes were washed, packed and put away by her. It's the same as the new ones. It's said that a down jacket costs 50 or 60.

It's the best to help people.

"You collect all the clothes. You can choose some good ones later."

Shuyan felt that both coats and trousers were OK. Like those close fitting clothes, she was afraid that others would dislike them. As a result, she said that these materials were so good that she would never dislike them.

When she was resting, she went back to her hometown and took the clothes back to her mother's niece and niece, and the two sisters-in-law scrambled for them.

"It's very kind of your boss. The clothes are so new that they are all given to you. The materials are just right. How come they all cost tens of yuan?" The elder sister-in-law felt the material and was not willing to put it down at all.The aunt picked up a red down jacket and said, "guess how much is this one? 60, or the purchase price, if you put it in the store to sell at least 100, winter wear this can be warm. I'll leave this one to my eldest sister's granddaughter. The child is also poor. She has no mother at a young age

Listen to her say so, two sister-in-law is not easy to rob, will leave the rest of the clothes.

The granddaughter of the elder sister saw the down jacket and heard it was for her. She was holding the dress and laughing.

"Back in the spring, my boss's children have changed their clothes, and I'll give them to you again." The aunt felt her withered grass like hair, and then thought of Jingjing's black hair. She sighed that she had different lives. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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