
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 107.2


After General Lin left, Wen Chi couldn’t sit still anymore. Fortunately, the focus of this celebration banquet was on Lord Yin, even if he slipped away quietly, no one would notice.

Ruo Tao was waiting outside the hall and was a little surprised to see Wen Chi leaving early, so she trotted forward: “Young master.”

Wen Chi walked very fast, without turning his head, he said concisely, “Go back to the Eastern Palace.”

Ruo Tao found that Wen Chi’s expression was wrong, so she didn’t dare to ask any more questions and followed Wen Chi quietly.

The color of the sky above their heads was extremely dark and gloomy, and dense snowflakes fell from the sky, blending with the heavy snow on the road. Recently, it has been snowing almost every day and the maids and eunuchs can’t clean it. In order to save manpower, they only sweep the snow every three or four days.

There are only two people on this road, Wen Chi and Ruotao. Their feet made a creaking sound when they stepped on the snow..

Wen Chi walked quite strenuously, but he was also impatient, wishing he could fly back to the East Palace with a pair of wings. As he walked back, he couldn’t help but use qingong.

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Immediately behind her came Ruo Tao’s frightened voice: “Young Master, we are in the palace! This is absolutely unacceptable!”

Unfortunately, Wen Chi didn’t want to listen to her and using qingong, he walked faster and faster.


“Young master!” Ruo Tao followed behind but she didn’t dare to stop him, so he had to persuade, “Young master, slow down! It would be disastrous if others saw you!”

Fortunately, it was snowing and cold,so everyone tried to stay indoors as much as possible without leaving. In addition, the road they took was relatively remote, and they did not encounter anyone along the way.

Back in the Eastern Palace, Wen Chi didn’t walk in the direction of the Bamboo Flute Residence but went straight to Shi Ye’s bedroom.

Ruo Tao had no choice, but to continue to follow Wen Chi.

Wen Chi arrived outside Shi Ye’s bedroom and was about to step in but was stopped by two eunuchs guarding the door.

Even though Wen Chi used to come here diligently, he still had to wait outside the door for the eunuch to go in to report, unless Eunuch Zhu or Xiao Shuanzi led him, he could go in directly.

But now Wen Chi couldn’t wait any longer, so he said, “I’m here to see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.”

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One eunuch had already gone in to report and the rest of the eunuchs stopped in front of Wen Chi and said with difficulty: “Young Master Wen, this servant naturally knows that you are here for His Royal Highness. But rules are rules and without His Highness’s permission, even if you give me a hundred guts, I dare not let anyone in casually, so please be considerate of me, Young Master.”


Wen Chi was silent for a moment, then turned to look at Ruo Tao, he thought that since Ruo Tao was someone next to Shi Ye, she might be able to say a few words.

However, Ruo Tao looked helpless, saying that there was nothing she could do to help.

Although Wen Chi was very anxious in his heart, he could not break the rules and barge in, so he could only wait anxiously outside the door like an ant on a hot pot.

After waiting for a long time, he finally waited until the eunuch who notified him hurriedly walked out.

Wen Chi hastened to meet him.

But the eunuch showed an apologetic expression: “Young Master Wen, Eunuch Zhu said that His Royal Highness is not feeling well. He has already rested now so you should come back another day.”

Wen Chi said: “Can I meet Eunuch Zhu?”

“This…” The eunuch glanced at the eunuch next to him, then shook his head, “I’m afraid this is a little inconvenient, Eunuch Zhu is busy serving His Highness the Crown Prince.”

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At this moment, Ruo Tao also tries to persuade him from behind: “Young Master, it’s freezing outside. Let’s go back early  lest you freeze again.”

The eunuch also said: “Yes, Young Master Wen, you won’t be able to see His Highness today, so you’d better go back quickly.”


After Ruo Tao and the eunuch both persuaded him, Wen Chi finally changed his mind, turned around and followed Ruo Tao back to the bamboo flute residence.


At night, the snow that had been falling all day finally stopped.

In the Bamboo Flute House, everyone was asleep, except for the lanterns hanging under the eaves of the house, which swayed gently with the night breeze.

Wen Chi wore a black robe and jumped over the wall with ease. His qingong skill was not bad, above those of eunuchs and ordinary guards. And as long as he was not unlucky enough to meet some experts, basically no one would notice his presence.

He ran against the wind for a long time before he reached Shi Ye’s bedchamber.

Sure enough, Eunuch Zhu stood guard outside the hall every step of the way, not moving like a piece of wood, squinting and dozing off, with seven or eight junior eunuchs standing beside him.

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Not only that, there is also a team of guards patrolling outside the hall.

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No matter how careless Wen Chi was, he can still feel the tight security of Shi Ye’s chambers. He remembered that there were not so many eunuchs and guards outside Shi Ye’s bedchamber before.

If Wen Chi was not familiar with this place, he might already be scratching his head with worry.

Fortunately, he came many times, so he walked around to the window at a remote location with ease. He put his hands on it, exerted a little force, and jumped in over the window.

The bedchamber was not completely dark, there were countless candles shining inside. Although it is not as bright as day as often described in novels, it was not so dark that he could not see his way around either.

Wen Chi walked forward for a short distance based on memory and soon saw the large bed covered by layers of drapery.



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