
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 108.1

Wen Chi was about to go forward but suddenly he was blocked by a figure.

He took a closer look and the person in front of him was Zuo Zhi.

Zuo Zhi’s complexion was very unpleasant, it’s not that she is hostile to Wen Chi, but her face is morbidly pale and there are some faint scars on her neck

After not seeing her for such a long time, she has become much haggard and Wen Chi doesn’t know if it’s because she was looking for the spirit stone for Shi Ye.

Zuo Zhi seemed to have expected that Wen Chi would come. There was not much surprise in her expression, but she persuaded in a gentle voice: “Young Master Wen, His Royal Highness is really unwell, you have come at an inconvenient time, please go back.”

Since Wen Chi dared to muster up the courage to trespass into His Royal Highness’ bedroom, he would not go back easily, he said, “I want to see His Royal Highness.”

Zuo Zhi shook his head: “His Royal Highness doesn’t want to see anyone.”

Wen Chi paused for a moment, then suddenly changed his words: “Then I’ll take a sneak peek at him, so as not to let him find me.”

Zuo Zhi: “…”

She had seen many people who wanted to get close to His Highness the Crown Prince, but it was the first time she had seen someone as flexible as Wen Chi.


But no matter what, she did not agree to Wen Chi’s request.She only said that His Highness the Crown Prince was seriously ill and needed to recuperate quietly and he must not be disturbed by anyone.

Wen Chi pestered her for a long time, but Zuo Zhi had no intention to give in.

So, Wen Chi had no choice but to give up.

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Zuo Zhi also breathed a sigh of relief imperceptibly and even her expression became relaxed: “This servant will send you out.”

Wen Chi said, “Thank you.”

Just when Zuo Zhi was about to go out, Wen Chi rushed in.

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Wen Chi’s speed was so fast that Zuo Zhi only had time to catch a glimpse of a shadow but Zuo Zhi’s strength was superior to Wen Chi’s. She was surprised for a moment and then immediately reacted, by reaching out to stop Wen Chi.

Wen Chi had been on guard.


After a few moves, the two were tied. At this moment, Wen Chi had already used all his strength but he knew that Zuo Zhi had only used about 50% or 60% of her skill.

If it continues like this, he will definitely not be able to win.

“You lied to me!” Wen Chi felt very anxious and he lost the mood to fight with Zuo Zhi. He could no longer maintain his superficial calm and shouted, “Shi Ye is not here at all!”

Zuo Zhi was taken aback but ignored Wen Chi’s words and focused on forcing Wen Chi out.

Wen Chi was losing more and more to Zuo Zhi and he was panting harder and harder.

There was a charcoal fire burning in the house, but it was still some distance away from Wen Chi. Wen Chi didn’t feel the heat, but a layer of sweat was seeping from his face and back, and it was as if there was a rabbit in his chest, jumping so hard that it was going to burst through his skin and pop out.

At this point, Zuo Zhi also sensed that something was wrong.She loosened the strength in her hand, grabbed Wen Chi’s arm and said sharply: “Young Master Wen, calm down!”

Wen Chi stared at Zuo Zhi fiercely, like a beast about to be released from its cage, with a faint redness in his eyes: “Where’s Shi Ye?”

“His Royal Highness…” Zuo Zhi was actually frightened by Wen Chi’s appearance, she hesitated and then said awkwardly, “His Royal Highness is seriously ill…”

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Wen Chi shook off Zuo Zhi’s hand, turned around and walked in again: “I want to see him.”


Zuo Zhi was still taken aback by Wen Chi’s horrifying gaze just now, but then she stepped forward to stop him. Wen Chi had already walked to the bed.

Wen Chi pushed aside the layers of curtains, only to see that there was nothing on the bed.

There was no Shi Ye.

It was empty.

Wen Chi’s body was shaking slightly, he turned around slowly and smiled slightly at Zuo Zhi:  “He really isn’t here.”

Zuo Zhi’s expression was grave, her eyes complicated. Even so, She couldn’t deceive her any longer, so she said in a deep voice, “Since Young Master Wen has seen that His Royal Highness is not here, you should go back.”

Wen Chi threw the quilt he was holding onto the ground and walked straight to Zuo Zhi.

Zuo Zhi thought that he would lose control of his emotions just like before, so he hurriedly took two steps back.

Wen Chi moved faster, before Zuo Zhi could dodge, he quickly grabbed Zuo Zhi’s arm.

When Wen Chi lowered his eyes to look at Zuo Zhi, the redness in his eyes had already spread, covering his whole eyes: “Miss Zuo Zhi, tell me honestly, did Shi Ye go to the Hua family?”

Hearing this, Zuo Zhi was a little flustered: “This servant can’t understand what Young Master Wen is saying.”

Wen Chi stared straight at Zuo Zhi, as if he wanted to look into Zuo Zhi’s heart.

“Since you don’t know, let me make it clear.” Wen Chi gradually calmed down, collected himself and said coldly, “The so-called celebration banquet was not organized by Lord Yin and other adults at all. It was Shi Ye who ordered several lords to do this in order to lure the tiger away from the mountain and attract the top pillars of the Hua family, so that it would be convenient for him to sneak into the Hua family and take away the spirit stone.”

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Although Wen Chi did not know why he had such an idea, he felt it so strongly at this time.

When he saw Zuo Zhi’s expression clearly, he also knew – he had guessed correctly.


With his heart at ease, Wen Chi immediately let go of Zuo Zhi and turned around to leave.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhi hurriedly stepped forward to block Wen Chi: “Where are you going!”

Wen Chi looked ahead coldly: “I’m going to Hua Residence.”

“What are you going to Hua’s residence for?” Zuo Zhi was so startled by Wen Chi’s words that her voice even changed its tone. She completely lost her usual calm and collected demeanor, and a trace of ruthlessness appeared in her eyes, “You stay here, you can’t go anywhere!”

After all, Zuo Zhi was one of Wen Chi’s former masters, if they fought, Wen Chi would not be Zuo Zhi’s opponent at all.

Wen Chi knew that he couldn’t beat Zuo Zhi, so he didn’t plan to have a conflict with her.

He looked at Zuo Zhi, who could not hide her anger, and suddenly said, “Miss Zuo Zhi, why don’t we go together?”

Zuo Zhi froze for a moment.

Wen Chi smiled at her  lightly, “You are also worried about Shi Ye, right? If you were at ease with him going to the hua residence, you wouldn’t be so impatient and get irritated by my few words.”

Zuo Zhi: “…”

She thought she was hiding it well, but Wen Chi still spotted it.

******Wen Chi originally thought that Hua’s residence was in the capital but Zuo Zhi led him straight to the outside of the capital.

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The heavy snow that has been falling for several days has long since stopped, but white snow piled up on every road and every eaves. Looking around, it seems that the whole world is wrapped in white.

This winter was exceptionally cold, and they barely saw a few pedestrians along the way.

After leaving the capital, Zuo Zhi found a place to stay and explained to Wen Chi while arranging the clothes that were blown by the wind and snow: “The Hua family is very large and there are more than one residences under it. Those in the capital are just used to deceive people, the place on Xuejing Mountain is their main residence.”

“Xuejing Mountain?” Wen Chi scratched his head, “It sounds familiar.”

“I didn’t expect you to forget it so quickly.” Zuo Zhi raised his eyebrows, “Isn’t the mountain villa you went to with Concubine Rong a while ago at Xuejing Mountain?”

With that said, Wen Chi remembered.

But aren’t there many royal villas on Xuejing Mountain? It seems that one of the villas that Shi Ye gave him was also on Xuejing Mountain and the Hua family had the audacity to set their main residence on Mount Xuejing!

Wen Chi had doubts in his heart, and while thinking this, he also spoke out.

After hearing what he said, Zuo Zhi just snorted coldly: “As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place, and those people naturally understand this truth.”

After resting for a cup of tea1(15min), they continued on their way.



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