
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 108.2

Zuo Zhi said that the place was far away and they couldn’t go up the mountain in a carriage with great fanfare, so they could only rely on their own legs.

Because the road was covered with thick snow, it was really difficult to walk and their speed gradually slowed down.

Wen Chi felt that his legs were no longer his own, so he could only move his legs mechanically and keep moving forward.

At some point, goose-feather-like snowflakes began to fall from the sky again, densely packed, almost covering the entire dark sky.

They took a trail known only to the Hua family, which is equivalent to taking a shortcut. The only downside is that the road is a little steeper. If ordinary people who don’t know martial arts had taken it, he would have fallen down.

After walking a certain distance, Zuo Zhi suddenly accelerated her speed.

Wen Chi gritted his teeth and followed.

Zuo Zhi sniffed around like a puppy and then she turned her head to look at Wen Chi, her brows were tightly frowned. Her expression was extremely serious: “It smells like blood.”

“The smell of blood?” Wen Chi imitated Zuo Zhi and sniffed around, but unfortunately he didn’t smell anything except the icy cold wind.

But Zuo Zhi’s skill was much stronger than Wen Chi’s after all, since she had noticed something, they didn’t dare to delay any longer, so they sped up and rushed toward their destination.


After a while, the Hua family’s main residence came into Wen Chi’s eyes—a cluster of black buildings immersed in white snow.

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From a distance, the complex looked like a light ink painting, with only black and white colors and looked extremely solemn and dignified against the dark sky ……

There seemed to be an invisible aura of death spreading from it.

Wen Chi used his robe to cover his head and face and as he approached, he finally caught the faint smell of blood coming from it.

The closer they got, the stronger the smell became.

When they reached the closed gates, the overwhelming smell of blood almost engulfed Wen Chi.

He immediately covered his mouth and kept dry-heaving through the fabric of his robe.

The worry in Zuo Zhi’s eyes was so thick that it was about to overflow.She couldn’t wait to find Shi Ye but seeing Wen Chi was so uncomfortable, she had to stop.


“Young Master, why don’t you wait outside.”

Wen Chi  could barely suppress the nausea that was welling up in his throat as he waved his hand, “Let’s split up and look for him.”

Zuo Zhi thought for a while and agreed to Wen Chi’s proposal: “Be careful.”

When they flew in, the smell of blood was so thick that it felt like it was going to turn into water and soak into their noses.

Wen Chi pressed his nose tighter with his hand and he watched Zuo Zhi running to the left before turning to the right.

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Wen Chi is not familiar with this place, he can only run around like a headless chicken, to see if he can meet Shi Ye by luck.

He had expected to encounter many people from the Hua family, but he didn’t expect that all along the way, he would encounter countless corpses of the Hua family, lying all over the road, blood flowing everywhere, even soaking the snow on the side of the road with blood red. 

Wen Chi’s heart skipped a beat and the uneasiness lingering in his heart became more and more intense.

At first he was still hiding, but later he searched openly. He was walking along a long corridor when a dart suddenly came flying straight at his face.

That dart seemed to be exactly the same as the dart used by Hua Zi Zang that night, and even the path it took towards him was roughly the same, except this time the person using it was far inferior.


Not only did Wen Chi dodge easily but he also caught the dart with his index and middle fingers.

He paused and turned around.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound.

Wen Chi was not polite and threw the dart back, but to his surprise, a child’s scream came from the bushes.

Wen Chi never thought that the person hiding in the bushes would be a child, so he was terrified and jumped over the edge of the promenade while bracing himself against the parapet at the edge of the promenade.

Pushing aside the bush, he saw a boy sitting in the grass with his arms covered in blood.

The boy was dressed gorgeously, with a few expensive accessories hanging from his belt. He looked no more than seven or eight years old but he glared at Wen Chi like a viper about to spit poison and it was chilling just to look at him.

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It didn’t look like the eyes of a child at all.

The dart thrown by Wen Chi happened to pierce his arm and blood flowed out but he didn’t seem to feel it and he just covered the wound on his arm with his other hand.

Wen Chi is not a hard-hearted person and since he had thrown the dart at the boy’s arm, he hesitated for a moment and then wanted to go up and look at the boy’s wound.

But as soon as he squatted down, the boy’s expression suddenly changed. The hand that was covering the wound took out a dagger out of nowhere and stabbed it straight at Wen Chi’s brows.

Fortunately, Wen Chi didn’t put down his guard. He had been paying attention to the boy’s movements from the corner of his eye. Seeing that the boy’s hand was about to move he quickly dodged to the side.

The boy’s first move failed and then he started his second move – a backhand to Wen Chi’s chest.

As Wen Chi dodged, he saw that the dagger seemed to have some yellowish liquid and powder on its surface, and he could guess with his toes that it was no good.

Wen Chi was shocked.


He never imagined that a seven or eight-year-old child would have such vicious thoughts. The child’s several moves were not self-defense at all, they were clearly intended to kill him!

Thinking of this, Wen Chi’s complexion also turned sour, he stood up abruptly and kicked the dagger away from the boy’s hand.

There was nothing else for the boy to attack with but he still threw himself at Wen Chi without hesitation.

Wen Chi kicked the boy in the chest.

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The boy groaned in pain and fell back to the ground.

Wen Chi’s kick was neither light nor heavy. Even though he only used two or three points of strength, he guessed that it had hit the boy’s painful spot, and the boy would not be able to get up in a short time.

Wen Chi stepped forward and picked up the boy from his collar like a kitten. He deliberately lowered his voice and said in a low voice, “Are you a child of the Hua family?”

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The boy gave up struggling and looked at Wen Chi with suspicious eyes. His eyes made people feel very uncomfortable.

Wen Chi still didn’t get an answer from the boy, so he knocked on the boy’s head: “Speak.”

The boy looked cute but his expression was extremely cold. Wen Chi had never seen such an expression appear on the face of a child.

Just when Wen Chi was hesitating whether to let the boy go, the boy suddenly said, “Areyou one of the people belonging to Panacea 1(A panacea /pænəˈsiːə/, named after the Greek goddess of universal remedy Panacea, is any supposed remedy that is claimed (for example) to cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely.)?”

Wen Chi asked, “What Panacea?”

The boy said strangely: “Naturally, it is the panacea by that surname Shi.”

Wen Chi didn’t understand the meaning of the boy’s words for a while, secretly wondering why Shi Ye got involved with Panacea? But soon, he realized——

What the boy seemed to mean was that Shi Ye was the Panacea. To be precise, he should have called Shi Ye the human panacea.

In an instant, an unprecedented anger crawled through Wen Chi’s  chest like a fiery snake.


1(A panacea /pænəˈsiːə/, named after the Greek goddess of universal remedy Panacea, is any supposed remedy that is claimed (for example) to cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely.)

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