
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 114.2

Shi Ye’s hand stroked his cheek.

Although Wen Chi didn’t open his eyes, he could clearly feel the gentleness of Shi Ye’s fingertips running on his cheeks and Shi Ye wiped away the tears on his face with the palm of his hand.

Wen Chi hiccupped and wanted to open his eyes but Shi Ye’s hand was suddenly taken away, replaced by a warm and soft thing, cruising on his face little by little.

Wen Chi was stunned for a moment, only to belatedly realize that it was Shi Ye’s lips – Shi Ye kissed away the remaining tears on his face bit by bit.

In an instant, the sadness that was stuck in his chest just now dissipated like smoke.

Thinking of the postures of him and Shi Ye at this moment, Wen Chi felt a little embarrassed. He reflexively wanted to shrink back, but then he stopped.

Ever since he met Shi Ye, he seldom took the initiative to do anything. He was like a frog, when Shi Ye took a step forward did he take a step forward.

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But he can’t keep being so passive.

After thinking this way, Wen Chi didn’t know where he found the courage, his whole body felt as if he had been injected with chicken blood1(Injecting chicken blood refers to a behavior that satirizes a person’s sudden emotional arousal towards a specific person. This word emerged in the 1960s. At that time, someone tried to inject chicken blood into themselves and found that chicken blood can make people feel excited, which was regarded as a health care method. But later on, medicine proved that hyperactivity caused by beating chicken blood was a normal rejection reaction and did not provide health benefits. Gradually, this term became a satirical and sarcastic term.), he stood up and then sat down on Shi Ye’s lap— —Of course he didn’t dare to put his whole body weight on it, so he was half standing and half sitting.

Shi Ye seemed to be startled by his sudden movement and there was a rare obvious surprise in his expression. He lifted his chin slightly and stared at him with his beautiful phoenix eyes opened wide. He really looked like a frightened little animal.


For some reason, Wen Chi suddenly wanted to laugh and the corners of his mouth were twitched but he suppressed it forcefully. He coughed twice pretending to be calm and stretched out his hands to cup Shi Ye’s face.

Since Wen Chi had never made such a bold move, he couldn’t control his strength. So that Shi Ye’s originally thin face was squeezed into a round shape by him and even his thin lips pouted along with it.

Surprisingly, Shi Ye didn’t struggle and let Wen Chi hold his face like this. He looked at Wen Chi with rather confused eyes.

Wen Chi suppressed a smile, bowed his head and kissed Shi Ye’s pouted lips.

Shi Ye’s expression became even more astonished.

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Wen Chi lowered his head and kissed again but this time he did not leave in a hurry, but pressed against Shi Ye’s lips and said, “Can I ask you a question?”

Shi Ye was a little overwhelmed by Wen Chi’s two consecutive kisses and he said faintly, “What is it?”

Wen Chi was embarrassed but he didn’t want to back down. He stared straight into Shi Ye’s eyes, took a deep breath and said solemnly, “Do you think we can have a child?”


Now Shi Ye’s expression was not only surprised, but also dumbfounded and shocked, as if he had heard something extraordinary, his gaze was transfixed, his lips were agape, and he did not utter a word for a long time.

Wen Chi waited patiently, but he didn’t hear Shi Ye’s answer for a long time. His enthusiasm gradually cooled down and even the hands holding Shi Ye’s cheeks trembled slightly.

But he didn’t intend to give up, his bright eyes still stared at Shi Ye without blinking.

No matter whether Shi Ye agrees or not, he must get an answer.

Time passed by minutes and seconds, Shi Ye slowly gathered himself. He raised his hand to cover the back of Wen Chi’s hand holding his face, bent his fingers, and wrapped around Wen Chi’s hand.

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Then, he said, “Okay.”

“Huh?” Wen Chi, who was ready to be rejected and startled for a moment, “What did you say?”

Shi Ye took his hand, put it on his lips and kissed it:  “I said yes.”

Wen Chi didn’t expect Shi Ye to agree so easily. He still remembered Shi Ye once said that he did not want children and would not have children.2(To be honest, what Shi Ye actually said then was that he couldn’t have children yet not that he doesn’t want children, apparently Wen Chi has a selective memory)

His heart was pounding and at the same time, his cheeks were burning with embarrassment. There was a small flame in his heart and the scorching heat spread from his chest to his whole body. This was the first time he discussed this kind of thing with someone and he didn’t even know what he should do next.


Is it a bit too aggressive to go straight for it?

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But if he just skipped this topic, he was afraid that the matter would be left unanswered.

Wen Chi thought of a bunch of messy things and before his brain could fully function, his hands spontaneously tore off the straps of the fur coat on his chest.

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He said seriously: “Come on.”

Shi Ye: “…”

Wen Chi quickly unbuttoned the fur coat and then tried to tear off the belt.

But as soon as his hand touched the belt, Shi Ye grabbed his wrist.

Wen Chi raised his eyes in surprise and saw that Shi Ye’s expression was very awkward under the light of the stove. If Wen Chi touched Shi Ye’s face, he would definitely find that Shi Ye’s face was astonishingly hot.

Shi Ye coughed twice, his voice hoarse: “Now is not the time.”

After saying this, he glanced behind Wen Chi, “There are outsiders here.”

Wen Chi froze for a moment, turned around in embarrassment and met Xiao Shuanzi’s even more embarrassed face.


1(Injecting chicken blood refers to a behavior that satirizes a person’s sudden emotional arousal towards a specific person. This word emerged in the 1960s. At that time, someone tried to inject chicken blood into themselves and found that chicken blood can make people feel excited, which was regarded as a health care method. But later on, medicine proved that hyperactivity caused by beating chicken blood was a normal rejection reaction and did not provide health benefits. Gradually, this term became a satirical and sarcastic term.)2(To be honest, what Shi Ye actually said then was that he couldn’t have children yet not that he doesn’t want children, apparently Wen Chi has a selective memory)

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