
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 115.1

Xiao Shuanzi’s face was pale, as if he had been greatly frightened, even the hand holding the gauze and medicinal wine was trembling slightly.

Seeing Wen Chi and Shi Ye turn their heads to look at him at the same time, Xiao Shuanzi woke up as if from a dream and immediately fell to his knees in fright: “Your Highness, Young Master Wen, this servant brought the things.”

Although Xiao Shuanzi wanted to bury his head in the ground, Wen Chi’s cheeks still ached from the embarrassment. He hurriedly stood up from Shi Ye, stretched out his hand to Xiao Shuanzi and said, “Give it to me.”

Hearing this, Xiao Shuanzi hurried forward on his knees, and carefully handed the gauze and medicinal wine to Wen Chi.

Wen Chi took them and before turning around, he glanced at Xiao Shuanzi’s terrified appearance. He couldn’t help but feel a little funny and at the same time sympathized with Xiao Shuanzi. Didn’t he used to tremble in front of Shi Ye before?

“It’s okay.” Wen Chi said, “You can leave.”

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Xiao Shuanzi originally thought that since he had accidentally ruined His Royal Highness’s affairs, His Royal Highness would have to peel off his skin but he did not expect to escape so easily.

He was really surprised and delighted and then he hurriedly got up from the ground and ran away with his waist bowed.

Wen Chi turned around and squatted halfway in front of Shi Ye. He took Shi Ye’s bitten hand and looked carefully at it and found that it showed no sign of improvement.

Although the wound was not deep, it was impossible not to hurt.

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Wen Chi clumsily bandaged Shi Ye’s wound, feeling extremely regretful.

If he had known this, he would not have taken out all his resentment on that bite.  He had waited too long and suppressed too much these days and he couldn’t help but do that.

It took a lot of effort for Wen Chi to finish bandaging but unfortunately his bandaging technique was not good so he used gauze to wrap Shi Ye’s hand into a white dumpling.

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Wen Chi put down the gauze and scissors and was about to look up at Shi Ye when he suddenly felt something hanging from his neck.

He froze, then looked down and saw a familiar stone, strung together by a black rope, hanging quietly on his chest.

Was this not……

Wasn’t it the stone that Wen Liang had worn?

Wen Chi was baffled and his mind went blank for a moment but fortunately, he came back to his senses and reached out to take the stone off.


However, Shi Ye seemed to have sensed his intentions, before he took the stone off, he grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

“Don’t take it off.” Shi Ye was afraid of hurting him, so he didn’t dare to use too much force with his hands, so he said, “I’ll give it to you.”

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Wen Chi said in a daze, “This is the spirit stone of the Hua family, it’s not appropriate for me to take it.”

Shi Ye spoke confidently: “Since I snatched it from Hua’s house, then it is mine, and what is mine, naturally I can give it to whoever I want.”

Wen Chi: “…”

This bandit’s logic.

Even though that’s what he said, Wen Chi still doesn’t want this stone, not to mention that it is a treasure belonging to the Hua family. Since Wen Liang once wore this stone, he doesn’t want to touch it too much. Who knows if Wen Liang’s system is still hiding in this stone.

“But I don’t get much use out of holding it ……”

“One day, it will come in handy.”

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Shi Ye interrupted Wen Chi’s words rather forcefully, his attitude unusually firm. The hand holding Wen Chi’s wrist slowly loosened and cruised to Wen Chi’s chest, his index finger gently pressed on the stone, speaking as if talking to himself, “Maybe one day, it can save your life.”


After Wen Chi heard this, he didn’t say anything else, but this stone was a treasure that many people fought for and he couldn’t hang it around his neck openly. So he had to find a place to hide it temporarily after returning to the palace.


The winter night came early, and the sky gradually darkened.

After an early dinner, Wen Chi took a shower and went to bed.

At the foot of the mountains, which are off the beaten track, it is a long walk to meet people. If you want to reach the nearest village, you need to take a carriage for nearly half an hour.

Wen Chi has been living here for a period of time, bored to the point of growing mushrooms, and has also developed the habit of going to bed as soon as it gets dark.


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