
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 115.2

Previously, as long as he lay in bed, he would fall asleep in no time. Tonight, there was suddenly another person in his bed, and he was surprisingly a little uncomfortable. He put his arms around Shi Ye’s waist and buried his face in Shi Ye’s arms, and he could hear Shi Ye’s heart beating regularly and strongly.

At this moment, he clearly felt that Shi Ye was beside him, within his reach.

It’s just that Shi Ye did lose a lot of weight and the feeling was especially obvious when he was holding him.

Wen Chi felt uncomfortable and distressed and couldn’t help hugging Shi Ye tighter, and sighed softly.

At that moment, the arm placed around him tightened and Shi Ye’s raspy voice rang out above Wen Chi’s head: “Still not sleeping?”

Wen Chi didn’t expect that Shi Ye was also awake. He raised his head from Shi Ye’s arms and his forehead touched Shi Ye’s chin.

The light in the room was very dim, Wen Chi couldn’t see Shi Ye’s expression clearly, but he could clearly feel Shi Ye’s gaze on him, as if he had been staring at him all this time.

Wen Chi shook his head slightly and whispered, “The poison in your body…”

“It’s okay.” Shi Ye said calmly, “I have my own plans, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

Hearing what Shi Ye said, Wen Chi felt a little relieved.


Before they went to bed, the snow outside the house was falling heavily, mixed with the night wind blowing against the windows, making a dull sound, which sounded strange and horrifying, but now there was no longer any sound to be heard.

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Wen Chi tilted his head and glanced in the direction of the window but unfortunately his vision was blurred and he couldn’t see anything clearly.

“The snow outside seems to have stopped.” Wen Chi said, “The weather hasn’t been that cold these past two days, this winter is almost over, right?”

Shi Ye chuckled softly, “It’s just the beginning.”

Wen Chi didn’t understand: “What?”

However, Shi Ye didn’t speak any more but lowered his head and pressed his forehead against Wen Chi’s and the two faced each other, their breath entwined.

Wen Chi doesn’t know if it’s because the breath they exhaled from each other was too hot but he felt that the temperature around him also rose a little bit, which made him restless inside, as if a deer was rampaging in his chest.

Wen Chi felt a little uncomfortable but he was reluctant to lean back. He gulped quietly and opened his mouth to take a deep breath to calm himself down, only to find Shi Ye’s lips pressing down hard the next moment.


Shi Ye kissed very domineeringly, without giving Wen Chi any room to breathe. He drove straight in with his nimble tongue, pried open Wen Chi’s teeth and probed further inside.

“Hmm…” Wen Chi was frightened by Shi Ye’s domineering behavior and reflexively stretched out his hand to push Shi Ye’s shoulder but when his hands touched Shi Ye’s shoulders, he couldn’t help but hook his arms and then wrapped them around Shi Ye’s neck.

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Shi Ye didn’t seem to expect that Wen Chi would cooperate with his actions so much. He was taken aback for a moment and after realizing it, he kissed him deeper, his skin and breath were so hot, as if he was about to burn Wen Chi.

Wen Chi is passive in this respect, even if he is a little active at the beginning, he will inexplicably become the passive one later on. He put his arms around Shi Ye’s neck in a daze and tilted his head to withstand Shi Ye’s stormy kisses.

At this moment, Wen Chi was like a small boat swaying in the storm, drifting with the waves and being hit so hard that he couldn’t find a direction to dock.

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In a daze, he was rolled over by Shi Ye.

Shi Ye raised his hand and the curtains hanging on both sides of the bed frame fell  in unison, obscuring the view on the bed ……


The next day.

Wen Chi opened his eyes and he felt that his body was aching from overwork last night, especially his waist, which had been tossed so hard that it seemed like it was going to break.


Wen Chi reached out and touched the side, there was no one there. The bed was cold and he didn’t know how long Shi Ye had been gone.

Wen Chi sat up from the bed with difficulty, but an unspeakable part behind him was swollen badly. He was never a person who would make things difficult for himself, so he lay back down carefully.

Not long after, there was a creak in the silence—someone opened the door and came in.

Wen Chi breathed evenly, without even lifting his eyelids.

Probably Xiao Shuanzi brought the water to wash. Usually, if Xiao Shuanzi saw that he hadn’t woken up, he would put the water on the wooden shelf beside the bed, and then wait outside the door for him to wake up.

But today, for some unknown reason, Xiao Shuanzi stopped when he walked up to the bed.

After a while, Xiao Shuanzi sat on the edge of the bed.

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Wen Chi obviously felt that the edge of the bed outside had sunk. He opened his eyes in shock and met a handsome face that was close at hand. His long and narrow phoenix eyes were quietly watching him. The long eyelashes vaguely covered the flowing ripples in the black eyes.

When Shi Ye saw Wen Chi suddenly open his eyes, he was surprised and then he raised the corners of his mouth to reveal a faint smile. He lifted Wen Chi’s chin with his fingertips and lowered his head to place a kiss on his lips.

“It’s time to get up.”

Wen Chi stared blankly at the face in front of him, even though he was so thin, he was extremely beautiful. When he looked closely, he realized that Shi Ye’s skin really looked like flawless jade.

He opened his mouth to speak, but then suddenly remembered something and hurriedly closed it, shaking his head with a sullen face.

Shi Ye couldn’t help laughing and touched Wen Chi’s face: “Is your throat uncomfortable? Let me pour you some water.”

Wen Chi continued to shake his head.

Shi Ye was puzzled: “Then why aren’t you talking?”


Wen Chi finally said coldly: “I’m sorry, Your Highness, I have bad breath this morning.”

Shi Ye was taken aback for a moment and then recalled that when they were in Jinzhou, he had said that he disliked Wen Chi’s bad breath, but at that time was there a smell from Wen Chi’s mouth? Even if there was, he wouldn’t have minded. He was embarrassed that he had said those thoughtless words.

Thinking of this, Shi Ye was a little annoyed and regretful and at the same time, he also wanted to laugh.

In such complicated emotions, Shi Ye couldn’t hold back and burst out laughing.

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After he realized his gaffe, he quickly restrained his laughter, looked at Wen Chi intently and found that Wen Chi was looking at him with a sorrowful look as if water could drip out of his eyes.

Wen Chi said, “Is it funny?”

Shi Ye pressed his fist to his lips and coughed twice in embarrassment: “It’s not funny.”

Wen Chi asked: “Then what were you laughing at?”

Shi Ye sighed softly and suddenly put his arms around Wen Chi’s waist, he pulled Wen Chi close to him, lowered his head and kissed Wen Chi’s lips twice like before, then he stared into Wen Chi’s eyes and said solemnly: “I’m laughing at my forked tongue1(say yes and mean no;   be double-faced;   affirm with one’s lips but deny in one’s heart;   consent outwardly but disagree inwardly) back then.”

Wen Chi didn’t understand Shi Ye’s words and blinked his eyes in confusion.

Shi Ye looked at Wen Chi’s bewildered expression and his heart turned soft. He couldn’t help but kiss Wen Chi’s lips again: It clearly smells good.”

Wen Chi: “…”

It’s over!

It was like being hit by an electric current to the heart!


1(say yes and mean no;   be double-faced;   affirm with one’s lips but deny in one’s heart;   consent outwardly but disagree inwardly)

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