
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 116.2

Wen Liang became more and more excited, which frightened the three coachmen who were watching.

The three coachmen were all terrified and they were about to get out of the carriage  to stop Wen Liang when they saw a beautiful shadow fly out of the carriage at the back and landed in front of Wen Liang like a light swallow.

Before Wen Liang could say anything further, a small hand grabbed his neck tightly.

“Cough, cough…” Wen Liang was instantly unable to speak, and could only let out a painful coughing sound.

Wen Liang stared at the face of the beautiful woman in front of him with a horrified expression, feeling that the woman’s hand pinching his neck was slowly lifted up, and his instinct to survive made him struggle desperately.

Fortunately, the woman didn’t seem to have any intention of letting him die and after a while, she slowly put him on the ground, but the hand holding his neck didn’t move away.

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The woman’s eyes were cold and she scratched Wen Liang’s face like a knife: “Who are you?”

Wen Liang knew that the woman in front of him was unpredictable and that killing him would be as easy as crushing an ant. He didn’t dare to lie and replied with difficulty: “My father is… it’s Wen Changqing, the former assistant minister of the Ministry of Rites and I’m Wen Liang, the eldest son of the Wen Family I… I came to find my younger brother Wen Chi.”

After listening to Wen Liang, the woman twitched the corner of her mouth and let out a disdainful chuckle: “The former assistant Minister of Rites? It’s all old history, you really have the nerve to bring it up.”

“I…” Wen Liang was shaken, an emotion called shame suddenly came out from the bottom of his heart and wrapped itself around his body like a vine, “I… …”


Wen Liang stammered for a long time but he didn’t utter a single word. Instead, emotions such as shame and anger were intertwined on his face, so that his expression was quite remarkable.

The woman looked at Wen Liang with cold eyes, she didn’t speak anymore but turned her head to look at the carriage in the middle.

Just then, a tall but rather thin figure stepped out of the carriage.

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Shi Ye was wearing a black fur coat and his long black hair was tied up casually. He walked slowly to Wen Liang, looking at him with beautiful phoenix eyes.

Shi Ye said, “Ruo Tao.”

The woman replied: “Yes.”

Shi Ye calmly ordered: “You go back to the carriage first.”

Ruo Tao replied again, then let go of the hand that was pinching Wen Liang’s neck, and she flew back to the last carriage.


The feeling of suffocation that had been wrapped around Wen Liang like a poisonous snake suddenly disappeared, and he immediately arched his back in pain, covering his neck with both hands, his face flushed red as he panted heavily.

After he managed to recover, he realized that the man in black fur had been standing quietly in front of him, his unreadable eyes falling on him.

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The fear that had just receded crept back into his heart without a word.

In fact, Wen Liang didn’t know how Shi Ye looked like. Although he had a verbal engagement with Shi Ye, the number of times he met Shi Ye was very small, and every time he met, he only looked at him from afar – and at that time, he did not care about Shi Ye’s looks, he had almost all his thoughts on the fourth prince, Shi Jin.

But at this moment, Wen Liang realized one thing in an instant – the man standing in front of him was His Royal Highness Shi Ye.

Shi Ye was extremely tall and they were so close that Wen Liang had to tilt his head up to see Shi Ye’s face.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Liang saw Shi Ye’s indifferent face.

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Even though that face was as cold as ice, it was extremely beautiful. The phoenix eyes, high nose and thin lips were all well-proportioned, and the whole face blended together perfectly, making it difficult for people to look away…

Wen Liang has seen all kinds of handsome men since he was a child. He thought that the fourth prince, Shi Jin, was the most handsome man in the entire kingdom, but now that he met Shi Ye, he no longer remembers what Shi Jin looked like. .

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Turns out to be……


It turns out that His Royal Highness looks like this…

It turns out that His Highness the Crown Prince is so handsome…

Wen Liang even forgot that His Royal Highness was disfigured and disabled. He stared blankly at His Royal Highness for a while, then suddenly came back to his senses and suddenly said in horror: “Your Highness… Greeting to Your Highness the Crown Prince!”

There was no fluctuation in Shi Ye’s cold expression. He looked down at Wen Liang, as if looking at an inanimate object, he opened his lips and said, “Are you Wen Liang?”

“Yes, it is this subject.” It took him a long time to find his voice. He thought of his unreasonable behavior just now and broke out in a cold sweat. He stumbled and explained, “Your Royal Highness, this subject is here to look for you. The subject wanted to meet his younger brother, so he had no choice but to behave inappropriately. I hope Your Royal Highness will forgive me for the sake of my brother.”


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