
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 117.1

Facing Wen Liang’s with Wen Liang’s trembling pleas for mercy, Shi Ye’s icy expression did not fluctuate, he didn’t even move his eyelids, as if he didn’t take Wen Liang’s words into his heart.

Wen Liang was so frightened that his body was trembling slightly and he lowered his head.

After a while, Wen Liang heard Shi Ye’s chilly voice from above his head: “What do you want him for?”

Wen Liang wanted to look up at Shi Ye, but he didn’t dare to. After struggling for a while, he still kept his head down but he could clearly feel Shi Ye’s gaze fixed on him, like frost, freezing his body cold.

“Replying back to Your Royal Highness, this subject’s family has encountered  some major events recently and my father has been working day and night and he became sick a few days ago.”

Wen Liang paused, licked his dry lips, and then continued, “My father’s health is deteriorating and my mother has invited many doctors to treat him. The doctors all said that my father has a heart disease and the heart disease needs medical attention. Remembering that since my younger brother went to the palace, he seldom visits at home and we couldn’t even get in touch with him in the past two years, this subject dared to come find him…”

Speaking of this, Wen Liang seemed to be unable to bear the grievance and pain that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time, hot tears poured out of his eyes, and soon wet his cheeks.

“This subject begged Your Royal Highness to forgive my mistakes.” Wen Liang sank to his knees with a thud and reached out to tug at the hem of Shi Ye’s clothes. He raised his head helplessly and pleaded with a sobbing voice, “This subject also begs Your Highnessto let me meet my younger brother and let him follow me home so that I can fulfill my father’s wish.”

Wen Liang was so emotional that he not only tugged at the hem of Shi Ye’s clothes, but he almost pressed his entire body against Shi Ye’s.

Although there was still no fluctuation in Shi Ye’s face, his eyes cooled down at a speed visibly and the air pressure around him dropped significantly.

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Seeing the situation, several coachmen next to him were all so frightened by Wen Liang’s bold move that their souls flew out of their bodies.

Before Shi Ye could react, the coachmen jumped out of the carriage in panic and hurriedly tore Wen Liang away from Shi Ye.

Wen Liang refused, struggled desperately and kept shouting for His Highness the Crown Prince.

One of the coachmen saw that Wen Liang was so stubborn that he even tried to lunge at His Highness, he became furious, cursing and kicking Wen Liang’s abdomen.

Wen Liang was raised to be delicate and frail, how could he stand such a vigorous kick?

So was instantly kicked to the ground, holding his abdomen and grimacing in pain.

The remaining two coachmen immediately dragged Wen Liang away.

After dragging for a certain distance, the two coachmen released Wen Liang and pressed him to the ground instead.

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Wen Liang was almost on his knees, with his chest and face pressed against the dirty ground.

He could feel his face and body covered with dust, dirty and wretched, like a beggar.

The kick that the coachmen had delivered to Wen Liang’s abdomen was like a pair of shears, stirring his gut so hard that his abdomen was in excruciating pain.

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But what made him suffer even more was the resentment and jealousy that seemed to be pressing down like a huge mountain …… These emotions were like poisonous snakes wrapped around his heart.

Wen Liang’s body trembled violently. He lifted his face covered with tears and dust with difficulty and looked at Shi Ye with tears in his eyes.

Shi Ye was also looking at him and said indifferently: “Who told you to come to him?”

Wen Liang was startled.

Shi Ye said again: “Who gave you the courage to come to him?”

Now Wen Liang finally understood Shi Ye’s meaning. He opened his mouth and gasped pitifully: “Your Royal Highness, this subject’s father is seriously ill and I had no choice but to do this because I was desperate to save him. I really didn’t intend to offend Your Royal Highness.”

The alley was silent, only Wen Liang’s humble pleas echoed in the air. Unfortunately, Shi Ye was indifferent. He looked down at Wen Liang’s distressed appearance and said sarcastically: “Do you think you are worthy to call his name?”


Wen Liang: “…”

He was speechless, his mind went blank and he stared at Shi Ye’s icy face in disbelief.

Shi Ye said: “Your father who didn’t do a single thing, if he’s dead, he’s dead. He is lucky to be able to live to this day. As for you and your mother, how you bounce around is none of Bengong’s business, but if you prance around him ……”

Saying that, Shi Ye took two steps forward.

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Wen Liang watched the pair of black boots walk up to him.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Ye squatted down, his extremely good-looking face was enveloped by the color of the firelight in the alley.

Although Shi Ye’s eyes are like a frozen lake, his pretty face seems to have some kind of magical power, which always makes people unconsciously fascinated.

Shi Ye stretched out his hand and grabbed Wen Liang’s collar. With all his strength, he lifted Wen Liang up and shortened the distance between the two of them.

“Bengong.” Shi Ye said coldly, “There are ways for you to accompany the short-lived father of yours.”

Wen Liang’s face was pale, his peach eyes widened in shock and his pupils shrank violently.

He tried to speak but something seemed to be stuck in his throat. He couldn’t make any sound, only fear crept silently up his entire face.

He regretted it.

He shouldn’t have come to Wen Chi.

But he had never dreamed that at this juncture, His Highness the Crown Prince would personally take Wen Chi back to the palace. He knew that His Highness the Crown Prince doted on Wen Chi but he never expected that he would dote on him to such an extent…

While Wen Liang was frightened, Shi Ye suddenly loosened his collar.

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Afterwards, Shi Ye got up, glanced at Wen Liang indifferently, turned around and walked towards the carriage in the middle.

Wen Liang’s limbs were stiff, he didn’t know what to do, only to be suppressed helplessly and woefully on the ground by the two coachmen.

It wasn’t until Shi Ye got into the carriage that the coachmen let him go.

The coachman who kicked him just now seemed to feel unlucky, spat viciously on the ground and raised his hand to beat Wen Liang again.

Wen Liang was so frightened by this that he hurriedly covered his head with his hands, prostrated himself on the ground and shivered.

Fortunately, the coachman was pulled away by the other two.

However, before leaving, the coachman still felt uneasy. He pointed at Wen Liang with a ferocious expression and cursed angrily: “Don’t you dare to mess with us again if you don’t want to die. Heh, you have the nerve to say that your father is the former assistant minister of the Ministry of Rites. If I were you, I would have already found a crack in the ground and crawled in. You really have the guts to treat yourself like a green onion1(it means ‘’think oneself to be something“.), Pei!”

Wen Liang held his head, as if he couldn’t hear the coachman’s scolding.

But in the darkness, he could feel the tears spilling out of his eyes.

1(it means ‘’think oneself to be something“.)

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