
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Chapter 123.1

The Grand princess doesn’t even remember how she spent the period following that. How much she regretted her decision back then, if she hadn’t insisted on sending Shi Ye into the palace back then, wouldn’t these things have happened now?

She regrets it to the point her bowels turned green.

She wished she could go back to the self who prevented Shi Ye from being sent to the palace a few years ago.

She should have thought that Shi Ye had been living in exile for so many years and it was impossible for him to regard the Hua family as his own family. Shi Ye is Hua Yanran’s son, what kind of son can Hua Yanran, a white-eyed wolf who betrayed her own family, give birth to? 

The more the grand princess thought about it, the more she felt that the fire in her chest was burning fiercely.

She heard a sharp voice in her mind screaming crazily, that voice told her to kill Shi Ye, to avenge those dead Hua family members.

The grand princess tried her best to suppress that impulse. She finally waited until today, so she was not in a hurry. This is not the time yet, just wait a little longer…

“Shi Ye, I’ll give you one last chance.” The grand princess trembled and clenched the sword in her hand. She stared straight at Shi Ye who was guarded by Eunuch Zhu and others and gritted her teeth. , “Admit the crimes you have committed and your uncle and I may spare your life for your mother’s sake.”

There was a gentle smile on Shi Ye’s pale face. He looked at the grand princess with cold eyes and slowly said: “Is it up to you?”

The grand princess was so angry that her eyes were blood red: “You…”


“Bold!” Eunuch Zhu’s complexion was no better than that of the grand princess. He pointed at the grand princess and said angrily, “How dare you? When did it become your turn to question His Highness? Don’t you want your head on your neck anymore?”

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The grand princess sneered:”He was and still is the Crown Prince, but soon he may not be the Crown Prince.”

Eunuch Zhu said, “What did you say?!”

The grand princess’s hateful eyes wandered around Eunuch Zhu’s surprised and angry face and then fell on Shi Ye’s face. She stared at that flawless face, as if she wanted to see through it.

For so many years, she racked her brains to find a cure for Shi Ye’s disease but she never dreamed that Shi Ye had been faking his illness from beginning to end. Shi Ye’s healing ability was still there but he just lied to all of them.

Back then, she wanted to use Shi Ye as a puppet, so that she could gain more power through Shi Ye. Even her status in the Hua family over the years was obtained by being close to Shi Ye on the surface. But she didn’t expect that Shi Ye not only failed her expectations but also turned against her.

Originally, she could have been more powerful, but the fault lies with Shi Ye ……

It was Shi Ye who ruined her plan!


“Come here!” The Grand Princess could no longer hide the ferocity in her expression, and shouted sharply, “Arrest this man!”


The guards, who were well-armed from head to toe, responded in unison, immediately surrounded Shi Ye and others and drew out their long swords to point at them. The archers not far away also tensed their bowstrings.

For a moment, the atmosphere was tense to the extreme.

The royal relatives who came to the family banquet hid behind the maids and eunuchs, looking at all this with pale faces and nervousness, so frightened that they dared not even take a breath.

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When they saw that the guards obeyed the grand princess without hesitation, they couldn’t help feeling a little doubt in their hearts.

After the emperor fell ill, Concubine Rong, who was not crowned empress but was the head of the harem, took away some of the military power in the name of sharing the Emperor’s worries. But the military power was in Consort Rong’s hands, so how could it be moved at will by the Grand Princess who was married out of the Royal Family?

Or is it that Concubine Rong ……

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Thinking of this, they no longer dare to ponder more about it.

Shi Jin was sitting behind Concubine Rong, watching everything unfold. He didn’t know that these things would turn out like this at the family banquet. When he saw the grand princess appear, he vaguely sensed something was wrong, but he didn’t expect things to develop in this direction.


Aren’t the grand princess and the crown prince good aunts and nephews? Why did the grand princess suddenly turn against the crown prince?

And the bloodbath of the Hua family…

Was it really the crown prince’s fault?

Shi Jin felt that he had walked into a huge fog and he couldn’t tell the difference between north, south, east or west.

It was only when he saw the guards, who had only been under his mother’s orders, obeying the grand princess, that he seemed to understand something and turned his eyes to his mother, who was sitting in front of him on his left.

Shi Jin saw his mother staring at the front blankly, as if she was indifferent to everything, but the indistinct arc of her mouth betrayed her heart.

Shi Jin knew his mother well and he even saw through his mother’s thoughts in an instant.

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Suddenly, there was a buzzing in his head, as if something had cracked open.

When Shi Jin reacted, he had already dragged his mother’s hand to a remote corner of the imperial garden. There was no one here and even the chirping of insects could not be heard in the winter night.

Shi Jin let go of Concubine Rong, put his trembling hands on Concubine Rong’s shoulders, took a deep breath and said in a voice that only the mother and son could hear: “Mother…did you let the imperial aunt in when she …… was here?”

There are rules for family banquets and all princesses who have married out are no longer royalty and basically do not appear at any royal banquets except when they return to the palace to visit their relatives, so she would not be qualified to appear here.

But the fact is that the grand princess not only came, but also turned a good family banquet into a mess.

Facing her son’s disbelieving eyes, Concubine Rong’s indifferent expression finally relaxed. She raised her hand to touch Shi Jin’s face and said softly, “She wanted to come on her own initiative, mother didn’t force her.”

Shi Jin’s mind went blank and he was a little confused: “But you know why she was coming.”

Concubine Rong said: “Mother knew.”


“Since you knew, why did you let her in? Why did you help her? Are you crazy!” Shi Jin’s eyes were almost filled with shock and a guess appeared in his heart. He couldn’t believe it but he had to believe it. , “Mother…”

Concubine Rong put her warm hand on Shi Jin’s cheek and she looked at Shi Jin with firm eyes.

Shi Jin was stunned for a while, then murmured out a sentence: “You want to take advantage of the imperial aunt to deal with the crown prince…”

“Good son, that’s not called taking advantage of. Mother and your imperial aunt are just taking what we need from each need.” Concubine Rong put down her hands, turned her head to look at the deep and dark dense trees and seemed to be looking at something through it. She said calmly, “Your father is dying. This is a good time for us mother and son to seize power. If you miss this moment, do you know what kind of day we will face in the future?”

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“You think too much, the crown prince is not that kind of person…”

“It’s been so many years, but you still can’t see what kind of person he is?” Concubine Rong interrupted Shi Jin.

Shi Jin’s voice stopped abruptly.

Concubine Rong turned her head, the tenderness just now was gone in her eyes. There was a trace of disappointment in her eyes, “Since you were young, you have been suppressed by him and your father will give him whatever he wants. But what happened when you also wanted that thing? Your father would only tell you to give way to him because he was the Crown Prince and he was your brother, so you had to give way to him. Don’t you feel unfair about this?”

This corner is remote and silent and there are no lanterns to illuminate the road, only a ray of moonlight shining from the above, fell on to Concubine Rong’s face.

Shi Jin stared blankly at his mother and he saw that his mother’s face looked particularly ferocious under the moonlight,  the same as the imperial aunt he had seen just now …… No, his mother’s appearance was even more terrifying.

The grand princess was of grief and anger, while his mother’s was from greed and desire.

For the first time, Shi Jin felt that his mother was so strange, so strange that he hardly knew the woman in front of him.

“This son has known since he was a child that he is the crown prince. His status is higher than that of me and his possessions are far superior to mine. So I do not want to fight and will not fight. I have never compared myself with the crown prince.” Shi Jin staggered back and looked at the surprised Concubine Rong slowly shook his head, “This son has always known what kind of person the crown prince is but I suddenly discovered that I don’t know what kind of person mother is.”

Concubine Rong watched Shi Jin get further and further away from her, the surprise on her face gradually turned into anger: “What do you want to do?”

“I am going to stop imperial aunt.” Shi Jin said firmly, “I don’t want to be compared with the crown prince or compete with the crown prince. The throne belongs to him. I had never had the idea of ​​usurping the throne. I hope that Mother can cut off those unrealistic fantasies and stop before it happens, so as not to cause unnecessary tragedies.”


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