
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Hello guys, so from today onwards I will be mass updating the chapters through the entire week!!! And on Sunday October 15th 2023, TTMC will officially complete it’s translation project!!!! So, I will be updating around 12 – 13 chapters on weekdays and around 4 complete chapters on the weekend. I have made a small note on top of each release showing how many chapters I will be releasing for that day so you guys won’t get confused. Also, since I have been dividing each chapter into 2 parts, I will keep continuing to do so. 

Monday Updates –> Chapter 1/13

Chapter 123.2

After that, Shi Jin turned around and was about to walk in the direction he came from.

“Stop!” Concubine Rong’s angry and crying voice suddenly came from behind, “Stop!”

Shi Jin subconsciously paused his steps but he had no intention of turning back, so he apologized in a low voice and continued to move forward.

Unexpectedly, Concubine Rong’s movements were faster than him and before he took a step, she rushed over in one stride.

Concubine Rong grabbed Shi Jin’s arm and forced Shi Jin to turn to face her. Before Shi Jin could react, she raised her hand and slapped Shi Jin on the face.

There was a snap.

It was especially crisp on this silent night.

Shi Jin was shocked, and it took him a long time to turn his head to look at Concubine Rong, a trace of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth—he had accidentally bit the corner of his mouth.


Concubine Rong glared at him, her beautiful eyes were frighteningly red. She was so angry that her body was shaking. She raised her hand and slapped Shi Jin on the face again.

Shi Jin was slapped again. This time he didn’t turn his head again but silently looked at the snow on the road, which was silvery white in the moonlight.

However, Concubine Rong could no longer control her emotions. After the slap, she suddenly covered her face with her hands, lowered her voice and cried out as if she was in pain.

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“Mother only has you as a son and I only have one hope for you but you are so unreliable…” Concubine Rong has always been gentle, polite, generous and decent, and has never cried in front of her son. This is the first time that she cried. Her cry was so sad and despondent, “You don’t want to fight anymore, but have you ever considered your mother’s feelings? Have you thought about what would happen to me if Shi Ye were to take the throne, do you think he would let me go?”

Shi Jin was forced by Concubine Rong every step of the way and his breathing became a little short of breath. He looked at Concubine Rong who was crying and said with difficulty: “Mother, we have no grievances or enmities with him, so naturally he won’t do anything to us. “

“No grievances and no enmity? How could it be that there are no grievances and no enmity!” Concubine Rong raised her tear-stained face, her beautiful eyes were wet with tears. She stared at Shi Jin solemnly for a while before letting out a cold laugh, “Son, you are too naive.”

Shi Jin was stunned: “I don’t understand what mother means…”

“Do you really think he doesn’t have any thoughts about us? You are wrong, you are absolutely wrong!” Concubine Rong wiped away the tears on her face with her sleeves. She no longer concealed the hatred spreading from the bottom of her heart, her voice trembling slightly, “If he is really what you said, how could he poison your father!”


“Wh, what…” Shi Jin was stunned. For a moment, it seemed as if a bell had fallen from the sky and firmly covered him. Many things flashed through his mind but he finally drew to a blank. He clung to Concubine Rong’s arm, “Mother, what did you say? Mother, what did you say just now?!”

Concubine Rong looked coldly at Shi Jin’s gradually crumbling expression, she calmed down and said, “Your father was poisoned by Shi Ye.”

Shi Jin asked in confusion, “Where’s the evidence?”

Concubine Rong showed disappointment: “Son, don’t you even believe what mother said? Mother will not lie to you.”

Shi Jin seemed unable to listen to Concubine Rong’s words, he just said: “This son only looks at the evidence.”

“Okay.” Concubine Rong said coldly, “Since you want evidence, then I will give you evidence.”

After saying this, Concubine Rong called Xiao Shunzi1(NOT Xiao Shuanzi).

As soon as the words left her mouth, she heard a rustling sound coming from the bushes next to her, and a short while later, a small eunuch with his waist bowed came over carefully.

That little eunuch was Xiao Shunzi who was serving Concubine Rong and Shi Jin didn’t know when he came over with a lantern.

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Concubine Rong didn’t even look at Xiao Shunzi, her eyes were always on her son: “Xiao Shunzi, show that letter to Prince Xuan.”


Xiao Shunzi hurriedly said yes, then took out the letter from his chest and handed it to Shi Jin with both hands.

Shi Jin took the letter suspiciously, opened it under the light of the lantern carried by Xiao Shunzi and pulled out the thin letter inside.

There are two rows of familiar characters written on the letter.

Although the relationship between Shi Jin and the emperor was not particularly close, when he was a child, he would often go to the emperor’s study to play around, and after all those times, he became familiar with many things around the emperor – including the handwriting of the eunuch around the emperor.

The handwriting on this letter…

It is clearly the handwriting of the Grand Eunuch He Yu!

After seeing the contents of the letter clearly, Shi Jin suddenly lost strength in his hand and the letter fell off his hand and fell gently onto the snow.

Shi Jin closed his eyes, only feeling the sky spinning in front of his eyes.

When he regained his composure, Xiao Shunzi hastily picked up the letter and put it away. Shi Jin stared anxiously at Xiao Shunzi’s holding the letter and even his voice was wavering: “Crown Prince, he… Is it really not father’s biological child?”

Concubine Rong stepped forward and touched her son’s shoulder comfortingly: “Isn’t it written clearly in the letter?”

At this moment, Shi Jin could no longer deceive himself.

This is a translation hosted on KnoxT, copies found elsewhere are either stolen or plagiarized. Please support the translator by reading it at KnoxT.

He was more familiar with He Yu’s handwriting than anyone else. He Yu clearly wrote in the letter that Shi Ye was not from the emperor. Perhaps the emperor had doubts about Shi Ye’s identity a long time ago, so he ordered He Yu to investigate quietly in private. However, he did not expect that He Yu would tell Concubine Rong about this matter.

Shi Jin suddenly realized what was going on, he turned his head to look at Consort Rong’s, his eyes filled with shock: “You paid off He Yu a long time ago?”

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The tears on Concubine Rong’s face had been dried by the cold wind and she said calmly, “As a mother, I have no choice but to seek the truth.”

Now the bloody truth was laid out in front of Shi Jin


There was darkness in front of Shi Jin, he didn’t know where to go. He could only stand there in a daze but he could still hear Concubine Rong’s voice.

“Shi Ye is not your father’s biological son at all, you are your father’s eldest son! Those things that were taken away by him originally belonged to you, don’t you want to get them back?”

Shi Jin was breathing heavily: “I…”

“He not only killed your father, he also killed so many members of the Hua family, even if you and I can tolerate him, the Hua family and the people of the world will not tolerate him!” Concubine Rong burst into tears again and she squeezed Shi Jin’s clothes tightly. She said, “Son, you have endured for so many years and now that he has killed your father, do you want to endure any longer? Or is it that you could not bear it any longer until your mother also gets killed by him?”

Concubine Rong threw herself into Shi Jin’s arms, crying until she almost fainted from grief.

Shi Jin had difficulty breathing, he seemed to be in a trance, unconsciously hugging Concubine Rong. Everything had taken a turn for the worse so quickly that he was caught off guard and not prepared for it.

All sorts of messy thoughts flashed through his mind, he thought of his father’s attitude towards Shi Ye, Shi Ye’s attitude towards his father and those flamboyant and indifferent words Shi Ye said before.

He used to feel confused all the time, which son would not like his father? What’s more, the father is so kind to his son.

Now, he finally understood——

Maybe it’s because Shi Ye already knew that his father was not his biological father.

Therefore, no matter how kind his father was to him, he will not take his father’s kindness to heart and even treat his father with an inferior attitude. He let his father, the king of a country, be obedient to him and made him a joke in front of so many people…

At this moment, Shi Jin didn’t even think about whether the poison in his father’s body was inflicted by Shi Ye, he slowly tightened his hands holding Concubine Rong, and something seemed to settle in his stiff expression.

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It turned out to be like this…

What mother said was right, Shi Ye took away those things that belonged to him, took away the father’s love he longed for most and also took away his father’s dignity as the king of a country.

Shi Ye!

What a good Shi Ye!

A bastard from nowhere had created a thousand layers of wind and waves in the palace.

“Mother, this son promises you.” Shi Jin closed his eyes in pain, his voice was low and determined, “I will definitely take back everything that belongs to me!”


On the other side, Wen Chi was also in a daze.

The plot has been advanced, half a month earlier. So what about Shi Ye?  Will the same thing happen to Shi Ye?

Wen Chi pushed away the Xiao Shuanzi who came to report the news and hurriedly ran out, but after running a few steps, he realized that he didn’t know where Shi Ye was at all.

Wen Chi became anxious like an ant on a pot, wishing he could put on a pair of wings and fly to Shi Ye’s side and he hurried back to Xiao Shuanzi again.

“Where’s Shi Ye? Where is Shi Ye?!”

“This servant doesn’t know the whereabouts of His Royal Highness.” Xiao Shuanzi was so anxious that sweat broke out on his face in this cold winter. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and stammered, “But His Royal Highness I told me when he left that if it is not necessary, the young master must not take a step out of the Eastern Palace and to wait for His Highness to return.”


1(NOT Xiao Shuanzi)

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