
Translator – Xiao He Lian

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Monday Updates –> Chapter 3/13

Chapter 124.2

A’Gu buried his head in Wen Chi’s arms,whimpering and humming and occasionally raised his head to lick Wen Chi’s chin.

A’Gu’s tongue is very soft and warm. Although it gave Wen Chi a wet and sticky touch, it still gave him reassurance. He lowered his head and slightly rubbed his chin on A’Gu’s head.

About half an hour later, Wen Chi’s eyes suddenly became clear—they actually walked out of the palace.

Without the cover of the tall palace walls, the vast and empty land was shrouded in the darkness of night. Three carriages were parked not far away and several eunuchs were holding lanterns in front of the carriages.

The leading eunuch is Xiao Shuanzi whom he hasn’t seen for a long time.

Seeing Wen Chi has come out of the palace safely, Xiao Shuanzi’s originally tense and apprehensive expression visibly relaxed and he hurriedly trotted over: “Young Master, there’s no time to lose, let’s get on the carriage.”

Wen Chi hugged A’Gu and got into the first carriage.

Although this carriage was not as good as the other carriages that Wen Chi had been in before, it was small but complete, including blankets and food.

After Wen Chi sat down firmly, he put A’Gu down.

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A’Gu who was placed on the ground abruptly was confused for a moment. It seemed a little uncomfortable, turned around and scratched Wen Chi’s trouser legs with his two paws. But seeing that Wen Chi didn’t respond, he arched his head around Wen Chi’s feet.

Wen Chi lowered his head and saw a pair of black bean-like eyes staring at him pitifully and couldn’t help laughing. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to hug A’Gu but that he suddenly felt uncomfortable.

He couldn;t explain the uncomfortable feeling, as if something was stuck in his chest, making it a bit stuffy and swollen. Wen Chi had been having this feeling for some time, but he had been suppressing it.

He thought maybe it was because he didn’t sleep well during this time.

But A’Gu didn’t know this and he still whimpered and dawdled at Wen Chi’s feet.

Wen Chi patted Ah Gu’s head lightly: “Good boy, sit by yourself.”

A’Gu tilted his head to look at Wen Chi for a while and suddenly seemed to understand what Wen Chi meant. He turned around and sniffed around the carriage, his big fluffy tail wagging restlessly behind him.

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Wen Chi saw that A’Gu was no longer pestering him, so he closed his eyes and rested his head. He thought that the stuffy feeling would dissipate as quickly as the previous few times but he didn’t expect that after resting for a while, the feeling not only did not dissipate but intensified.


Wen Chi’s brows furrowed tighter and tighter, his fingers clenching the blanket Ruo Fang put on him.

Soon, Ruo Tao noticed his strangeness and leaned over worriedly: “Young Master?”

Wen Chi opened his eyes and let out a ‘um’.

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Ruo Tao reached out to probe Wen Chi’s forehead, the temperature was normal. She then looked at Wen Chi’s face, “Young Master, is there something wrong with you?”

“I feel uncomfortable.” Wen Chi sighed, “But I don’t know why it’s uncomfortable. Maybe it’s because I haven’t had a good rest these days. I’ll be fine after a short sleep.”

Unfortunately, Ruo Tao doesn’t know medical skills. Seeing that Wen Chi was suffering like this, she had no other choice but to worry. She originally wanted to call Xiao Shuanzi in the carriage behind to take a look but then thought that they were still on their way, so she could only dismiss the idea for the time being.

“Young Master, please bear it for a while.” Ruo Tao placed the blanket for Wen Chi, and comforted him, “When we arrive at the place, I will invite a doctor to come and take a look at you.”

Wen Chi didn’t have the energy to speak, so he nodded slightly.

At this moment, Ruo Fang, who was also anxious, leaned over, holding a cup of warm tea in her hand, with steaming steam surrounding the surface of the cup. Ruo Fang carefully handed it to Wen Chi: “Young Master, drink some tea to moisten your throat.”

Wen Chi didn’t refuse and took a sip of tea with Ruo Fang’s help.


Ruo Fang waited anxiously for a while, seeing that Wen Chi had no intention of drinking water, she withdrew her hand, put the teacup on the small table behind her and immediately brought a plate of snacks.

“Young master, these snacks are all freshly made and they are also your favorites. Would you like to try them?”

Before Ruo Fang’s words fell, Wen Chi smelled a greasy smell. As if the smell seemed to be alive, they scrambled to get into his nose. He desperately suppressed the urge to retch and turned around to look—— He saw Ruo Fang holding a neat round plate with both hands and the plate was filled with fried chicken pieces.

The cooks in the palace almost never fried food but Wen Chi, as a modern person who transmigrated, grew up eating fried food. And sometimes he couldn’t help telling the cooks to follow the method he said.

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Fried food is delicious no matter how it is cooked. Normally, Wen Chi coudn;t help salivating just by smelling the frying smell. But now for some reason, he smelt the same smell, but he felt that overwhelming feeling of nausea rushing up his throat.

When Ruo Fang handed the plate to him, he looked down and saw the greasy food, and for a moment, it seemed as if something exploded in his head.


Wen Chi vomited violently into the plate.

He was really uncomfortable, unprecedentedly uncomfortable, as if even his nerves were paralyzed and the entire sensory world was filled with that extremely disgusting and lingering greasy smell.

Wen Chi covered his mouth with both hands. He quickly turned his head to the side, and the next moment he began to retch again, as if he wanted to vomit everything in his stomach.

Fortunately, he had no appetite these days and he didn’t eat much. So after dry heaving for a long time, he only vomited up some water.

Ruo Fang and Ruo Tao next to him were frightened by his sudden reaction and their faces turned pale.

In the end, it was Ruo Tao who came to her senses first and quickly picked up the blanket and wiped Wen Chi’s hands, making a gesture to catch Wen Chi’s vomit.

“Ruo Fang!” Ruo Tao said anxiously, “Throw away those things!”

Only then did Ruo Fang react and quickly passed a few plates of snacks through the window to the guard outside the carriage. She took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down and stepped forward to stroke Wen Chi’s back.

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Wen Chi retched for a while before finally stopping but the nausea didn’t disappear, and it wrapped around his nerves like strands of silk thread.

Ruo Fang said softly, “Young Master, are you feeling better?”

Wen Chi was stroking A’Gu’s head who had come to him in a daze and when he turned his eyes, he saw that both Ruo Tao and Ruo Fang looked extremely frightened, not even the fear in their eyes hadn’t dissipate. He felt guilty: “I’m sorry for making you worry.”

He scratched his head, with a blank look in his eyes, “I may be really sick, but I have never been in such a situation before.”

Ruo Tao and Ruo Fang seemed to realize something and they looked at each other, each seeing something in the other’s eyes.

Ruo Fang pursed her lips and remained silent but it was still Ruo Tao who said, “Young Master, you are not sick, maybe you are…”

Ruo Tao paused.

Wen Chi looked at her suspiciously: “What is it?”

Ruo Tao felt her hands trembling. She knew she was too excited. She could hardly suppress the surprise overflowing from her chest. It took her a lot of effort to keep herself calm. She said: “Wait till we arrive at the place, I will find a doctor to take a look at you.”


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